Thursday, November 15, 2012

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Facebook Nonsense

“This is to see if the people on my friends list pay attention. Leave a one word comment on how we met!”

“Click LIKE if you love your husband! If not, keep scrolling.”

Um. No.

I’m not a fan when people post that nonsense on Facebook. It’s not that I don’t pay attention: it’s that I don’t like being told to make a certain comment or DO something.

I know. That probably makes me a brat. But seriously, if people post that crap, I generally ignore it.

It’s nothing against you.

It’s just I don’t have the patience for it. Not clicking like doesn’t mean I don’t love someone.

And I also ignore game requests. I don’t do Farmville, sorry.

Oh, and while I’m at it, stop forwarding those chain e-mails. No one is going to keel over and get bad luck if you don’t send it to 10 people. I promise.


  1. I hear ya. I do receive religious chain letters and I admit - I think a few minutes before deleting them. Then common sense kicks in and I think, "REALLY? God is going to punish me because I deleted a chain letter?" Right!

    I AM addicted to bejeweled, but I don't force it on anyone else! :)

  2. I like the "Facebooks going to start charging. Repost this 0928234902384902849032890238490238490234 billion times to protect your account!"

    Yeah. Except, people, on the login page it says 'Facebook is FREE and always will be.'

    URGH. I've actually started telling people this.

  3. Or people who post the "missing child" stories, that are completely false, and a quick check on Snopes lets you know that. I don't need to post some random thing about my husband for him to know I love him.

  4. BwaHaHaa! I am so with you. I actually started writing the ten commandments of facebook the other day but haven't yet finished it. I mentioned all these things as definite DON'Ts.

  5. requests and those types of statuses on Facebook annoy me to no end. It drives me crazy. I try to ignore them, too. :-)

  6. Ahah ha hah ha You hit it right on the money for me too, that crap drives me nuts!

  7. I agree! It doesn't mean I love my husband or Jesus or my mom any less if I don't like something on Facebook. It's so silly.

  8. Those game requests make me crazy. I hide all that kind of thing!

  9. Yes cause the only way to show that you love your husband / kids is to click like .... really

  10. You're not a brat. I'm the same way. The more you "demand" something of me, the less likely I am to actually do it :)

  11. I knew I like you for a reason - you are my clone! Really, this is why I despise FaceBook and am rarely found over there.

  12. I know what you mean hon. It's getting so bad that I hardly go in to check to see how my friends are doing. Now some of us are getting bomb barded with garbage from trolls.

  13. I totally agree although I do play chefville but I dont send requests to anyone its my own nonsense i play after the kids go to bed and im avoiding laundry and dishes HAHA

  14. I completely agree with you, I'm not going to hell if I don't "like" your post!

  15. Agreed! Hate all those too!!!

  16. Oh oh - my favorites are "click like if you hate cancer!!!"
    or - "LIKE if you love Jesus. KEEP SCROLLING if you love SATAN!!"
    Not only do I ignore them but I have to sit on my hands to refrain from snarky comments.

  17. I love everything about this post!

  18. The ones that really annoy me are the ones with pictures of sick kids/ soldiers that say one like equals a salute, or "I think you are cute!" It's just exploiting them. I don't like it at all. How about just a note to pray for sick children? Or pray/think about our troops.

    (I hope that makes sense!)


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