Thursday, January 24, 2013

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Bashing Lena Dunham

This is Lena Dunham.

She writes/produces/directs/stars in the HBO show Girls.

The picture is of her at the Golden Globes. I thought she looked awesome.

Cue the annoying fashion shows.

They did not.

They critized her dress.

They complained that she should have put on more makeup.

They laughed at how she walked in heels. (I sympathize. I also cannot walk in heels.)

Some made jabs about her weight.

This irked me.

I’m GLAD she’s not like other Hollywood starlets.

I’m GLAD she’s not stick thin.

I’m GLAD she didn’t choose whatever color dress seems to be the style at the time. (I guess red is in? But who gives a crap?)

I hate how Hollywood folks want everyone to be the same. Even Howard Stern poked fun saying something about how he wished she’d keep her clothes on. (In Girls, she’s naked a lot.) (Howard has since apologized.)

I’m proud of Lena for being who she is. I hope she always stays that way. I hope other actors will follow suit. It makes me cringe when I see stick thin actresses now. It’s distracting when I see someone who looks malnourished on the screen (unless they are playing a malnourished person.)

Lena is who I would want to play Jane if my book The Swimmer’s Assistant was ever made into a movie. (I would seriously be over the moon thrilled if that ever happened.)

So come on, Hollywood. Appreciate who Lena is.
(And another actress I admire? Rebel Wilson. She played Fat Amy in Pitch Perfect.)

Here’s to actresses who are not stick thin! May they always have meat on their bones and never turn down bread from the bread basket.


  1. Could not agree with you more! I don't watch Girls, but I think Lena Dunham seems AWESOME! :) Stopping by from SITS.

  2. I pictured the assistant as being a little larger than that. But it's in my head, not yours. Hope you do get to cast it someday.

  3. I have yet to see "Girls" since we don't have HBO. But Lena is a talented young lady and I wish her the best. I agree with you 100%!!!!

  4. I think she looks great in that picture. She looks like a normal human being! Nothing wrong with that!!

  5. How could she put on any more makeup? She looks great in that picture! I am currently watching Heroes, and I have been thinking the same about Hayden Panettiere. She is not stick thin. She is in good shape, I thought. And I know she has said she likes how she looks so stick it to the paparazzi! I like that kinda spunk!

  6. Not only do I COMPLETELY AGREE with you... but I LOVE FAT AMY -AND- PITCH PERFECT!! I watched it twice before I took it back to Red Box. And sung my way thru most of it!!! (Also - I love her hair - I keep debating whacking it back off like that -- my Twis has rocked that look for 10+ years now)

  7. I LOVE Lena Dunham! I think she is amazing and she has confidence that I would kill for. She is a woman who truly knows herself and doesn't apologize for who she is. We could all take a cue from a woman like that. I thought it was adorable that she had a hard time with her heels... I'm the same way!

  8. Oh and she needs braces too...

    Kidding, I agree with you 100% finally someone my girls can look up to and appreciate. They love her show too.

  9. I want to jump up and down, shouting "YES!!!!!" and make everyone read this post. Actors and actresses are people...who come in all shapes and sizes, just like all us other people. I wish Hollywood reflected that, instead of ostracizing and mocking those who don't fit some ridiculous "ideal" someone created.

  10. I see what you're saying and agree - I remember seeing her at the Golden Globes and thinking it was cool that someone actually looked normal. But, I think it will be interesting to see if she sticks to her 'regular' self and avoids getting a stylist, etc. I would have to imagine she's under tremendous pressure to conform. I hope she doesn't.

  11. I hear you-- But Hollywood bashes everyone, sadly-- everyone, at one time or another. No one is safe. It's shameful.

    I thought Lena was gorgeous at the Golden Globes.

  12. That kind of thing is just mean and unnecessary!

  13. We recently rented Perfect Pitch because my daughter wanted to watch it. I loved Fat Amy! I have seen a couple of sweatshirts on Pinterest with her quotes "I'm doing horizontal running" and also "I can do mermaid dancing." I love them!

    And any girl brave enough to get naked on screen gets a thumbs up in my book. Lord knows I wouldn' have the confidence to show my birthday suit to millions of strangers. Good for her!

  14. I could never be a Hollywood actress as there is always someone criticizing you and watching your every move-- would be awful in a lot of ways. And yes-- good to see someone that is confident in themselves no matter what size. And loved Fat Amy!

  15. And I am off to buy your book right now!

  16. I hated Lena's dress, but who cares what I or anyone else thinks. She owned it. The obsession with weight in this country makes me insane. Every time I look at hollywood starlets I think, they have got to be starving. Don't they ever just want to EAT? And Rebel Wilson? I heart her.

  17. I could not agree with you more!

  18. Completely agree!!! The media is always "oh, the everyday woman" this and "she's so real" that and then completely attack when someone actually IS these things. Jerks.

  19. The dress had great lines and fit her beautifully. But I couldn't understand why she hobbled herself with shoes she couldn't walk in. I don't mean she was not graceful, I mean she could not walk. It just made her look like she was willing to be a slave to fashion, which goes against who she is, no?

  20. Ugh, I totally agree with you! And yes, she would make a great Jane! :)

  21. I totally agree with you! The first time I'd seen/heard of her was the night of the Golden Globes and she was walking awkwardly in her shoes. I even hollered at her through the t.v... take off your shoes! Just seemed at the time like she would have done that. lol

  22. First let me say I am glad to see you here blogging. I had been away from my blog for quite awhile due to health issues. Now I am so surprised to see so many abandoned blogs. So great to see you here.
    Thank you for letting me visit.

  23. I've never seen her show but I love her because she's real. and real is good in my book.

  24. I don't really know who she is, but that dress doesn't look terribly flattering. I wish there was a variety of women in Hollywood, not just skinny with a token funny fat girl thrown in for laughs. If a show has all types of women in it (I haven't seen it, so I don't know) then I'm all for it.

  25. Well said! I can't walk in heels either - I won't even wear them! I think she looks beautiful just the way she is.

  26. i totally agree... i love lena and girls. i'm a rebel wilson fan too!

  27. I don't know who Lena is, but oh my gosh I AHHHHdore Rebel Wilson!
    I do think that this gal looks very nice & I agree that Hollywood is dumb for always wanting everyone to be the same. Lame!

  28. I have the feeling that if she wore the in color dress they would have said it's not good for her skin tone or black is more slimming or something equally bad because everyone has this idea of what people on TV should look like and she goes against the norm. But the thing is real people like us who are the ones who buy this stuff and watch it and make it go on are the only opinions that matter and I'm willing to bet that most of us appreciate what she does because it's a look most of us can achieve with our much more limited resources than the people of Hollywood have.

  29. It's ironic that they give this young girl a show of her own, a ton of freedom in terms of content and direction and it's all because she IS different than Hollywood. Then turn around and criticize her for that difference that it seemed they were celebrating.

  30. She is perfect and should ignore the haters! Are they as successful as she is? I bet not.

    Popped in from SITS Girls best post of the week.

  31. I think I'm glad that I don't pay attention to those critics. That's just dumb what they said.

    She's a gorgeous woman and should be true to herself!


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