Tuesday, September 24, 2019

How To Make A Drip Sand Castle

We love the beach. Being by the water is fabulous. We like to head to Port Aransas now and again to relax. It was my aunt who actually taught my son Tommy how to make a drip castle a few years ago. He's made them every time we've gone back.

I had never made one as a kid, personally, but I think they look awesome.

Basically you dig a hole and get to dripping. You will need a bucket to fill with water so the sand stays wet.

Yes, you'll get dirty, but it's okay, the ocean is nearby to wash off.

You grab wet sand from the hole, and drip. Don't make it too high though, because it will fall over.

Tommy made this one too big and it fell over, but he just keeps going.

It ended up being pretty high again.

People walking past at the beach have marveled at these. Some had never seen them before. Tommy always feels pretty proud when people ask if they can take a photo. This has happened several times when he's done with his creation.

Granted, he also hates when tiny kids come over and knocks everything down when we walk away. But it just means he gets to build all over again when we return. They really don't take a long time to build. It's mostly making sure they don't fall over and knowing when to start the next one.

So have you ever made drip sand castles?


  1. I never heard of this tecnique before. It sure does look like a lot of fun. I'm no expert of sand castle's but I enjoy watching the creative process. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I have never done this but they look great, like stalagmites!

  3. I have never heard about this before and with the final days of Summer, it looks like the perfect thing to do. It is so creative

  4. My favorite place to be is at the beach and I have to say that I've never heard of a drip castle. I will have to show this to the grandkids. They'll love making a drip castle.

  5. I used to LOVE making these when I was a kid! They're so easy and fun to do. Gosh these bring back memories, thank you for sharing!

  6. Oh wow what a fantastic idea. I have never heard of this before but it looks fun!

  7. this is an incredible idea- my kids love to build in the sand but i never thought to do this before!

  8. I love going to the beach! And I can't wait to visit again and try making drip sand castle using this strategy you shared.

  9. I've always wondered how they did these. Can't wait to try it myself with my nieces.

  10. That is soooo cool!!! I used to make drip sand castles as a kid, i still do lol...Great post.

  11. We have made some drip sand castles before, but they were not as impressive as Tommy's.

  12. It is always fun to make drip sand castle! Oh, I miss the time we can go to the beach anytime.

  13. Drip sand castles look really neat. I don't think I have ever made one this way before.

  14. I haven't heard or seen a drip sand castle. I just added to my bucket list of things to do at a beach. I love your son's concentration.

  15. Oooh I love making drip sand castle! It's really a fun activity when you are on the beach. Thanks for sharing this strategy!

  16. I don't think I can ever do something like this. My patience isn't really that long. Your son is super skilled tho.

  17. Oh my gosh! Your son is so good at it. We have yet to make a decent sand castle in our beach outings. haha

  18. Oh that is so neat! I never even ever thought of making a drip sand castle but now I want to head to a beach and make one.

  19. How cool is that! And it looks like such a fun thing to do on the beach. Now you're making me miss the beach back in my hometown. :)


  20. I've never heard of drip sand castles before! This technique looks so easy and the final result is really cool looking!

  21. That is so cool. My husband taught this technique to our kids. It's so fun to do!

  22. That is so cool, I am not good at making sand castles so hopefully I can follow your instructions

  23. We always loved making these as kids!

  24. I used to do this all the time,,my dad taught me how to make them. It's such a sweet memory

  25. I am going to show this tutorial to my kids! They love playing with sand and always build interesting things!

  26. These have such a haunting, gothic look. Next time I go to the beach I'm going to build a drip castle.

  27. I never knew drip castles were a thing! We're close to Port A ourselves, so I'll teach the kids when we go!

  28. I can't say I have ever seen drip sand castles on any of the beaches I've been on before. They look so interesting!

  29. This is seriously so cool! Will have to show my kids this, they're going to want to try to make it!

    cute & little

  30. We never tried making drip sand castle, but this is something I'm sure, my twin granddaughters would enjoy doing. I'll show this to them.

  31. I've never heard of anything like this before but now I want to try to make one!

  32. Honestly, this is the first time I've seen this. It's actually pretty cool! He is amazing and creative!

  33. These are so cool! I have never seen these before, but now I want to make them! I can't wait to get back to the ocean again!

  34. It's my first time to hear about drip sand castles but I think they look awesome!

  35. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  36. These are so cool! My kids love the beach and I want to make it a priority to make more frequent trips this year.

  37. Those castles are so cool and look like fun to make. I have not been to the beach recently but we have got to try these when we do get in the sand.

  38. Oh wow this looks so cool! We will have to give this a try when we're finally allowed back on the beaches for pleasure.

  39. I have never heard of a drip sand castle before, but wow! They do look super cool. I may have to try my hand at it if we're allowed back on the beaches this summer.

  40. I have seen them when I went to the beach but didn't know how to do it. I cannot wait to give it a try!!

  41. I know my kids would love this! This looks like a lot of fun and will try it next time we're at the beach.

  42. You brought me so many nice memories when I was a child. My family loved building castles in the sand while vacationing in Acapulco.

  43. I had never even heard of these but I definitely need to try to make these when I get a chance! They look so cool!

  44. i never knew about drip castles but will have to try with my kids next time!

    cute & little

  45. The very typical sand castle to make when going to the beach. Love the towers!

  46. I grew up actually living on an island in New Jersey. Drippy castles were my first sandcastles!

  47. How fun! Now this makes me want to go to the beach right now and try this. Thanks for the tips! -LYNNDEE

  48. What a fun and wholesome post! When the beaches open up again, this'll be a great activity.

  49. So cool! I have not seen anything like this, we will be testing it out this summer

  50. This is quite impressive! I sure hope the beaches open up in FL where my in laws are so we can re-book our trip that got canceled.

  51. We've never made a drip sand castle! We are definitely doing this nest time we go to the beach!

  52. I love it. Still craft and art.

  53. I’ve never made a sandcastle with this method! I can’t wait to be by the beach so I can try it with my kids.

  54. I've always wondered how these types of castles were made. Now I just need to find a beach!

  55. I used to love making these drip castles at the beach with my dad as a kid! This makes me even more excited to get to the beach!

  56. Oh my gosh! I bet my kids would LOVE to do this!

  57. This is so much fun, I've remembered doing this stuff every summer but not this summer as we all know what's going all around the globe. This is definitely the things I've miss, hope we can again to this stuff and have fun under the sun and the beach.

  58. Beautiful! I remember those times when building those sand castles. I am still doing them!

  59. Drip sand castle was never a thing during my childhood shame!! 😆 Need to go to the beach to bring my childhood back :D


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