Sunday, January 3, 2021

Back To The 1800s With Target

I love Target. And Target has apparently decided that some women enjoy dressing like they're about to guest star on Little House On The Prairie because they've released some interesting dresses. They're from the Universal Thread line and come in variety of colors. Natalie decided on the blue one. 

I told Natalie to get to work on the yard, because boy is it ugly.

"What exactly am I supposed to do?"

I answered, "Beats me, let's pretend we're in the 1800s, pretend you're Caroline Ingalls. She had to take care of the crops when Charles was detained and she passed out in the fields. Don't you pass out in the fields."

"This isn't even a field, it's an ugly backyard."

I asked her to pose with the shovel, and reminded her that she couldn't look happy, because everyone looked annoyed AF in photos from the 1800s.

Natalie took a break from "plowing" and decided to decorate a stick, which is her only friend in the 1800s.

Also, we found a bonnet and added that to the ensemble. You might be surprised to know that the dress DOES NOT come with a bonnet.

Here she is with her pet stick. She might name him Frank.

She decided to break 1800s protocol and add a smile. It's because it was discovered the cut on her leg wasn't life threatening. Back then, a cut could mean, you know, death. Phew. She's okay. Praise be and under his eye. (This look also reminded me of The Handmaid's Tale, only it's not red and white, obviously.)

Wow wow, Natalie. You cannot show your knees in the 1800s. It's improper.  Even showing an ankle is iffy. My gosh. The SCANDAL of it all. You'll have the women clutching their pearls. Knee caps could corrupt the boys, dear gracious.

I told her she had to go back to plowing the fields. 

"When you're done with that, Natalie, you'll have to prepare supper and sew. Then you need to attend a gathering in hopes of finding a husband from a good standing family."

"The 1800s is boring and I feel sorry for women back them. I guess I'll entertain myself with these bricks."

We returned to the current time and she was happy to have her electronics again. I have dared her to wear the dress to Middle School, and she has reminded me that she'll be with many of these kids throughout High School, and she'd like to date at some point, and wearing this could severely hurt her chances. However, if in theatre class they ever do an Oregon Trail play, she's set for a costume. 

Would you wear this dress? 


  1. I must say I can't believe you bought one of these just to take pictures!

    1. Haha yes, well, Natalie is in theatre so perhaps down the line she'll need a prairie dress.

  2. With this 1800s dress,you and Natalie did a great job.The photo story is really interesting and she is really good with her different poses. :)

  3. I do not think my daughter would wear a dress like that but it has its merits. I still love Target and they have so much at very reasonable prices.

  4. How fun and very retro! It's not for me only because I'm short, and it wouldn't suit me

  5. I sell on Poshmark and this was all over my group feeds the other day! Though I would never wear it, I love how you rock it!

  6. I would like to meet the person who would like wearing this dress. It so reminds me of Little House for sure

  7. I had not seen these until you posted it on your facebook. Looks like your daughter had fun modeling for you!

  8. This is so fun! I love this dress...especially with the crocs and I could see my teenage daughter having fun with this look too. We always watched Little House On The Prairie growing up and I love that Target is carrying this style. I'm always looking for long dresses with sleeves in the winter and they're hard to find...problem solved!

  9. Too funny! I saw a smile in one of those pics.

  10. I would have to see how this dress looks on me. It looks super comfortable though. It’s not a total pass for me.

  11. I saw those dresses on someone's Insta Stories. I love the photoshoot you did!

  12. hahaha what a fun shoot. Yeah, sometimes we forget how life is so easy compared to what our forefathers had. It's nice to remind the kids of the conveniences they have now.

  13. Haha the photos are awesome,I love how Natalie get along with your ideas. ��

  14. I have to say you're really creative. Love all the pics x

  15. Haven't seen such dresses in years! Natalie looks lovely and definitely she has moved back in time for a while. :)

  16. Haha, what a funny story. I think the dress has potential to be wore at school, with a nice wide belt and a cool jacket on top.

  17. Wow!! I cannot believe that these dresses are being sold in this century. I might wear one I just have to figure out how to make it look current. Lol!!

  18. That dress is something i see myself wearing as well. love the color and the flow.

  19. This is too funny! I have been seeing nonstop memes of these dresses. I guess some people can pull off the look but I know I certainly cannot!

  20. Your daughter could be a good model or actress. :) And no, I'm not going to wear that dress. LOL. -LYNNDEE

  21. I love this! She can come and sort out my back garden any time!

  22. I love how Natalie posts and give a poker face to the situation haha. I'm loving the vintage dress she's wearing. Specially vintage is the new trend fashion.

  23. I Love this! She did an amazing job too. She looks great. What a great idea too.

  24. The dress has potential. I think with the right accessories it could be that nice blend of historic and modernly accessable.

  25. Been seeing such dresses in my instagram feeds, not sure yet if it will fit to me but I am loving the designs. With your daughter, it fits to her very well and I love the idea of having her headband/cap/head dress. It added up some color.

  26. This post made me chuckle:)). Perhaps, just perhaps with the right accessories the dress could be worn outside the yard.

  27. Oh my gosh, this is hilarious!! LOL, and trust me, you never know when a Pioneer dress might come in handy...

  28. It's so awesome to go back in time even only by wearing a dress! She looks great!

  29. It's a cute dress but you're right, it looks like Little House on the Prairie.

  30. Haha! This was so much fun to read 😂! She actually can pull that dress off!

  31. what a fun photoshoot! And your daughter would look beautiful in a potato sack!

  32. Ha! what a great way to teach the younger generation about what is was like in the 1800's and how far women have come thus far. (we can show our knees nowadays ; ) )

  33. I really love her dress, it's so cute! I really love your blog! It's fun and amazing!

  34. I love shopping at Target. There are so many different things you can find! Thanks for sharing these cute pics.

  35. not a fan of this- your daughter is a trooper for modeling. Maybe use this as a Halloween costume? Very American Gothic

  36. This is a riot! I agree that sometimes Target has some questionable clothing choices recently. Great photo shoot.

  37. What a great post, and what a great, willing model! I know this is totally "in" now, but I just cannot get with it! ;)

  38. Ahh I will skip the dress and the 1800's, she does looks so cute though !!

  39. I love the dress. Plenty of us want comfortable modest dresses.

  40. Great photo shoot. I bought two of these but often I go to steampunk or Victorian events so these remind me of Gunne Sax at a fraction of the price. Outside of steampunk, I tend to modernize it by opening the buttons with a tank under, skinny belt, calf boots and beret. Like French prairie. I normally do not buy much at Target but recently it’s been a lot of stuff that can be made steampunk, Lolita or Wild West.

  41. I absolutely loved this trip back to the 1800s with Target! The attention to detail and nostalgic atmosphere really transported me to another time period, and it was fascinating to see how things have evolved over time. Thank you for sharing such an intriguing piece of history with us. Can't wait to read more on your blog!
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  42. "Target's latest collection is like a delightful time capsule! Stepping into their stores feels like a journey back to the 1800s, with charming vintage-inspired pieces that blend history with modern style. From rustic home decor to timeless fashion, it's the perfect way to add a touch of nostalgic elegance to everyday life. Kudos to Target for bringing the past to life in such a stylish and accessible way!"

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