Here are a some letters I wish I could send....
Dear Natalie,
Yes, I know you love the movie Tangled and was thrilled to see that they now make fruit snacks with characters from the movie. But darling, please don’t ever shout “TANGLED!” in the middle of the store again. You scared me to death. You know you have a jumpy mother.
Dear Snow,
Go away.
Dear Tommy,
No more Justin Bieber songs, okay? If you start singing that awful baby song again, I’m going to lose it. Remember, we only listen to quality music in this house.
Dear Gas Prices,
Stop rising! I may have a hybrid, but still. My husband has a gas guzzling truck. This nonsense about gas being $4.00 a gallon by the summer does not amuse me.
Dear People Who Still Refuse To Use Their Turn Signals,
Why? Seriously, why? Is it really that difficult to flick your wrist to show other cars what you are doing? It takes less than a second.
Dear Grey’s Anatomy,
I hear there will be a musical episode coming up? Why? I think I’ll be passing on that episode because watching McDreamy singing about aneurysms and heart attacks? Not my idea of fun. However, if it were John Krasinski....
Dear Words With Friends,
Stop giving me all vowels. Or no vowels. It’s rude. I’d like a nice variety, thanks, so the person I’m playing against doesn’t think I’m a moron who can only spell words like “egg” or “ion.”
Dear syndicated Sex and the City episodes on E!,
You are not the same. I repeat: you are NOT the same. The show needs profanity and simulated sex scenes in order to be believable. Or maybe that’s just for my perverted mind.
Friday, February 25, 2011
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I really wish there was a "Like" button for your posts!
ReplyDeleteA musical Grey's? No. Just no.
ReplyDeleteAnd the "no turn signal people" make me compltely insane!
I agree with MysteryChick!!! I feel for you and the Justin Beiber. Can't stand that little punk.
ReplyDeleteI agree with most of that particularly musical Grey's {ick} and SATC {it's just not the same.}
ReplyDeleteSATC is just not the same on E!. I've been watching it for lack of better things on TV (I own all the seasons) and it's just not the same. Makes me glad that I have them on DVD.
ReplyDelete"A-Not-A-Bielber" - had me laughing out loud!! Me, either!
You are absolutely right about Sex and the City on E! Something is definitely missing there.
ReplyDeleteSnow, Bieber, and high gas prices are all things we can do without, and as soon as possible. :)
ReplyDeleteI've been watching the Sex and the City, and while it's not the same, it's actually OK.
ReplyDeleteI've been noticing gas prices too...yikes!
ReplyDeleteI think we were having very similar weeks... eek!
ReplyDeleteI have a kid who yells out random words in public places too! It gets REALLY fun when he discusses Thomas the Train's sidekick, "Percy"... especially when he can't say Percy well and it sounds like... well, umm... something else.
At the top of his lungs, of course.
Gas prices? UGH!
Snow? We got our first dusting yesterday and I'm loving it - at least for the next 4.3 hours until I have to drive on it.
Have a great weekend!
(And I hope you find something you love from the Etsy shop - she has fun stuff! :)
Kids in stores are great! My darling little (10 at the time) girl really liked saying to ladies having conversations in the middle of isles "Ladies this is not Relief Society" I would quickly turn and slink to another isle!
ReplyDeleteI like your Dear letters :) I have quite a few that I would like to write as well!
ReplyDeleteyes it's called sex in the city for a reason. sex.
ReplyDeletewhen i first started watching sex in the city, it was in those old syndicated rerun, cleaned up version. i was pretty surprised when i finally saw a real episode & samantha was so very naked & humping.
ReplyDeleteand as for grey's, that musical episode sounds like crap. that's the time of day when the disney channel is off in my house & i don't want any corny, ridiculous singing!
Today is our 5th Snow day and much as I love to have my kids home, the snow is just killing me!
ReplyDeleteGas prices. What.the.hell!
Loved your letters, check out my sidebar Letters link if you have time! I'm a mean letter writer!
Have a great weekend Amber!
I'm with you on the turn signal. I hate it when people don't use it!
ReplyDeleteI have a friend, actually, who doesn't like using her turn signal because she feels that if she turned it on, the car she's trying to get ahead of will speed up and try to get ahead of her, so she thinks if she gets ahead enough THEN do the turn signal, the car won't have time to compete. I cannot wrap my head around that one.
You always make me laugh. I live in Florida, no one knows how to drive here.
ReplyDeleteDefine quality music.
I guess it's kind of sad, but when Justin Beiber was shot on CSI last week my wife and I cheered.
ReplyDeleteGreat letters! LOL
ReplyDeleteYou're right about Sex and the City. What's the point of taking out all the rude bits, it must be thirty seconds long now! :)
ReplyDeleteWhenever I'm in the UK people won't let me complain about gas prices as theirs are ALWAYS insane. About $2.20 a LITER. That makes your proposed $4 a gallon NOTHING. Ha!
And what about the price of bottled water...figure the price of those little bottles out to what they would be per gallon. Yikes!
ReplyDeleteI just have to add a letter to yours...
People who can't turn the ringers off on their cell phones in a restaurant, church, doctor's office, whatever, really make me want to write...uh...letters!!!!
You cracked me up, thanks, great ones!
ReplyDeleteThe snow never ends here. A storm has just begun and it's supposed to be a LOT.
ReplyDeleteI'm not a Belieber either. I'm sorry you have to go through that.
Oh, words with friends.
ReplyDeleteIf you ever need another player, I'm prettymuchjulia over on WWF.
Who is Bieber? Is he hot?
ReplyDeleteLOL........OH I so agree!
ReplyDeleteEspecially the SNOW Letter!
I love these:)
ReplyDeleteUgh...I really wish you hadn't said that about the Grey's Anatomy episode. Yup. As a devoted Gleek, I'll be passing on that one too.
ReplyDeleteEarlier this year, my 11 yr old came home from school and said, "All the girls at school are excited about some Justin Beaver concert."
ReplyDeleteI was like, "BEAVER?! Hell, I'd be excited too!"
He didn't get it, thankfully.
Dear Amber,
ReplyDeleteThank you for this letter writing idea. I think it's genius and I can't wait to use it on my blog. And by the way, you are SO right about Sex and the City on TV. Samantha is not Samantha on TV.
You are so correct about turn signals. You know what's also bad though? When they don't turn the damn things off, so you have to assume they may be turning at each street.
ReplyDeleteGrey's is doing a musical? Oy vey.
Words with friends is both my addiction and my nemesis. I think mine is rigged so that I only draw the Q after all of the U's are used up.
ReplyDeleteI am with you on the turn signals. And seriously on the Grey's? A musical episode????
ReplyDeleteA couple things... 1) SNOW NEEDS TO GO AWAY! 2)a musical Grey's? Are they trying to compete with Glee? Why...? 3) The gas. OMG. the gas. One day it was $3 and the next $3.50. They should at least warn us!
ReplyDeleteI'm so with you on Sex in the City. They might as well just replace Samantha with a habit-wearing nun on the TV version.
ReplyDeleteI am so with you on the turn signals, gas prices, and sex and the city. Seriously, we took a road trip this weekend and the gas prices went up 20 cents overnight. That is just stupid.
ReplyDeleteJust coming upon your site now - love, love, loving it!
Seriously - how freaking hard is it to use the turn signal? Drives me IN.SANE. and my husband is a major offender!
ReplyDeleteWould love to sign my name to so many of those letters too!
ReplyDeleteVery funny.
I have a truck...and its diesel...My wallet is weeping right now with the fuel prices!
ReplyDeleteDear Amber,
ReplyDeleteI love your dear letters,
A Laughing My Ass Off,
I hear it's going to be a cold spring, too. Curse you Mother Nature (not really. Please don't bring more snow to us.)
A musical Grey's...please be a joke?!?
ReplyDeleteOpps that was me above...I have too many accounts!