Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up!


To have always thought Melissa McCarthy was awesome even before she made it big in Bridesmaids and Mike and Molly. She had been cracking me up for years as Sookie in Gilmore Girls.

To hope I don’t burn anything on Thanksgiving.

To wonder why people don’t use coupons when ordering pizza. I was talking to a lady who said she was surprised that two large pizzas were over 30 bucks. I was like, “I use a coupon when I order and get two large two topping pizzas plus an order of Cinnastyx for 18.99.” She was impressed. And will probably use coupons from now on.

To usually stick to Target and Kohls on Black Friday. Sometimes I get brave and do Wal-Mart but I might just shop online this year. I go back and forth on what I should do.

To have not watched the AMAs. Truth be told, I rarely listen to any of the ‘popular’ music.

To be a cat person but become freaked out by Persian and Sphinx cats. Persians, because it looks like their face has been kicked in and Sphinx cats because…well, I really don’t need an explanation, do I? (Scary gremlin!)

To wonder why everything must break around the holidays. Tom has to replace his truck battery and I’m hoping that’s it.

To actually like the 10 PM openings for stores on Thanksgiving for the start of Black Friday. I know there is drama surrounding the fact that now workers have to give up family time to work…but that’s how it goes in the military. My own husband works on Thanksgiving and doesn’t get home until 1030 at night.

To pig out on Thanksgiving. I find it amusing when these programs show lower calorie recipes or tell you to "just take a sliver of pie." No. I won't just take a sliver of pie on a holiday, thank you.

To be hosting two giveaways at the moment: one for the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 2 DVD (ends tomorrow!) and one for a Chick-fil-a calendar with valuable coupons.



  1. Haha! I just wrote yesterday about how I don't understand all the tips on how to eat less on Thanksgiving. Um ... Thanksgiving was MADE for feasting. And then digesting until you can fit a few more bites in and feasting again!

    And last Christmas, our refrigerator kicked the bucket. I'm hoping nothing breaks this time!

  2. yep...two check engine lights in our two cars are both blazing. not exactly the kind of holiday lights I WANTED to see! Ah well. Blessed to be able to move money in the budget to at least get one of them repaired without feeling it too badly.

  3. I would much rather do Cyber Monday than Black Friday. It's crazy out there! I'm more of a last minute shopper, though.

  4. Pizza has gotten expensive without coupons. I totally am a Cyber Monday gal myself. I hate the crowds.

  5. yeah, I'm liking this evening shopping thing. I can support that kind of time change.

    I'm not even having pie this year for Thanksgiving! That's my way of not overdoing. I'll regret it that day though.

  6. I totally plan on pigging out on Thanksgiving. I am digging out the stretchy pants baby.

  7. I love Melissa McCarthy too! And have for years- love me some GG!!

  8. It's okay to just stay home on "Black Friday." I know I will be.


  9. I can SO relate. The heater in our vehicle blew last week, just as we had a cold snap hit Alberta. And apparently it won't be an "easy" or inexpensive fix. Looks like the kidlet will have a leaner Christmas...just kidding. (Mostly)

  10. I don't listen to any "popular music" either. I actually can't stand most of it.

  11. I hit some stores for Black Friday, but usually wait until the afternoon. Still good sales.

  12. I agree with you about the stores opening on Thanksgiving. Who spends all day AND night with their family anyway? Truthfully, I would probably enjoy having a good excuse to leave. I adore my family, but in small doses please.:) And the workers are probably making decent overtime/holiday pay.

  13. It's a holiday - big piece of pie with whipped cream (no, make that two pieces please)

  14. I hope you don't burn anything either! thankfully, this year, we are NOT hosting, so all I'm in charge of is some roasted potatoes and a dessert. :o)

  15. WHAT? You actually choose to go to Kohls on black Friday? Girl....NO! I went last year and it was the single worst experience of my life. That store has the WORST set up in the history of man, and 3 hours of waiting in line to PAY was just not worth it to me. In other news....I think these people crying about going into work at 10 or 11 at night are dumb. That is NOT family time at that point. Sorry, Thanksgiving is LONG over at that point. So, yeah, going into work is sucky anytime, BUT, be grateful you HAVE a job to go to. And please, don't cry that it's cutting into family time. Just sayin.

  16. AIEEEEEEE! I just googled Sphynx cat, and now that thing is going to haunt me. It's Mr. Bigglesworth!

  17. I'm debating to go out on Black Friday too! I'd much rather shop online!

  18. I'm with you on the cats. I've never understood why people find Persians with their snobby, snooty faces adorable. And Sphinz cats? Scary gremlin is right!

  19. So...I know I don't comment often, but you can bet that I still follow you and check in often! :) I nominated YOU today because of it!


    Keep blogging woman!

  20. I forgot she was on gilmore girls. I love(d) her.

  21. I love MM. I don't know about her GG role, but she kicked butt in Samantha Who and I also loved her to pieces in The Back-Up Plan, at least I think that was the name of it. A J-Lo flick. HI-LA-RIOUS!

  22. I love Sookie and sadly I have yet to see Bridesmaids but it is on my Redbox list. How could you not use a coupon for pizza? The stick them right on the box...you can't eat the pizza without seeing them. I didn't even know the AMAs were on untill they started posted photos all over the Internet about who was a do and who was a don't. Sadly the only shitty thing about working Black Friday is everyone treats you like crap, its already a crapy job, most people didn't pick that as their current job just kind of had to take on to fill in untill a real one comes along, and well most people only make min wage with no benefits. Luckly thought this crap only goes on for a month, I just wish more people would online shop, that way they get everything they want without yelling and crying. Eat as much pie as you can, that's what I say! And turkey, and anything with cheese, and cookies, and just anything good! That is why they make sweaters, to hide the extrea weight!

  23. Sphinx "cats" are so...scary looking! :c)

  24. That page in Glamour always makes me laugh. I am a huge Gilmore Girls and Sookie fan, I loved that show so much. The grandma although quite heartless at times was perfection.

    Thanks for the advice health police, I'll take 6 slivers of pie thanks.


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