Terrible in fact.
I cannot drink soda.
I haven't had it in weeks.
I'm going insane.
Must. Have. Caffeine.
Or at least the bubbly goodness.
I'll take a caffeine free Sprite!
Want to know why I can't have it?
Because it makes my daughter throw up.
Yes, I found the culprit.
I marked all the food and drinks that I consumed and it turned out to be the soda.
And I only have one can per day!
Well, at least I used to.
Of course she still sometimes will throw up an entire meal at least once per day. But at least it's not multiple times. I think sometimes she throws it up because she eats too much and doesn't know when to stop.
I can't help it. I do.
Water can get so boring. I switch it up with juice occasionally but I don't want to overdo it because I am trying to lose this pregnancy weight.
But water. Ugh.
After the seventh glass of the day I'm all, "I'd kill for a Dr. Pepper."
It doesn't help that Tom goes around drinking Wild Cherry Pepsi.
I love Wild Cherry Pepsi.
I sometimes sneak a sip and then relish in the cherry goodness of it.
We went to Sonic yesterday.
I love their cherry Coke. Because they actually use a cherry shot in their coke which makes it delicious.
I always get cherry Coke at Sonic.
Not anymore.
We haven't been since Natalie has been born and I was crushed when I had to order Hi-C Fruit Punch.
(I also ordered a Watermelon slushie to make up for the fact that I didn't get a soda.)
Tom happily slurped down his cherry Coke.
I wanted to sock him.
Then he went, "I love their cherry Coke."
He wasn't being mean.
Just stating a fact.
I had a sip of his cherry Coke and wanted more.
But instead I angrily slurped down my Hi-C.
I'm hoping when she's older I can have soda again. I was going to try it when she was four months to see what happens.
She is worth it..
I mean who wants to be the one responsible for making her get sick on herself?
(And me. It's not pleasant to have a spit up shower.)
By the way, she laughed for the first time yesterday.
"Put 'em up, put 'em up.."
And one of Tommy. I did take him in for a haircut so he allows pictures now.
He loves that costume. He wants to wear it all the time. In fact he's wearing it now. It's ripping though. And I have no idea how to sew. Maybe I can mail it to my Mom, she knows how to sew. Or Tom's Mom.
Am I the only mother who doesn't know how to sew?
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