Sunday, January 31, 2021

Things My Daughter Is Doing Instead Of Virtual Learning

Virtual learning. It's not the easiest for my daughter, who tends to get distracted easily. I have to check on her to make sure she's doing her schoolwork and paying attention in zoom classes. Sometimes I find her doing other things, like the following:

Twirling around the yard:

Being a ghost: 

Riding (and falling off) her hoverboard:

Dressing like a rat:

Twirling with her bear:

Playing Minecraft:


She's one of those kids who do better being in the actual school. It helps keep her on task. I absolutely adore her imagination though. But sometimes she needs to focus. Especially in math. 

Do your kids do well with virtual learning? And if you don't have kids, do you think you'd do okay with it if you were still in school? 


  1. My 8th grader depends on the day! lol Most days I have to pry her out of bed to do her schoolwork. Then she takes many "breaks". I would have loved virtual school!


  2. In the last picture I thought the pillow was your daughter! My kids do pretty well with virtual learning though I'm sure they're playing computer games at the same time...

  3. I can imagine it's boring to spend your entire day in front of a computer, pretending you are in school. Children must miss their colleagues. But it's necessary, to finally defeat this virus.

  4. The 4-year-old in our family misses the days of in-person school. Her preschool tried virtual learning for a while but it didn't work.

  5. Sorry, my last comment went through without being finished. What I meant to say is that it's lovely you allow her to have fun and enjoy herself during this time while also doing some school work.

  6. My kids occasionally get distracted from virtual learning, but I try to remember this pandemic has been hard on them too. They deserve to let loose and have fun!

  7. She looks so happy and joyful, I love to see it

  8. Sounds like my boys. They get bored with online school and I find them playing video games.

  9. This post is hilarious! I am so thankful my kids are in full time school (well not today its a snow day) but the virtual learning we had last spring was terrible. My daughter was like yours = doing everything she could to avoid learning.

  10. Virtual learning is it my sons thing, but he pushes through.

  11. Remote learning is definitely a challenge. Staying busy in general is hard lately. I can relate to this!

  12. Remote learning must be tough! My daughter is a high school teacher and she much prefers in class teaching.

  13. Where is that rat costume from?? My daughter needs that! She has 2 pet rats and would be obsessed with that costume!

  14. Haha she's so cute. She's always down for something fun.

  15. My daughter is doing virtual learning and although she doesn't enjoy it, she's pretty good at staying on task. She cannot wait to get back into real school.

  16. Virtual learning is hard, but so glad your daughter is having fun and enjoying being a kid!

  17. I am fine with virtual learning and always have been (I know because I had to skip actual for half a year in my senior school due to back trauma). But my niece is just like your daughter. she needs to feel her classmates to stay competitive and on task. when she is a home everything distracts her. to tell the truth she has never been good with regular homework, virtual school is my sister's horror

  18. Too funny! My son is a gamer and he multi tasks while virtual learning. He plays while listening to the teacher. LOL. -LYNNDEE

  19. Loving that rat costume. So much fun! Indeed, it must be challenging for kids not being able to go to school. A mix of fun and homework should do the trick :) Cheers

  20. My granddaughter is having the same issues. She also has a hard time paying attention. She needs the structure of the school day as well. I hope that this doesn't put them perpetually behind.

  21. She is actually enjoying herself and I am sure she misses her school and misses her friends.

  22. This post is amazing! your kids always looks like they have the best time ever!

  23. My daughters have been doing virtual this whole school year and they will continue to finish it off doing virtual. We decided this would be the best for this school year. They're doing well with it though. There are always distractions, but they do well.

  24. I have 4 kids. 3 that would do virtual learning if we had to. 2 of them would be okay with it. However my oldest daughter is just like yours!

  25. My son would not have done well if they didn't have an in school option. I am thankful we got the choice to put him back in school.

  26. We have been playing game boards, going for bike rides and trying to find shows to watch together as a family, staying away from video games as much as we can

  27. Oh yes! I know what are you talking about! It's a little bit hard to concentrate for my daugters too.

  28. WOW!!! She looks so happy and seems to be enjoying a lot and isn't that the best part!

  29. She looks happy that is what important. My kids didn't studied anything with online so they are inperson now.

  30. She looks so happy and seems to be enjoying her time away from learning. Teacher need more pay!


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