Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your diary. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either.


To hate the word “baby bump.” Celebrity columnists seem to love this phrase and it makes me cringe.

To be grateful to the people who offered to send me Dunkaroos, which I can never find over here. It's much appreciated but I guess I'll just cheat and dip graham crackers in frosting like others suggested.

To wonder why people want autographs from the girls on Teen Mom. I came across a blog where the blogger went on about how excited she was to meet Maci and how thrilled she was to get her autograph. Um?

To think it’s cool that Henry Cavill, who played Henry VIII’s best friend Charles in The Tudors, was cast as the new Superman. He wasn’t my eye candy on the show. That award went to Torrance Coombs, who played Thomas Culpepper. Henry is nice to look at but he’s just not my type.

To probably be the only one NOT watching the Super Bowl this weekend. I’m rooting for the Packers, only because I like their uniform colors more. Sorry Steelers fans.

To be ready for the Shamrock Shake to return (it comes out in March!)

To love watching Pawn Stars. I need to check out that shop one of these days.

To be freezing. Our high today is -4. I’m ready for summer.

To hope that Ted Williams, the homeless man with the golden voice, stays on track. He was only in rehab for 12 days before checking himself out.

To be curious on what Alexandra from the Dr. Phil family has to say. She’s apparently on the show this Thursday. Her kids have all been taken away from her since she does drugs and she loves to make excuses for herself.

To let the kids watch The Simpsons. I probably shouldn’t seeing as Natalie goes “d’oh” when she’s frustrated at times and she once went, “Mmmmmm. Donuts.” (Of course she probably learned that from me. I get pretty excited when I see a donut.)


  1. ZOMG...dunkaroos are proof that god loves us. I want to swim in that stuff.

  2. shamrock shakes...my friends made fun of me a couple of years ago when I told them about those!! I love them too!! They remind me of my childhood!

  3. Yay Dunk-a-roos and Donuts. Mmmmm.....donuts :) It's a shame that my area has pretty much shut down due to the weather, I could really go for a donut now.

  4. Enjoyed your post. (I am doing It's okay Monday, thanks for the idea).
    I really don't understand how the girls on Teen Mom are being sought after. Shame.
    We will not be watching the Super Bowl either. Lol.
    I love watching The Tudors!!

  5. No Super Bowl for me...I'm a total Saints fan. I bet if you got the graham cracker sticks and rainbow chip icing,it would be just like dunkaroos!

  6. I won't be watching the Super Bowl either, I also hate "baby bump" and what the heck is The Shamrock Shake?

  7. I love these posts you do, I have started to do them myself and have quite enjoyed it! I just started following you last week!

  8. First you introduced me to Pumpkin Pie Poptarts now you are reminding me of Shamrock Shakes.....I'm going to be fat forever at this rate. Absolutely love Shamrock shakes....! Stay warm !

  9. I also hate the term baby bump. It's just weird to me. If it makes you feel any better, my mom let us watch the Simpsons. A recent article from the Vatican came out that the Pope approves of the show because it promotes family values and morals:)

  10. I wouldn't worry about The Simpsons. Lisa is an excellent role model (except for the slight holier-than-though priggishness), and Marge is a terrific person. She also wears her tall blue hair with pride. Besides, I figure you're watching the show too, so if you shooed them out of the room, they'd be missing quality time with mom.

  11. As cool as they make it look on Pawn Stars, the shop is small and dark... And in the GHETTO. It was on our to do list last time we were in Vegas and I was disappointed :(

  12. I'm not going to be watching the Stupor Bowl either!


  13. Dr. Phil makes me angry. He's one step below Mario Lopez.

  14. Oh my gosh we are Mommy soul mates. I keep my 4 year olds Simpsons addiction a pretty closely guarded secret. But boy does she love herself some Marge.
    The teenmom thing out of control. A grown woman was looking for an autograph? Unbelievable.

  15. How about the autograph of ANY reality person, whether it is someone from Teen Mom or someone from the Apprentice. Doesn't make any sense to me.

    I'll be watching the Superbowl on Sunday- GO PACKERS (b/c I HATE HATE HATE the Steelers)!

  16. I don't even go near McD's in March.Just because I love the shamrock shake, but do not need one.

  17. LOL! I love Pawn Stars! I was just talking about that show yesterday.

  18. Wow, I couldn't relate to most of the items on your list, other than Shamrock Shakes (which I never had, but at least I know what they are) and the Simpsons.

    I'm so out of it!

  19. Everytime you mention Dunkaroos I get a little bitter towards you because I want some SO badly. And I like baby bump :)

    Side note, why oh why would someone want a Teen Mom "star" autograph? Baffling.

  20. I hate baby bump too! it drives me insane

  21. super bowl, smooper bowl, I'll be visiting family and hopefully wedding dress shipping, and LETS ALL GIVE A CHEER for Shamrock Shakes!! I never let my girls watch The Simpsons (so they went to friends houses and cheated) My mother never let me watch The Three Stooges because they were too violent... just made me want to watch them all the more.

  22. We've got hundreds of pawn shops here in Vegas besides them. You can come on down and make a whole vacation just wandering amongst them.
    Oh - only a high of 60 predicted for us. Sorry.

  23. Bah, The Simpsons are totally fine. Its Family Guy that would make me worry.

    And LOVE Pawn Stars. HATE American Pickers though.

  24. Yeah winter can die now. Although a shamock shake would make me feel better.

  25. I LOVE Pawn Stars!! My parents went to the store when they were in Vegas this summer and the line to get in went all the way down the block!! They got their picture with Chumlee though :-)

    Oh and a Shamrock Shake sounds so good right now.

  26. I hate to ask, but what is a dunkaroo?

  27. My kids grew up watching The Simpsons...oh wait, maybe they're not the best example of why that's okay. ;)

    I totally don't get the Teen Mom thing, either. Not that I think these girls should be cloistered or anything, but whatever happened to it being a "little" bit bad to be a pregnant teenager??

  28. My husband checked out the Pawn Stars shop the last time he was in Vegas. He said it wasn't worth the ridiculously long wait to get in. But he's glad he went that one time cause he is a huge fan of the show.

  29. I can't wait for the Shamrock shake either!

  30. I'm done with freezing, too. For us it's going to be a while unfortunately.

  31. I'm so ready for Shamrock Shakes!!!

  32. Teen Mom was a good concept, but as with most shows, it's gone completely off track.

    It should be taken off the air. MTV, Let's focus on not getting the girls pregnant instead of glorifing it, mmmm kay?

    Damn. Now I want a Shamrock Shake. Yet another reason I can't wait 'til March. :)

  33. Emmm, I won't be watching the SuperBowl either AND we will be having people over for just that very reason.

  34. The whole teen mom superstar thing just floors me. I can see where they were trying to go with that show (i.e. trying to show how hard it can be to be a teen mom), but boy did they miss the mark somehow.

  35. WHOA! Kristina P put Dr. Phil BELOW Mario Lopez. That is intense hatred!

    That being said:
    I won't be watching the Super Bowl.
    We are sooo excited because our HIGH tomorrow is gonna be 48, which to us in AZ is like arctic winter! Sorry about your -4, that's sucks.
    At least Natalie just says "D'oh" and not dammit like my 3 year old. Ok fine, I broke her of the dammit habit, BUT yesterday she did bust out "shit" which was really NOT cool.
    And I hope Ted Williams makes it as well.

  36. Asking Teen Mom for autographs is wrong on SO many levels!

    Would you believe that down here (in the South), they don't do Shamrock Shakes? I feel so violated.

  37. You and your blog are awesome.

    Just...so awesome.

  38. I am newly pregnant and I already hate being asked to see my "baby bump".. I'm like "First of all, there is no bump yet. I just look like I ate too many cheeseburgers".. and secondly, I am not big on pulling my shirt up so people can touch my stomach. No thank you! And the Teen Mom thing is ridiculous! PS: If you have Dollar General where you are, they sell Dunkaroos.. both kinds- the kind with choc. frosting and the kind with the vanilla with sprinkles.

  39. I'm so glad it's okay to be curious about Alexandra. Thanks for helping me stay sane.

  40. Pawn Stars is hilarious! I swear, our next trip to Vegas will involve a visit

  41. 1) Henry Cavill was MY eye candy on Tudors. Yum! 2) I always eat frosting and graham crackers...and its AWESOME. 3) I'm from WI so GO PACKERS! :)

  42. My brother in law just went to the place they do Pawn Stars. He said it was kinda run down & dirty. I love that show... I always hope it's a big ticket item & it makes Rick have to haggle a bit. So fun! Wish I had something expensive to take there!

  43. I can't help thinking that Teen Mom sends the wrong message. Autographs? No thank you.

    Totally ready for summer over here too.

  44. I think "baby bump" is almost as bad as "preggo" or "preggers." Some things just don't need to be abbreviated.

  45. Teen Moms show disgusts me. I love Pawn Stars. Chumley...oh boy!

  46. I like the first teen mom. I can't get into the new one. But I'd never be excited to get their autograph.

  47. I love PawnStars, too - but I might like antiques roadshow even more! Isn't that awful? It's like an old people's show. But awesome!


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