Monday, January 16, 2012

The Concept of Clean

If you're on my Facebook or Twitter page you probably saw that Natalie was taken to the ER because of a gash to her head. She's okay and I'll be sharing that story on Wednesday!


“I cleaned my room!” Natalie said proudly. She took hold of my hand and pulled me down the hall. Then she pointed.


“Darling,” I said slowly. “I’m not sure you completely understand the concept of what clean is.”

Maybe we had been watching too many episodes of Hoarders.

Later on I told Natalie that she needed to clean her room. As in, REALLY clean the room.

“Okay,” Natalie agreed.

Five minutes later she came back down. “All done!”

I knew her room would take longer than five minutes. In fact, I was hoping it would take longer than five minutes so I could read some of my book in peace. I was a tad disappointed that she was back so soon.

I checked her room and saw this:

Natalie’s roommate in college is going to LOVE her…


  1. Natalie's room looks clean compared my teenager's room on most days! ;o)

  2. Oh no, but I am almost sure she will grow out of it. :)

  3. Oh my! Maybe she wants to be on Hoarders someday? :)

  4. I love her concept of clean.i say we try to campaign to have this was the new way! I also love the way her mind thinks

  5. Hehehe. My parents' biggest mistake was putting a huge window seat in my room. The under-seat storage area was great for helping me "clean" my room.

    Glad to hear she's okay (since I don't use Twitter, that's the first I've heard of it). Maybe hitting her head will magically knock some sense into her and teach her how to clean for real? Ha.

  6. What is the big deal? Obviously she has grouped all the yellow and /or pink and /or orange items together. I think a mommy just needs to lower her standards. :)

  7. She needs a big dumpster outside the window...

    I'm glad she is okay.

  8. LOL!! My oldest was like this until the day she moved out....and became an OCD neat freak like her Momma!!

  9. HAHAHAAAAAAA - your daughter's room looks a lot like my son's room.

    It makes me wonder why the heck I continue to buy toys...

  10. Hmmm, yes, I think her concept of "clean" is different than the mainstream one.

  11. looks clean to me!! LOL :) I'm having a great giveaway on my blog stop by when u can! xo

  12. Glad she's okay. The room could use some work though. . .

  13. If it makes you feel any better, that's pretty much how my room looked ages 4 - 15. And now I'm obsessive about organizing and cleanliness EVEN if there's a bit of clutter

  14. I like her concept of clean too!! That kid cracks me up!! I always love when your kids are featured!!

  15. Her room makes me feel SO much better about my stepdaughter's mess - I think it's just normal :-)

  16. My room looked just like that and then something I'm a neater freak. Not a full on neat freak, but I do like my order. So you never know. :)

  17. Well as long as everything in there is clean I'm not sure what all the fuss is about. Hehe!!!

  18. That is exactly what my 9 year old boys room looks like. I'm so glad we're not alone!

  19. Cleaning is just moving things to a different spot, right? She did great!

  20. Heehee, that reminds me of when my daughter was 7, and she picked everything off the floor in her room and tossed it on her bed. Then she was crushed because I didn't think her room was clean...

  21. Aren't you glad you have a blog so you have PROOF that she did these things? Just me? :-)

    Good try Nat! Good try!


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