Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Natalie...She's Just Like Us!

So I sometimes read the US Weekly magazine and there is a section where there will be photos of celebrities doing mundane things with a caption that reads: "Stars! They're just like US...they EAT!" This always amuses me so I decided to do my own take on it..the toddler version...

Natalie! She's just like US...she gets cranky men who would never in a million years wear a witch hat to put one on!

Natalie! She's just like US....she enjoys doing the splits in the living room.

Natalie! She's just like US...she enjoys jumping off the couch.

Natalie! She's just like US...she loves getting dirty. Sand in the crotch be damned!

Natalie! She's just like US...she falls asleep on the floor even though she has a perfectly good bed.

Natalie! She's just like US....she likes matching with her Mom!

Natalie! She's just like US....she loves the UPS man and is thrilled when he drops her off a package.

Natalie! She's just like US....she enjoys dressing herself and snacking on a good bowl of snow.

Natalie! She's just like US....she cries when she realizes that she's run out of chocolate.


  1. I think that section of US Weekly is they're not human or something!! Very cute post!!

  2. Like you, I just adore Natalie. She is awesome.

  3. K I've said it before, she is so cute!

  4. Too cute! You're making my biological clock tick . . . I dunno how I feel about that . . . LOL!

  5. She is just like US! Adorable pictures! My two like sleeping on the floor too. Haven't figured out that one. The matching outfits is cute! Do you have a Hanna Andersson addiction too?

  6. your daughter is just too too too darling! I love the "jumping on the couch" pic - great action shot!! i may have to do a post on my daughter...oh wait, i always do. HAHAHAHA

  7. That's awesome. It's like she's a real live person! hAHA

  8. I love that section of Us. LOL Anyone who loves jumping off the couch is ok by me. :D

  9. She's a DOLL! Wish I could do the splits (without breaking my legs in 3 places). =)

  10. Very cute.

    Although, she is definitely more flexible than any of us above the age of 10.

  11. So So adorable! And just how does she know the UPS packages are for her? :) When I first saw that package my first memory was of you throwing it behind a pine tree that one time!!

  12. i always laugh at the us weekly...they come up with the most random stuff! natalie looks adorable!! i love the captions!

  13. She really IS just like US! (Love the jumping off the couch pic!)

  14. I agree with Tammy Howard. That picture is so good. Oh, and the one of Tom in the witches hat...priceless.

  15. As always Natalie steals the show. I love the sand picture.

  16. That is too funny! My favorite part of that mag is in the back - the Fashion Police. God only knows what they were thinking. Maybe they let a 2 year old pick out their clothes! haha!

  17. Nice matching outfits you have there. Cute pictures, especially like the crying when out of chocolate. I can relate to that!

  18. You guys cry when you run out of chocolate too?

    I'm like everyone else!

  19. How cute.. love the last one. A woman already.

    I have an award for you on my blog

  20. Natalie, she's just like us... except for the fact that she is unbelievably beautiful. Yikes, she is blindingly cute.
    Great post!

  21. She is exactly like me! And the pic of you together is gorgeous!

  22. As soon as I saw the title of this post, I was all "YES!" because that is my favorite part of US Magazine! Swear to heaven, yesterday at work, I was walking around doing this. "They're just like us! They recycle their waste paper!" "They're just like us! They have unfortunate hair days!"

    Alas, none of my examples had an adorable little girl to emphasis them.

  23. Oh, but she's not like US at all! She's absolutely gorgeous -- not as gorgeous as her mom, but damn close.

  24. It's almost like she knows that package is from Gymboree :) CUTE!!!

  25. and she is freaking DARLING


  26. Hi from SITS

    these are great photos...she's adorable!!!

  27. So I need to catch up with my US Weekly stuff, but this was hilarious - sand in her crotch be damned ;)

  28. I love that section of US! Too cute! Especially the picture of the bemused Witch-Dad! Your daughter is adorable.

  29. SO CUTE! Love all of it - the sand in the crotch was freakin hilarious though! HA! :o)

  30. Too cute:) Enjoying the blog

    Shoutout from SITS!!!

  31. So cute! I love the picture of the two of you...pretty mommy and baby girl!

  32. Yeah...

    That last pic. That is ME!

  33. Oh yeah i can relate to the last one. For sure! I love this post - its so adorable and so is your little madam..

  34. Should read, she's just like some of us, cuz not all of us are that cute.

  35. She's an absolute doll and who doesn't love eating least it's not the yellow kind!

  36. Your daughter is just like you - a big beautiful smile...

  37. Good lord. That's the first time I've ever seen a picture of you. What're you - like - 17? Crap. What with your pretty teeth and gorgeous hair and size 3 (uh, 5 I mean) ass...good grief. I'm breaking up with you for being better than me.


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