Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Different Kinds Of Life Insurance

This is a sponsored post with Responsival and all opinions are my own

Since my husband is retiring from the military, I have been doing research on life insurance. I realized there were many different kinds of life insurance--we opted to go with the one that they offer for veterans, but if you're wondering about life insurance, here's the different ones I discovered. 

Term Life Insurance Without A Medical Exam: most life insurance policies do require a medical exam. But there are life insurance plans without a medical exam available. You just have to do your research but companies like Fabric will allow you to submit detailed history about your health, as well as financial and life info and they can figure out a plan based on that. You might be asked for a letter from your doctor, but at least you won't have to sit through an entire medical exam. Some people do not like this since you generally have to get blood taken and other uncomfortable tests. Term life insurance is usually less expensive than permanent life insurance plans since it's only meant for a specific period of time.

Whole Life Insurance: this seems to be the most popular one as it will pay you the full amount no matter how long you've had the plan. Just make sure you always pay your bill if you have whole life insurance. If you stop paying, your family won't get the money should you pass away with whole life insurance.  This plan is generally the more expensive one. 

Universal Life Insurance: this one is also for your entire life but you can increase or decrease death benefits or you can lower your premium costs. Forbes has a great article on how Universal Life Insurance works. 

Final Expense Life Insurance: don't have the extra cash for pay for other pricier plans? Generally a Final Expense Life Insurance is more affordable as it's used for funeral expenses or any outstanding debt a person might have. There's usually no age requirement and if you aren't the healthiest, you can still quality. If you're between 50 and 85, it's a popular plan to look into. 

There are more plans out there that I haven't gone over. But if you're in need of life insurance, many companies will help. Fabric, USAA, Progressive, AFLAC are some off the top of my head. 

Do you have life insurance? 


  1. Life insurance can be tricky but so glad that was one of the perks when my husband retired as a firefighter. Its not much, but it will help when that time comes.

  2. My husband died at 51. His life insurance allowed me to finish raising our kids in our home without having to worry about money. I’m not sure how we would have made it without that. I have always had term insurance.

  3. There are so many choices. Bc I have Rheumatoid arthritis it’s hard to get insurance. I have accidental coverage at the moment.

  4. Thank you for sharing this informative article about different kinds of life insurance. It's always helpful to have a better understanding of the options available when it comes to such an important decision.

  5. We have universal life insurance. I actually wasn't aware there were other options.

  6. This is so important to have and I so not think my in-laws have any type of life insurance but I know my mom has everything covered. It is important to do as you don't want to foot anyone with a bill in the event anything happens to you plus you want to be able to leave a little something too. Thank you for this!

  7. Thank you for explaining these. It can be confusing to someone who has no experience with life insurance.

  8. We need to get life insurance and have been looking into a few. I haven't heard of Fabric yet though.

  9. I didn't know that there's many kind of life insurance! By reading this article, I've learn a lot and clear the misconception among this insurance!

  10. I don't have a life insurance. Maybe it's time to think about or at least to start to inform myself!

  11. I have life insurance through my job. It might be time to get some for my family as well.

  12. The fact that there are many kinds of life insurance that you can choose from is really amazing!

  13. There is so many different types of life insurance. Unfortunately, I accidentally let my policy lapse due to not updating my cc info. They wouldn’t let me reinstate it. So right now I have an accidental policy. Better than nothing I suppose.

  14. Nice post. Thank you to provide us this useful information.


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