Sunday, January 12, 2020

The Quest For The Gucci Belt

So, on my daughter's Christmas list she had a Gucci belt listed, and I was like:

I admit, I didn't know much about Gucci belts, because I rarely care about name brands, unless it's Target. But my daughter? Well, she's different. I blame the social media influencers she follows. Many of them have name brand items. 

Anyway, I looked up Gucci belts, and look:

This belt is $650. Who would pay $650 for ONE BELT? I mean, okay, CELEBRITIES or those Real Housewives of *insert city here* because $650 is probably like $5 to them, but regular people? 

Natalie was all, "Oh, I don't want the one that $650, just the one that's $350," all magnanimously as if THAT MADE MUCH DIFFERENCE.

This is the one she wants:

But $350. For ONE belt?! I began to think of all the things I could purchase for $350.

Two months worth of groceries (I have a teenage son who eats a TON so groceries are pricey)
Like 400 books (I love to read)
The electric bill in the summer when the kids won't turn off their crap
A vehicle payment
A new light fixture for the front room 
A cameo from Bethenny Frankel (She charges like $299!!)

It just isn't practical to spend $350 (plus TAX!) on a belt. I mean, okay, if we won the lottery, maybe, but even then I'd feel silly. I told this to Natalie.

"You don't understand because you don't get fashion. Your favorite outfit is sweats and a hoodie."

Well. I mean. YES. But still. 

I told it wasn't happening. 

She said, "Yeah, I figured, but I put it on my list. Just in case." Maybe she was hoping we'd discover a long lost uncle was wealthy over the holidays, I don't know. 

Anyway, when I went Christmas shopping for her, I found a belt that sort of resembled the Gucci belt. Only this one was $5.99 on sale.  I can do $5.99. Natalie opened it on Christmas and said she liked it. 

She said she even went to school and people were like, "Is that a Gucci belt?" 

And now she doesn't want a Gucci belt! 

I'm kidding.

Her birthday is coming in March and guess what's on THAT list? The Gucci belt.

"I only want the one for $350," she said again.

I guess it's okay to dream. I mean, I always dreamed Jonathan Taylor Thomas would come to my high school and carry me off to Hollywood with him. 

So I guess the Gucci belt is Natalie's Jonathan Taylor Thomas. Awesome. 


  1. These are the kind of fixations that are a momentary whim. As soon as they have what they want, no matter how expensive it is, it suddenly loses all its charm ... I also went through this adolescent phase and my parents never bought me any of these expensive tantrums. What girl am I today? Surely one who has not missed anything! xD

  2. Wow. I'm glad my kids only ask for super expensive technology and not super expensive fashion items!

  3. This is the funniest damn thing I've read in a long time and totally 100% relatable as I have literally done the exact same thing! I LOVE reading your stuff, girl!

  4. wow this is such a good thing to know- i know a few friends that thought they were getting the real thing and it was a dupe- great tips friend!

  5. That's so funny. I remember when my kids were teens and they wanted stuff like that. Like the $300 makes all the difference.

  6. I am sorry that is just too much for a belt. I admit it does look good but my daughter will not be getting one ye.t

  7. This sounds like my teen and shoes. He wants the expensive ones because an athlete wears them but we compromise and he gets the $100 ones on sale for 70

  8. This was me as a teen! At least, sort of. But it faded, haha. Cute belt though! Not sure it's worth the $350!

  9. NO way. No how. Not a chance. I just spent £80 on a new device that I needed, but was reluctant to spend because, you know, adulting. That being said, when I was a kid my sister was always the one with Holster and Jack Willis on her list. I settled for Primark and still do. As long as it looks good, who cares?

  10. Nope! Nope! Nope!!! When you can buy a $350 Belt by all means go for it, but I'm not paying for it! This was hilarious, but I remember having crazy request around Christmas time.

  11. Reminded me of myself when I was that age. The only difference is that I did not voice out my dream items to my parents because I know they'd only say no.

  12. I have always thought that kids/teenagers money sense is hilarious. I literally lol'ed at "I only wanted the $350 one". ONLY $350...too funny. The one you got is cute and comparable!

  13. $350 for a belt is pretty darn expensive! I'm glad you didn't cave and bought her the $5.99 belt. Many kids have no concept of money!

  14. Aw come on mom you never let me have anything...says every teenage girl known to man! Oh the memories I have of these conversations!

  15. At least it isn't the silver paperclip or silver tape measure from Tiffany. I'm not sure if that helps or not though lol.

  16. So funny, I remember when my oldest son wanted a Gucci belt. He never got one of course, I just couldn't imagine buying one.

  17. Its crazy isn't it, I got 4 Kids and the eldest is starting to like designer bits. Shocking how much it costs.....

  18. OMG.. luckily she didn't believe that Santa would bring it, because that would have been rough!
    I like one you got instead! And about her birthday.. I'm sure you'll get creative.

  19. My kids didn't usually ask for stuff like Gucci, although my 8 year old was looking for random Gucci stuff at the mall during Christmas, lol. When they do ask for stuff that is outrageous I just tell them they need to buy the luxury stuff, I will buy them the practical stuff. Usually they decide they would rather have the more practical stuff.

  20. I was like that as a teen too. Nowdays there are "knockoffs" of designer brands so it's easier. P.S.-I STILL don't have a Chanel purse!

  21. Whaaaaattttt!? Dude when I was a kid I wanted a belt from Alloy or whatever those stupid magazines were. A $350 belt? Oh hell no!

  22. I remember when my mom complained when I wanted jeans that cost around $60 to a $100. My parents weren’t wealthy but they weren’t poor either. I remember after high school when I started buying my own clothes. Would I pay that much for a pair, nope. Now $30 to $40 is pushing it for me. I always look for clearance first. That’s how I roll. Thankfully, my kids have never complained about the stuff I purchased for them.

  23. I could not imagine spending that much on a belt! No lie though, I have been wanting a Louis Vuitton Never full bag so I'm really not one to talk about wanting expensive things.

  24. I'm sure my daughter will come up with something outrageous when she gets older. She's off to a great start when she asked for a $100 box of LOL dolls. I gave her a hard no on that one.

  25. I really couldn't imagine my kids trying to go all name brand on me. There's like no way that cuold happen ever. It's great to dream, for sure ;)

  26. This is definitely true! I can hardly imagine spending so much for a belt. I'm glad my kids did not ask for that.

  27. I am glad that your girl liked the belt you bought for her. It's looking good too.

  28. That is so crazy to spend so much on a belt. It doesn't even have any intricate pattern or design. Maybe you can find a knockoff on Ebay?

  29. I'll buy that $650 Gucci belt once I win the lottery. LOL. But just continue dreaming. You never know. Dreams do come true. :)


  30. Haha I remember wanting stuff when I was a teen but it was probably something a lot cheaper! It's definitely a social media thing.

  31. Yikes! Name brand clothes can be so expensive. Glad you were able to find something she liked!

  32. My daughters watch a lot of YouTube videos and they see people getting name brand items like this too. However, my daughters actually don't like the look of Gucci and are with me on this as to why anyone would want to spend that much on something. I'm glad you found one she likes for cheaper though.

  33. I remember these days with my daughter. It was very difficult for others to have big brand names.

  34. This is so hilarious! Maybe she can do a job during the summer and save up to purchase the Gucci belt herself. Thankfully my daughter prefers to buy from stores that are not fast fashion or thrift stores. She's a tree hugger.

  35. This is such a cute blog pos! And the JTT Gif at the end! Omg! Where did JTT end up? Love that you were able to find her a cute belt that is affordable!

  36. I want that belt too but as you said it`s a bit pricey. I remember i saw it on sale in one designer story for 200 euros but still it was pricey for me. Hopefully your girl with think of something more affordable for her bday! Good luck!

  37. Oh my Inevr knew they cost that must. My niece has one her Father got her. And now all I am thinking is all the things she could of gotten instead. Hopefully, noone steals it!

  38. Oh, I just looked they do have some on poshmark for only $195

  39. Mama Maggie's KitchenJanuary 14, 2020 at 5:05 PM

    Wow! That's really big. I am thinking of the many things one could buy using that money. I'm so glad my son never asked for expensive things.

  40. I'm huge on fashion but I'm also huge on saving money and I totally agree with you on this. Maybe someday when it's her own money, she'll understand the value of it all. Haha.

  41. It never ceases to amaze me when a teenager says but it's only however much money. I remember when I used to say that LOL Looking Back Now I know how my parents must have felt

  42. I love this post, made me laugh 😆. Those belt are incredibly costly. I really don’t understand why people pay so much? Is it really worth it!

  43. Every so often my boys come up with something insanely expensive that they want (usually shoes) and I am flabbergasted. Of course their favorite YouTube-r or whatever celebrity wears them so they want it too.

  44. The Gucci belt is what dreams are made of. I have been coveting one of these for years!

  45. Haha I can totally relate, although growing up I wanted the expensive jeans. But not near for $300, for a belt. But I am sure maybe her friends have it or talk about wanting one. High school is a tough time.

  46. LOL. Yeah, there's no way that would happen. That being said, I admire her commitment to what she wants.

  47. Our kids and their expensive taste. Wherever do they get it from? My youngest son is into fashion but I have to tell him that his tastes exceed my wallet

  48. We have one daughter and she is an only child. I am so glad she likes to shop in thrift stores

  49. I never splurge for clothes, mostly because I thin is crazy and I live in leggings so I don't even need a belt hahahah but hey a girl can dream. When I was her age I wanted to splurge on makeup (obviously) but to do it I had to save my pocket money to buy it (it never was 350$ though) but after I saved those 50€ (I used to get 10€)I usually didn't want the expensive thing anymore and if I did, I knew I'd used it

  50. Clothing can be so expensive, especially the designer brands. I love to find them either in overstock stores, on sale/clearance or similar brands to these designer ones!

  51. I used to want really expensive clothing when I was younger, but then I discovered upscale thrift stores. I can get more for less.

  52. I totally understand her wanting the belt because it's a trend. However, as a parent, I understand as well. So much could be done with that money.

  53. "You don't get fashion." Love it (sorry)! It's gotta be hard to 1) be a kid at this time, and 2) be a parent at this time! My little 2nd-grade-niece is already talking, "So-and-so has one! I want one, too." Do you have any resale shops in your area? Try that?

  54. I am a bit sad for the price of that stuff that she wanted to buy but I became happy that she likes that one you gave to her and it's pretty!

  55. Wow! That’s an expensive belt! But such a funny story! That’s for sharing!

  56. LOL it's her JTT. I have 2 girls and I wonder the sorts of things they will be into in 10 years when they're teens.

  57. I have never been much into fashion so I don't get it. My daughter likes some pricey things but she loves to thrift so it's balance I guess. Fashion has just never been my thing.

  58. I can relate the JTT...I wanted the same thing!! So much for a belt....that will probably only be worn a couple of times, and it's just a name. I can't even bring myself to pay that much for something useful like a lawn mower....

  59. lol the story is hilarious!!! Gucci belts it is I guess lol So expensive though...

  60. OMG people are WAY too obsessed with this Gucci belt. Hilarious adventure. Personally, I'd go for the LV belt. ;)

  61. Expensive only for its name but we can also find something with the same quality

  62. I love that you compromised, still found a way to get her something similar, and she liked it! Because I'm with you, that is one EXPENSIVE belt!

  63. Gucci belts are expensive and if your daughter wants it badly, maybe you can ask her to save for it!

  64. This blog post is a fascinating read, offering an engaging narrative and helpful tips on finding the perfect Gucci belt. The author's passion for fashion and their journey to acquire the iconic accessory is truly inspiring. I appreciate the detailed research and personal anecdotes that make this post both informative and entertaining. Kudos to the author for sharing their experience and expertise!
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