Monday, May 31, 2010

The Car Was Stuck

It never fails.

As soon as I sit down, someone needs something.

This was the case yesterday. I had just finished with the dishes and laundry and was trying to sneak in a chapter of my book. I grabbed the book. Opened the book. Was about to read the book and....



That was Natalie, shouting for help in Spanish. We don’t speak Spanish but Diego from the television does.

I shut my book and put it away.

“What is it Natalie?”

Her shouting was coming from upstairs.


Natalie rushed downstairs and that’s when I saw it.

A car, stuck in her hair.


Natalie tugged on the car and it didn’t budge.


What if I had to cut all her hair off? I didn’t want to cut her hair off. I like her hair!


“I know, I know!”

Why did she stick a car on her head? Sometimes I don’t understand her thought process. Like how can she find Yo Gabba Gabba entertaining? What part of her brain thinks, “Hey, the dancing dildo is prime entertainment?”

Even though Natalie was asking for help, she didn’t seem to be afraid.

Eventually I was able to loop the car off. Phew, no haircut.

I sat down and tried to read my book again.

“Hica-hica-hica,” went the cat and five seconds later he proceeded to cough up a hairball.

And so I shut my book. Again.


  1. My boys have gotten cars stuck in their hair too. It makes for some crazy tangles.

  2. Um.. how in the? Oh well, I'm glad you didn't have to cut her hair. My son got gum in his hair the other day and it didn't fare as well.

  3. That's so cute that she called for you in Spanish.

  4. LOL- I'm glad you didn't miss the photo op! You'll have to pull this baby back out during her sweet sixteenth birthday party. (or maybe that's just my parents...)

  5. I give you major bonus points for even trying to read. The bathrooms a good place to hide for a while lol. And the car in the hair is classic.

  6. Great pictures! She looks like she's having a blast! That's hilarious.

  7. This is funny. Yo Gabba Gabba is just wrong.

  8. LMAO @ the dancing dildo...seriously, Gabba Gabba is bizarre!

    Glad you were able to get it out of her hair without cutting her beautiful locks!

  9. Hee hee did you grab the camera once you heard the crying or after you saw her smiling? Too cute!

  10. So, a dancing dildo is not prime entertainment? Huh.

  11. She got the car stuck in her hair because it was running over her head. Makes perfect sense. Who doesn't use their head as a road?

    I love that Natalie is bilingual. Sort of. And that "help" is always in Spanish. Let's face it "ayuda me" sounds much more frantic then "help".


  12. A mothers work is never done. I hate when the cats hairballs interrupt my book time.

  13. I'm glad you speak enough spanish to know what Natalie wanted.

    She keeps practicing with cars, Maybe someday, she' be able to drag a port-a-potty behind her.

  14. I'm glad that you took the great photo op. "Oh, you have a car stuck in your hair? Let me go get the camera!" My child, the drama queen would have been FREAKING OUT!

  15. Personally, when my dildo starts to dance, it is NOT a photo op! LOL!

    Natalie should NOT be driving cars on her head! That's just adding fuel to the fire that girls are bad drivers!

    Glad you didn't have to cut her hair!

  16. Possible Haircut: Not Funny... “AH-U-DA-MAY! AH-U-DA-MAY!” is cracking me up!!! She's too cute!!

  17. My kids need something All. Day. Long. It's going to be a looooong summer.

  18. I agree, ayuda me is much more likely to get attention than help...
    it kinda sounds like those vintage car horns!

  19. Awesome pics. I always look forward to your blog.

  20. Well, I guess it's good she wasn't crying or scared of the car.

    At her age, I would've pitched a raging fit.

    Screw it. At my age, I would pitch a raging fit.

  21. As soon as I read the Ah-U-Da-May I could hear the little Diego voice shouting and knew what it was! Then, I see the picture and I notice it is one of the big size Kings and I think, where did she get that one?! My son would love it! :)

  22. That's good times! Those pics are so cute, and doesn't look like she minds at all ;0)

  23. i frickin' hate that stupid show (diego--thankfully, my son has never been exposed to the dancing dildo). cutting her hair would have been catastrophic! so glad it didn't go down like that.

  24. That was funny! The things kids get up to. And she looks so dead pleased about having a vehicle as a hairdo!

  25. I'm glad you didn't have to cut the Nat's hair. If you had, I would have suspected the cat of chomping it down before he threw up! My cat got some big 8 legged critter in his mouth and I had to shake him upside down to get him to release his friend. As it scurried away, he hissed at me. Aw Carumba!

  26. cars and hair...two things that don't go together!

  27. Believe it or not, I have had the same thing happen to me. I love the way she called to you in Spanish. Also, O love that Mommy took pictures. Now is it my imagination or did Mommy brush the other side of her hair so it looked good in the pic?

    Books keep. Little girls don't.

  28. If it hadn't come out readily, you could have always put Lighning McQueen on the other side to make a bold fashion statement.

  29. ha ha ha! Poor Nat!

    I'm glad you didn't have to cut her hair either! I like it too much!

  30. So glad that you didn't have to cut her hair!

  31. Her face in the second picture is priceless.

    Also, hairballs make me want to puke. I don't know why I have a cat.

  32. Hi! Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog. I just spent a good bit of time catching up on yours and I laughed the entire time. I look forward to reading more.

    - Abigail

  33. Gotta love that Natalie-- she's priceless.

  34. HA!! I love that (like me) you took pics. She obviously looks stressed out by it. Now? When I take these pics (like of my son stuck in a railing?) they are never smiling like this cutie!

  35. Oh, I hate this.

    My kids always stick those stupid tops in their heads.

    Why are they like that???

  36. You should get yourself a reading room (or at least a reading corner) and make clear that, as long as you are there, no one is allowed to interrupt unless the kitchen is on fire.

    (I am positive that, if my brother-in-law understood the concept, your kids should grasp it, too. (He's nice, but not too bright.) (For the records, I am still trying to teach the BF not to interrupt me when the door to my working/meditating room is closed. Two days back he handed me the phone while I was in prayer. I didn't kill him. I might put a curse on him. *g*)

  37. Sadly, I knew that was Diego and I never thought about the dancing dildo, but now that you mention it I can never watch Yo Gabba Gabba the same way again!

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's for Dinner

  38. I just don't bother sitting down anymore. There's no point! :) Glad you didn't have to cut her hair!

  39. Oh geez, I remember getting a car like that stuck in my hair when I was young (actually my brother put it there. lol) Glad you didn't have to cut her hair!

  40. I remember something similar happening to me - a fire engine was the culprit rather than a car. Forced to cut it out, my cousin (said owner of the toy) got into such trouble.

  41. My 9 year old got his head stuck behind the entertainment center this weekend. I thought we were through that phase.

  42. look at the bright side of this story. It could have been the cat with the car stuck and he would not have been to keen on sitting still while you do it, and it could have been Natalie coughing up things on your floor. See, don't you feel better now?

  43. Natalie has such beautiful hair, I'm so glad you didn't have to cut it all off! She still is flashing her pearly little teeth even if she wasn't happy with getting the car stuck in her hair. Kids can be so silly! HA! :o)

  44. Oh my. That is nice that she let you take pictures. Hope she won't need to much therapy. LOL

  45. I love that's how she yelled for help, and I REALLY love how she smiled for the pictures -- my girls would have been shrieking!!

  46. Hey, Im sure there are lots of grown women who think that dancing dildos are great entertainment! LOL


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