Monday, December 20, 2010

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your diary. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either.


To be amused that Larry King has a kid who is 55 and another one who is 10. And to sort of wonder who would hit that, when he looks a little bit like a prune.

To really like the movie As Good As It Gets. Everytime I watch it, I always debate getting a dog like the one in the film. Then I remember that tiny dogs can be very annoying and change my mind.

To have enjoyed the movie How Do You Know? even though Owen Wilson's nose is distracting.

To be thrilled that I don't have to cook dinner every night since I'm visiting my parents. And on Christmas, we're having prime rib. This is exciting, seeing as I can't afford prime rib. Nor do I really know how to cook it.

To have weird things pop into my head at times. Like today, Natalie wouldn't listen so I was taking deep breaths, because I'm working on not yelling so much. And as I was composing myself, the song Shall We Dance? from The King and I came into my mind and I was all, "Shall we dance, one, two, three and...."

To hope Natalie listens when we go to the zoo today and not try to join the bears in their pen.

To still be annoyed that I had to pay full price when registering the truck. Usually we get a military discount (normally we pay $30, that time I had to fork around $260) but because Tom is in Korea and technically not stationed in Wyoming, they made us pay the full price even though I explained we were still on military pay. The legal office tried to help, but we were told it was some dumb Wyoming rule.

To go into a bit of a shock to go from 30 degree weather in Wyoming to 70 degree weather in Texas. My body is all, "The eff is going on here?"

To be excited over going to The Melting Pot this week. I love it and want to marry the cheese fondue. Or the chocolate, depending on my mood.

To not be looking forward to taking all the Christmas stuff down when I get home. The tree likes to attack me as if to say, "No, no, I won't be taken down!"

To hate how everything has to be so PC these days. It makes my head hurt.


  1. Ive neve been to the melting pot but Ive always wanted to go!

  2. So funny! We have a melting pot in L.A. I love it! Enjoy your vacation!

    Sorry about the truck registration. I don't think it's fair to treat military families that way. :(

  3. I can't help but laugh when I think that Larry King has been married 7 times, when do you give up?

  4. lol same here about the prime rib! i cant wait to eat it ha.

  5. Couldn't agree more on the PC thing!! It's out of control!!

  6. I agree, the day after Christmas all the stuff goes away.

  7. The bad thing is - I haven't put up Christmas decorations since we've been on the road - 6 years. The good thing is - no decorations to take down.

    I didn't like that movie - thought it dragged a lot. I would rather they had spent more time with the relationship with Reece and Paul.

    It is nice being in warm weather isn't it?

  8. LOL! Great post. I hate taking down the tree too. Worst part of Christmas. Well that, and having to visit the in laws

  9. I have to agree that the PCness lately has been driving me nuts.

    Bummer about the registration.

    Have fun at the zoo.

  10. I loooove the Melting Pot! And really want to see How Do You Know, was it good?

  11. Scratch that, it was obvi good you enjoyed it. I need coffee.

  12. I always thought Larry looked a bit like a frog. One with red suspenders that doesn't turn into a prince.

  13. I'm in Houston, Texas. The weather is pretty dang warm here!!!!!

    Melting Pot is always fantastic and never the same when you make fondue yourself!

  14. Normally I am SOOO on board with your observations but I absolutely hated "How Do You Know". It must have been the slowest paced movie without a point of all time. I was embarrassed I picked it to watch during my little getaway with my husband.

  15. I HATE taking Christmas down even more than I hate putting it up.

    But the number one thing I agree with you here is....I HATE PC crap, it just makes me insane! In fact, I dare say it's GAY! How is that? I have to constantly edit myself when writing so I don't use that term or retarded to express how something is. And frankly, sometimes those are just the best words to describe it. Pretty soon we're not gonna be able to say ANYTHING without it being somehow offensive. Everyone needs to just take a deep breath and realize we'll live! SHEESH!

    Ok, now go enjoy your lovely 70 degree weather, not cooking dinner and your prime rib!

  16. I don't like taking the Christmas stuff down -- the house seems short of cheer and warmth =(

    It's 70 in Florida today =) But last night it was 30...not really sure how to deal!

    I love it's OK Tuesday posts -- they make me happy!

  17. We must be connected in a cosmic way. I want to go see How Do You Know this weekend. We're having prime rib at my parents house (and more wine than I can afford.) And, The Melting Pot is my favorite restaurant. So, you are definitely OK in my world :)

  18. Lmao about the Larry King comment!
    70 degree weather, prime rib and The Melting Pot? Now that sounds like the kind of Christmas I could get on board with. :)

  19. I'm SO jealous of you!! I've never been to The Melting Pot, but I SO want to. Have a Merry Christmas!!

  20. Mmmm, love The Melting Pot. But I would skip the meat course. Definitely not my favorite, and it's pricey!

  21. Promise me you won't marry a cheese fondue. Can you imagine being in the same bed as one of these? Ooh yuk. Separate rooms, separate rooms.

  22. All I can say about Larry King is ... CREEPY!
    I literally laughed out loud at your mention of Owen Wilson's nose. It really is quite distracting!
    I have yet to try The Melting Pot and you are making my mouth water just talking about it!
    Good luck at the zoo!

  23. i can't wait to take christmas stuff down so G will quit messing.

  24. Oh, I love the Melting Pot. Dh and I had a discussion this weekend about the optimal # of people to go with to get the most cheese and chocolate.

    That really stinks about the truck!

  25. We are having prime rib for Christmas too. My granddad is in town and he's a chef so he will be doing all the hard work this year!

  26. I think if my husband had his way the Christmas stuff would be gone by 12:01 December 26th :p

    He should be thankful I'm willing to have it down by Jan 1. In my mind I like to follow the 12 days of Christmas and that takes you to...Jan 5th I think

  27. Whereabouts in TX are you? Our winters are crazy and this week we are having this beautiful weather, but it definitely doesn't make it feel like Christmas.

  28. Owen Wilson's nose is extremely distracting.

  29. I always get excited for yummy dinners like that.

    I am not a fan of "drop kick" dogs; they tend to be yappy.

  30. temp shock it might be.. but i bet it still feels mighty good in texas!!!

    have a wonderful day!

  31. Am I the only person alive who does not like The Melting Pot?

  32. I HATE taking down Christmas decorations. They're much more fun to put up.

    I agree, I'm tired of being PC - I think maybe my New Years resolution is going to be saying it like it is.


  33. I love these. I so agree about Larry King.

  34. My grandmother is making prime rib for Christmas too! How funny!

  35. Larry King - euw!

    I love the Melting Pot too - me and Hubby discovered it 4 years ago on our honeymoon and went twice. Sadly all the other USA holidays we have taken haven't had a Melting Pot nearby.

    I aim to rectify that next time we visit!

  36. I love Owen Wilson!

  37. OMG, now all I can think about is how good prime rib sounds!

  38. I totally agree with you on the PC crap these days......makes my head hurt too!

    and Larry King......ISH!


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