Hey, It's Okay....
To not understand how women can name their son’s girl names. Like I went to high school with a guy named Courtney. And I’ve come across another guy named Shannon. Did these women just really want daughters or what? (And yes, I realize that Shannon started off as a boy name but still...)
To not have known something called a pre-dating agreement existed. Apparently dating couples are putting together a contract stating who gets what if there is a break up. I’d stake claim to the DVD sets. Those things ain’t cheap.
To think Rielle Hunter is really icky.
To have been saying for years that people should hang up their phones and drive and be a little bitter that as soon as Oprah says it, people start to listen.
To wonder about the sanity of the chick on the forum I write at who tried to justify being the other woman. (Rielle Hunter fan I guess?)
To occasionally have a jar of frosting for breakfast.
To think that the guy who played opposite Jennifer Lopez in The Back Up Plan was really needy. (Several times I wanted to shout, “Oh, grow a pair and hush.”)
To wonder about Jim Carrey’s health after reading some of his Tweets. (He’s on a ‘boing’ kick. I’d describe it to you but I’m really not quite sure what the poor guy keeps going on about.)
To once have stuck your husband’s dirty socks outside with a sign because you had ENOUGH of finding them around the house:
Hilarious - I had no idea when you said you aired dirty laundry that you meant it literally!
ReplyDeleteI think I may have to this with the hubs laundry - did it teach yours anything?
ReplyDeleteI agree with you on some names crossing genders. RIley? Bailey? Peyton? Jamie? Boy or girl? However, a lot of female names originated as male names, including Courtney, Kelsey, and Ashley. Unfortunately, once they become a popular girls' name, there's no going back! :-)
ReplyDeleteFun idea and I love your list, especially the photo w/ the dirty socks. Gives real meaning to your blog title!
LOL. You're a laugh! I love the one about the girls names. Have you ever wondered about girls being given boys names? Does that bother you?
ReplyDeleteDon’t miss out on my contest!
I am so with you on the girl names. Leslie, Shannon, etc. It totally throws me off.
ReplyDeleteYour sign is a great idea. I might have taken it an extra step and actually buried them, though. Although that probably wouldn't accomplish much, either.
ReplyDeleteNot you didn't put his socks outside!!!!
ReplyDeleteYou rock!
How about parents that name their kids normal names, but with God-awful spellings? Ashleeigh? Maddysin? Mckkinzee?
ReplyDeleteOr, even worse, parents who name their kids something they think is cutesy with their last names. I've known of a Maury Christmas and a Starr Fish. Tragic.
The socks one is great!
ReplyDeleteI need your opinion here:
and yes, it's you who introduced me to the term "cougar".
I went to school with a boy Shannon. Somehow it never crossed anyone's mind that it was a girl's name.
ReplyDeleteI still think it's stupid.
You are a brilliant woman! I'm boing to bury hubbys socks and place a nice respectful cross on grave site.
ReplyDeletePoor Jim Carey! I hope he's ok.
I'd add: It's OK to be on a celebritie's Tweet list (like Jim Carey) just because you need to know . . .
ReplyDeleteThat is too great about the socks! I'm glad I found your blog...its been a great read!
ReplyDeleteDoes sexual equality mean unisexual names?
ReplyDeletePre-dating agreements? WTF? Used to mean dating meant "going out together for the evening" not "shacking up".
Totally, on the names! And what's with the "unique" spelling of names? Did the parent not know how to spell Charity when their daughter was born so it ended up Chairidy (serious! A student at my school spells her name that way!)
ReplyDeletePre-dating agreement seems a little much. But I'd agree, I'd take the DVDs too :o)
Love finding out where your blog title came from (hahaha!)
ReplyDeleteAnd I'm with #1 on your list..amen.
Oh my gosh! The socks in the yard has me cracking up! Except, I think the roles in my house would be reversed, because it's me that leaves the socks everywhere.
ReplyDeleteThe socks in the yard is something I think I will try with my 13 year old's underwear. I find it EVERYWHERE!
ReplyDeleteLol! Love what you did with your husband's socks. Awesome!
ReplyDeleteI agree about the girls names for a boy. My girls both have boy nicknames, but their names are girl names. Well, I guess technically, my youngest was originally a boy name, but it's now a popular girl name. Have these people never heard the song "A boy named Sue". Do they want their kids to get beat up?!
ReplyDeleteLOVE the socks in the yard bit! I don't have this problem, luckily. I love the lengths you go to to try to break him of it!
I don't 'get' "other women". If he's willing to cheat WITH you, then what makes them think he wouldn't be willing to cheat ON you? I just don't understand...
Pre-dating agreement?! That seems like a lot of work for a relationship that my only last a few weeks. Is this like a 'fill out this form before we can go on our first date' kind of thing, or is it more of a 'fill this out before we move in together' kind of thing? Makes me wish (almost) that I had gone to law school. I could make bank!
My husband used to leave his shoes everywhere. I finally (literally) held his hand and walked him over to his shoes (in the middle of the floor) and asked him in my best daycare voice, "is this where shoes go? what happens when we leave shoes in the middle of the floor? where should we put our shoes when we take them off? do you need help remembering?" He was really mad, but he doesn't leave his shoes around anymore.
ReplyDeleteHopefully, Tom will get the message about his socks...lazy!
I unfollowed Jim Carrey on Twitter because he was on my last effing nerve. That sock thing . . . Classic! :) I wish we were neighbors! We would wreak havoc on the neighborhood.
ReplyDeleteOh no you dinnt! Hahahaha- love the dirty socks!
ReplyDeleteHahaha...love the dirty sock sign!
ReplyDeleteI don't think it's "ok" to think Rielle Hunter is icky... I think it's mandatory...
ReplyDeleteOh, that last one is definitely OK by me! lol.
ReplyDeletePS- You've got a little suttin suttin waiting for you on my blog;)
Oh yes, about the names... I had someone come through my line at Target with a child's birthday cake. It was racecars and it said, "Happy Birthday Morgan." I said I was such a tomboy when I was little and had a ninja turtle cake, and I love seeing other little girls who are tomboys. Yeah, it was for their SON named Morgan. Awkward...
ReplyDeleteAnd I agree that it's mandatory to hate Rielle.
Although, there is one exception where it's ok to be the other woman... if she doesn't KNOW she is the other woman. Because men are liars, and she truly may not know he is taken. This happened to me before. It was only a kiss, but two seconds later he mentioned his "girlfriend" and I totally flipped out.
yessss.. that whole jim carey boing thing is almost making me wanna unfollow him on tweeter...
ReplyDeleteyes.. rielle.. she sooo grosses me out!
YOU are too much! I love love love you! Its official! :)
Hahaha - they boy keeps leaving trash on the kitchen counter even though the trash can is RIGHT. THERE. I started saying, "You know what we should get? A trash can for the kitchen." That didn't work, so I started saying, "Is there a special reason you're keeping that pop-tarts wrapper you left on the counter?" That's not working, either, so the trash is going on his side of the bed.
ReplyDeleteLol to the frosting!
ReplyDeleteI am totally with you on the frosting thing.
ReplyDeleteYou're okay Tuesdays are my faves. I would have to add my kids underwear and leggos to that pile on the lawn. Priceless.
ReplyDeleteLove the random.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the whole cell phone issue. I can't tell you how many times I've nearly been sideswiped by some idiot on a phone.
And since when did Oprah's word become law? Yuck.
Rielle Hunter is a skank. John Edwards is a bigger skank.
Frosting for breakfast? Ok. Could be worse...
And Jim Carrey...I think he has some mental issues.
About the name thing, I don't have a problem with the girl/boy name thing...I'd rather them have a name I recognize and can spell. What's with all the white people giving their kids whack names these days? I'm sorry, but Shaneiqua for a 12 year old white girl is about stupid (seriously, I saw that a couple days ago).
Better than Inspektor Pilot, though, I guess. Sheesh.
I love this and since imitation is the most sincere form of flattery I probably will "copy" you. And I think Rielle Hunter is gross!
ReplyDeleteI had frosting for breakfast...TODAY. Really gets you going good, what's not so good is the 11 am sugar crash. Ouch! Nice to see I'm not the only one who grabs a spoon.
ReplyDeleteOkay, now in Britain frosting usually means thick white icing you get on the top of cakes. Surely you don't mean this?
ReplyDeleteIt does no good, Amber. It simply does no good. They just don't see the socks no matter where they throw them. I used to feel homocidal over this years ago. Now I just put a little rat poison in his pancake mix.
ReplyDeleteWow you have guts. I love the socks on the lawn. Cleaver.
ReplyDeleteI also agree with the name thing. In Jr. High I knew a guy named Shirley and my brother had a roommate named Tracy. Just generally speaking, I wish parents would think a little bit before naming their children. Like Apple for example.
Love the socks! LMAO
ReplyDeleteUm, I don't know who Rielle Hunter is. Off to google....
Oh, her. I just didn't know her name.
ReplyDeleteMy oldest added an -ie to the end of his name when he was three and refused to answer unless we called him that. So, I have a boy Jackie. Not by my choosing. We thought he would grow out of it, but it's been 2 years and he gives the nastiest looks if you call him Jack.
I always come here when I need a lift and my day and guess what? you always deliver :)
ReplyDeleteI think rielle hunter is sooooo icky that oprah interview made my stomache roll.
and hello what is better than frosting for breatfast!!
I'm laughing so hard tears are rolling down my cheeks!
ReplyDeleteLOL!!! I love this post! I so agree with you about women naming boys girls name & vise versa too!!! :)
ReplyDeleteI think Jim Carrey is loony tunes, myself. Always have. I read something about him not taking his meds. I'm not making fun of people who need to be medicated, but he needs to stay in CONTROL.
ReplyDeleteEating a jar of frosting for breakfast - hmmm, is that on the low-carb or low-fat diet? LOL!
If I thought like you, I'd be burying my husband's underwear in campgrounds all across the United States!
Uh oh, you've got my number today. Usually on Tuesdays I'm all "yup, yup, sing it sister, yup, you said it..." but today I'm kind of sheepish because my daughter has a boy's nickname for a name, I would definitely be the one with piles of clothing in the yard if you lived with me, and I don't know what Jim Carrey's saying because I don't tweet/toot/twit, but I've been kinda soft on him ever since he hooked up with J. McCarthy and started showing up with her son up on his shoulders. And frosting for breakfast would only work for me if it were brown. Don't hate me.
ReplyDeletethat picture is PRICELESS
ReplyDeleteI SO Have to remember to do this next week! I love it!
ReplyDeleteOne word: NUTELLA. It's like frosting for all intents and purposes but it's actually MARKETED as a breakfast product. None of the guilt, all of the sugar. :) Any and all cheaters are gross, if you're in politics it is grosser.
ReplyDeleteI'm a new follower! Love these posts!
ReplyDeleteI dont get the whole naming thing either. But then my hair stylist named her daughter Charlie and when she had another girl was going to name her Parker...both of which sound like boy names!
ReplyDeleteAiring your dirty laundry indeed!
ReplyDeleteIce cream for breakfast is better.
James and Jesse...Double no-no, huh? LOL
I love your list! And Rielle Hunter *is* really icky. She makes my skin crawl.
ReplyDeleteI think I need to steal your sign! Genius!
AWESOME grave. Did it work?
ReplyDeleteDirty socks! What is with men and leaving their dirty, stinky socks all over the house. I went on strike once and just let them pile up in the living room, beside the bed and then the house just started to reek!
ReplyDeleteI love the idea of putting them outside w/ a sign for all to see. I'm also tempted to just throw them out...
What a great idea. Especially the dirty socks thing. With me it would be boxes and boxes of wires and cords and cables because my geeky husband thinks he'll need one of them someday.
ReplyDeleteAwesome list!
ReplyDeleteOh! I am sooo sick of his stupid Boing boing tweets! What the freakin hell is he talking about?! I actually tweeted back to him once asking if he was watching Dora cause they were singing boing boing. Of course he didnt answer me. Ass.