Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Things I Resolve NOT To Do

Every year I decide to make a list of resolutions of things I am NOT going to do. I find they are much easier than regular resolutions, which I never bother to make. If you'd like to make a list of things you resolve not to do as well, please, join me. 

I am raising my glass of sparkling grape juice to a fabulous 2023.

I resolve to NOT....stop getting McDonald's every week. People are like, ew, what a bad choice and I'm like, dude, I saw who you've been dating, don't lecture me on bad choices. 

I resolve to NOT....stop thinking the royal family needs be more supportive. I feel for Harry & Meghan and can completely understand why they left. I do hope things can be worked out in time. 

I resolve to NOT....stop loving Disney. I'm one of those Disney Adults you hear about. You know, the ones that apparently offend parents because "Disney is for kids." So they get all pissy if you don't let their child cut in front of you to watch the fireworks. I got there early for a reason. Don't blame me for your poor planning skills. You all need to stay back there and not try to wedge in front of me. It's not happening. 

I resolve to NOT...stop watching reality TV. It's addictive and I love it. Is it probably made up most of the time? Yes. But it entertains me. 

I resolve to NOT....avoid Target. I probably should since I end up spending more than I mean to when I go. But I love it. And, you know, with my Target card at least I'm saving 5%. 

I resolve to NOT....become a minimalist. Look, I know it's the thing to look like you have nothing in your home, but it's not for me. I like my things. Do I probably have too many things? Yes. Do I get weirdly attached to my things so it's difficult for me to get rid of them? Also yes. But I am who I am. Hi. 

I hope everyone has a fantastic New Years Eve. I'll most likely be in my jammies watching some of the aforementioned reality TV. The Real Housewives of Miami has episodes on Peacock and holy crap, the one husband cheated on his wife and is kicking her out and is WITH THAT OTHER WOMAN now. 

Happy New Year!


  1. I won't stop loving Disney too. Wish I could go!

  2. I'm not really a fan of reality TV, but LOVE Disney. I won't stop loving Disney either.

  3. I think this is a fun idea for New Years! I will never top loving Disney either!

  4. Oh my, these are awesome things and some hilarious too that need to resolve of not to do! Totally love them all!

  5. Happy New Year! Our New Year goal is to surprise the kids with their first trip to Disney for Christmas!

  6. My family special my kids would always love Disney. Everyone love Disney and so are we!

  7. Happy New Year! I think a Not to do list is an awesome idea!

  8. I think the point is to do things that make you happy! And yes, lol, other people and their bad choices like to pass judgement, right?

  9. Resolutions about what NOT to do… now there’s an idea! Very creative and brilliant! I like it! I was needing a new post idea for this week and I think I just found it! Thank you so much for sharing this!

    -Whitney Stewart

  10. I love this! I need to do the same thing. Sounds like it would be a lot easier to make a list this way.

  11. This is a great idea! I need to do the same, but I have found that I just do me no matter what works in the coming year! Doing things that make you happy is far more important, love this!

  12. I really like this take on New Year's resolutions, I think I may steal this, lol!

  13. I never got the whole Target thing until.... Christmas this year. I signed up for a credit card there on a whim and the circle deals and credits add up so fast. Shopping for things I'd get anyway but saving by using the Red Card. I love Target now. :)

  14. I'm with you in regards to watching reality TV. I have my favorites to watch and I'm not going to stop. -LYNNDEE

  15. I love this idea. Resolutions aren't for me. I'd rather keep eating out once or twice a week. It keeps me sane when I am in too much pain to cook. We have to eat.

  16. You're hilarious. I can totally relate to these! I love your attitude about not being a minimalist. You're right I like my things! I'm attached to my things! So what?

  17. I love these resolutions and probably laughed a little too hard at the "I've seen who you have been dating" Get your mickey Ds girl and enjoy!

  18. Not getting fast food is so tough especially when you could everyday and want a little treat at some point during the week. Also I could never let go of Disney either!

  19. I think you just gotta do what you love to do! I'm a disney fan myself!

  20. "Things I Resolve Not to Do" is a humorous and insightful journey through self-improvement, reminding us with wit and wisdom about the pitfalls we aim to avoid.||divorce lawyers in nassau county new york||How much does a Divorce cost New York This engaging collection, "Things I Resolve Not to Do," serves as a lighthearted guide, offering a reflective and entertaining exploration of the resolutions we make to navigate life's complexities with a dash of humor.

  21. I actually love this! I should do this as well. I never make New Years Resolutions either. I just don't see a point. Don't wait til a new year to start something. Just do it now. I love that you are doing a list of what you are not going to stop doing. Such a great idea!

  22. This is the most refreshing New Year’s post I’ve read! I love the idea of making resolutions about what not to do—it feels so freeing!

  23. These are some nice resolutions to start the new year with. I totally agree on the not going to Target so often resolution, I go far too often.

  24. love this list! and of course, Target is a go-to destination for all of us.. so why stop?!

  25. I like that you are resolving to be yourself! Definitely a good way to start off the year.

  26. Not getting McDonalds and not loving Disney is so hard because me and the kids love them so much!


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