I hear this from Natalie on a daily basis. (And her father, but that's a whole 'nother story...)
She wants to dress herself.
She wants to brush her own hair.
She wants to pour her own cereal.
Oh, but will she pee in the potty? No. No, she won’t. Will she tell me when she’s peed or taken a crap in her diaper? Yes. Yes, she will.
The other day we were getting ready to go out. I had Natalie’s outfit and she immediately took it from me and threw it.
“I not wear this,” she said. She stuck her hands on her hips.
Look, I’m glad she wants to be independent. But sometimes I just want to go. I don’t want to argue.
“Please just get dressed,” I told Natalie firmly.
She grabbed her clothes and ran off into another room. I assumed she was pulling on her clothes.
But then she came out like this:
“Um. Are you a Chippendale Dancer today?” I asked.
She laughed. “I pretty!”
“Well. Maybe in Las Vegas. But darling. You can’t go out in that.”
“Yes, I can!”
Oh geez. After going back and forth for ten minutes, Natalie finally relented and changed into something decent.
She did keep the hat though.
ReplyDeleteNatalie is my kind of kid! I love hats. You have been tagged by me. check out my blog today. If you wish to do the question thingy, it would be cool to hear hear your answers. i know from reading your blog and seeing the number of people who follow you, you may not have time, but I hope you do.
Best regards to you.,
Ruby P.S. my youngest grandson is also in the Air Force but he is stationed in North Dakota at Minot.
Love it :) My Claire is just now getting to the point that she refuses to wear what I've laid out for her. She's mostly into shoes....she wants to wear hot pink ballet flats with EVERYTHING. Sometimes she even sleeps in them.
ReplyDeletemaybe with the cute hat and smile no one would notice she wasn't wearing a shirt???? :OP
ReplyDeletebut just look at that cheesy grin! doggone cute! sometimes giving them a choice helps. if you feel she needs to wear what you choose then choose two and let her pick which one she wants to wear. when Ethan and Maia were smaller I would dress them in the morning and before I knew it their clothes were lost behind the house or in the basement or the bathroom. Ethan still has trouble keeping his clothes on all day!
ReplyDeletebut just look at that cheesy grin! doggone cute! sometimes giving them a choice helps. if you feel she needs to wear what you choose then choose two and let her pick which one she wants to wear. when Ethan and Maia were smaller I would dress them in the morning and before I knew it their clothes were lost behind the house or in the basement or the bathroom. Ethan still has trouble keeping his clothes on all day!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteLMAO, my first thought was a chippendale dancer too! Hilariously adorable!
ReplyDeleteahahhahhaha oh how cute! Yeah...the shirtless thing remains pretty popular until they have to start wearing bras...then they are either too mortified by the bandaid around their chests or they are really proud and show that off too!
ReplyDeleteShe is just adorable! Gotta love it when they dress themselves. As long as my kid is weather-appropriate I let her wear what she wants and she has come up with some very creative outfits. :)
ReplyDeleteI went to high school with a boy named Cary.
A hat before a shirt! Love it! I have often thought about this myself.
ReplyDeleteYour Natalie is adorable.
ReplyDeleteOne of my reasons for moving to Vegas was the hope that women would dress like that around the town. Unfortunatley they don't. I keep looking.
ReplyDeleteSo no, sorry, not a Vegas look at all. Except in the clubs, then yes, they do dress like that. But also make lots of money.
E is it the dress herself phase, which right now is mostly pink.
haha, sounds like my house. I'm 'that mom' the one who after fighting for 20 minutes just lets her child go to the store in her Disney Princess dress because hey, at least she's not naked. Occasionally there's a crown involved. But not often.
ReplyDeleteNatalie will get the potty training thing. My daughter was three and a half last summer when she just got up one day and DECIDED she was potty trained. And it was done. Of course I was ticked because I'd spent over a YEAR trying to train her.
she does look like a chippendale or a alzheimers driving miss daisy
ReplyDeleteLove that smile...
Hey, that's not so bad. It's what pasties are for!
ReplyDeleteYou always make me laugh so hard with every post!! I love the outfit she picked out, haha! she is adorable!
ReplyDeletethe little pink necklace is what really set me off though!
ReplyDeleteLOL, my 3.5yr old always wants to pick out her own clothes. As long as it's not inappropriate (ie a summer dress in the dead of winter) I really don't care what color combos she creates :) Most of the time it works (mainly cause she is 3 and it's almost expected to have mismatched clothes at that age)
ReplyDeleteMy daughter fought potty training too until she was one month shy of three and just decided it was time to use it. She never looked back so hopefully Natalie has that "ah ha" moment soon :)
Priceless! Definately Slide show material for her wedding, lol
I think all kids go through that Chippendale phrase. I remember my daughter refusing to wear a shirt all summer when she was 2. I literally had to hold her shirt down on her when we went out, or else it ended up off and on the floor. (Hugs)Indigo
ReplyDeleteso cute! :) love this!
ReplyDeleteWhat a hoot! My daughter saw that picture and immediately said "Oh is she a princess?" Needless to say, I have a similar challenge every day. Maybe they're just really "fashion forward." =) New to your blog!
ReplyDeleteLOL! My girl is like this too, she also refuses to understand that she needs a shirt while the boys don't. Instead she'll peel hers off right along side them, problem is she'll try this ANYWHERE not just at home.
ReplyDeleteAwww, come on, Mom! Who needs a shirt out in public? You meanie!
ReplyDeleteI think she needs to change her name to Candy or Cinnamon.
ReplyDeleteLMAO! LoL Just when I start having one of those "my biological clock is ticking" moments, I come over and read this and thank the heavens I don't have kids yet. You are so much more patient than I will ever be!
ReplyDeleteNatalie has a lovely sense of style!
ReplyDeleteAww, mom! Boys do that all the time!! :) Way to stick to your guns!
ReplyDeleteI know this battle, trust me. I know it well.
ReplyDeleteshe seriously is an adorable mini chippendale dancer. as long as going shirtless stops at around age 8, she's good. haha
ReplyDeleteand it was the kentucky derby this past weekend, so the hat is a MUST.
That hate is the perfect accessory :-)
ReplyDeleteThe chippendale dancer was the first thing I thought of with the thing around her neck! So funny!
ReplyDeleteYep, still no potty traing luck here either but mine can discipline her younger brother, tell her big Sis it's time to get up for school, get her own snack, play the Nintendo DS...and on and on...but hell NO she's not putting her princess ass on no potty!
ReplyDeleteGood luck with that!!
And by the way, your little girl is gorgeous!!
See, as perfect as Natalie looks, I'd take her out that way. Not many females can carry it off, but this girl can! I love the diaper band. She may be making a fashion statement, Amber! Maybe it's not a potty issue at all.
ReplyDeleteI just love these moment with kids that are not my own. Because in the moment with your own kid you get stressed right? That is why blogging is good for Motherhood. It makes you stop and take a picture.
ReplyDeleteBlogging should be mandatory for mothers.
Who needs a shirt when you have all those accessories!
ReplyDeleteWho needs a shirt when you have a hat and a purse?
ReplyDeleteOh, such a slice of heaven on earth.
ReplyDeleteLucky lucky mama you...
Haha that's awesome! My daughter does the same thing. The other day she wore a pink camo shirt, a pastel tutu, a green grass skirt and blue Ariel shoes. I'm posting a photo blog today with pictures.
ReplyDeletePersonally, I love Natalie's character & personality. She reminds me of my son. Have you tried telling her she can only do "big girl" things she wants to do when she learns to go on the potty like a big girl?? The only way I got my son trained was to tell him he couldn't ride the bus to preschool until he was potty trained. I kid you not, he was trained in one day. Smart kids like Natalie need special motivation. Hang in there.
she was right though, she was pretty.
ReplyDeleteThat's going to be a hard one to manage when she's 21 and still wants to do this.
ReplyDeleteMy immediate thought when I saw the picture was, "She looks like a Chippendale." LOL Great minds think alike.
ReplyDeleteThis is great! It's so nice to hear someone else deals with this and it's not just me. But I've given up. My daughter dresses herself and I can' battle that one every morning. Other Mom's come up to me and say "you're so brave to let her dress like that". Ummm, what does that mean? Ouch.
ReplyDeleteSo slap a shirt on her and let her go! I love the hat!
I was totally hoping for a Lost Blog today. It wiped me out last night :(
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh that is hillarious! She does look chippendale dancer! LOL
ReplyDeleteYou were smart, mama. You gotta nip that in the bud while ya can! ;)
ReplyDeleteThis was funny. At least everything matched pretty good except she forgot some of the outfit. Good luck.
ReplyDeleteApparently my first full phrase was, "Sawa do it."
ReplyDeleteI had trouble with my Rs.
Anyway, I was a rather obstinate pain in the ass until the age of 5, but I like to think I turned into a pleasant person.
Plus, Natalie is leaps and bounds ahead of the rest of us in her fashion choices.
LMAO! When my little brother was that age he wore full-out cowboy garb everywhere he went: boots, spurs, chaps, hat, pistols, AND holsters. I was always completely mortified.
ReplyDeleteThat is DEFINITELY a photo to blackmail her with when she is a teenager! I can just hear her now. "Oh, Mother!"
ReplyDeletePRECIOUS!!! Just look at that face!
ReplyDeleteThanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a lovely comment ;)
ReplyDeleteHave a great week !
She's a little pistol, isn't she? Her cuteness makes up for it though.
ReplyDeleteIt's her "Summer look." Breezy, but that hat still provides sun protection....
ReplyDeleteThe smile kills me. And yes, she pretty. When my kid was that age, I swear, I put her to bed fully clothed because I could not take the battle in the morning. So she didn't wear jeans for like a year, just stretchy pants. Look, I pick my battles. Now we lay out clothes the night before, but she has to pick -- down to the panties. She has to pick... everything. All day long. Fatiguing to say the least.
ReplyDeleteOh that smile! I love the smile!
ReplyDeletePotty training was the one parenting thing that I thought was going to break me. Good luck with that!
She's gorgeous and happy. What more could you ask for? Oh, besides a bracelet for the right wrist as well.
ReplyDeleteSo she's a lady, what do you want from her??????? Bwah-hah-hah! I love your kids!
ReplyDeleteI had one of those! Now she is 22 and moving out in a few weeks. Sniff, sniff! Her attitude lasted 20 years. Yes 20 years of battle over everything. I'm exhausted but it was fun! Its a good thing that they r so cute....
ReplyDeleteShe's an awesome kid! Glad you caught that moment on film!!
ReplyDeleteThat's adorable -- my granddaughter is only one year old, but I can just imagine her at Natalie's age. As grandma, I'll be able to laugh and indulge her in all ways. That's a great hat, by the way.
ReplyDeleteGlad I found your blog (got here via Ruby's Blabbin' Grammy).
She's gorgeous! ♥ and such a character.
ReplyDeleteShe is so funny and so cute! I can just hear her little voice saying these things to you - I don't know HOW you keep from laughing at her constantly with all of her antics that she pulls! SO CUTE! P.S. There is an award waiting for you today over at my blog. :o)
ReplyDeleteMy youngest daughter did something similar once and I said, "Do you know your boobies are showing?" ... she had the most startled look on her face ... she clearly hadn't thought about it LOL
ReplyDeleteIt somehow prompted my son to go to my drawer and bring her one of my bras ... sadly, I was laughing so hard I totally forgot to break out the camera.
I think we should both be glad we don't have 2 just like that :))
LOL!!! Oh wow....you are SO going to be in for it when she really hits her stride as a teenager!! Better stock up on valium now...
ReplyDeleteAt least the little has a top on..(hat)...heeehehehe! Oh baby, your gonna have your hands full with this one! It's just a hoot that she accessorized Vegas style. She is a doll, sweetie.
ReplyDeleteYa'll have a fantastic day filled with blessings and clothed children.
You're daughter is precious - and I wouldn't want to wear clothing that'd distract from that gorgeous hat either!
ReplyDelete(And yes, it does cause uncomfortable moments at work - but all fashion has a price.)
Lol! Love it.
ReplyDeleteMy son is 5 and still lets me dress him; my daughter is 3 and she has also been picking out her own outfits for a while now... what is it with girls.
SO cute! Better break her of this before she hits her teens ;)
ReplyDeleteShe is SO cute! And the battling is exhausting. good luck!
ReplyDeleteShe is so funny! Can you just imagine what shes gonna be like as a teen?