Saturday, February 2, 2013

Saturday Night Widows by Becky Aikman Book Review and Giveaway **CLOSED

**CLOSED! Winner posted here**

It's no secret that I love to read.

It's why I'm always eager to do book reviews.

I was given the opportunity to read a book called Saturday Night Widows by Becky Aikman.

It tells the story of Becky, who loses her husband when she's only in her 40s. She's kicked out of a widow's support group (for upsetting the older widows who feel that since she's in her 40s, Becky can easily move on with her life) and decides to start her own with 5 other women. They are all dealing with heartbreak and come together to heal once a month for a year. All the women are figuring out ways to cope with their status of being a widow.

This book made me laugh and cry and laugh again. I enjoyed reading about how these women overcame their sadness and grief. It was wonderful to read about women who are there to HELP and not backstab or hurt one another (clearly I watch too many episodes of Real Housewives..)

I highly recommend this book.

To learn more, check out the book trailer:

To find out more about the author, Becky Aikman, check out her Facebook page.

She also has her own webpage here.

Do you want your own copy? Crown is going to send a lucky reader a copy of Saturday Night Widows!


--Must be 18 or older

--Must live in the US

Mandatory Entry:

LIKE Becky Aikman's Facebook page

Extra Entries:

FOLLOW Becky Aikman on Twitter

TWEET about this giveaway

I will run this contest until February 15th.

Good luck!

*I was not compensated for this post but was given a free copy of the book to review. All opinions are my own.


  1. I like Becky Aikman's Facebook page!

  2. I follow Becky Aikman on Twitter:D

  3. I'm always looking for new books to read! Thanks for the recommend!

  4. That sounds like a good book! I liked the FB page!

  5. Liked her on FB! Her book sounds really god!

  6. I liked her fb page!

    I have a new email. It's

  7. And, following on Twitter now!

    My twitter ID is crucifiedlullab.

  8. Tweeted the giveaway! @NotBarefoot

  9. I LIKE Becky Aikman's Facebook page

  10. I liked on fb.. Becca Peters

  11. I follow on twitter beccapeters1

  12. I like Becky Aikman on Facebook.
    Laurie Emerson
    lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com

  13. I am following Becky Aikman on twitter.
    lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com

  14. i LIKE Becky Aikman's Facebook page

    tony l smoaks on facebook

    susansmoaks at gmail dot com


Thanks for the comment!

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