I’m sure most people know that tuition assistance has been stopped for the military for now. (It could come back after the fiscal year.) I don’t think the Navy has followed suit yet but people think it’s a matter of time.
It started with the Army and the Marines. My husband Tom was said, “Soon it’ll be the Air Force…”
And sure enough, it has happened.
I understand that there needs to be cutbacks. But do not punish our soldiers who are fighting for their country. Everyone always talks about boosting morale. How is taking away the chance to go to college going to do that? Yes, people can still go to college, don’t get me wrong. Yes there are grants that they could possibility get. But the tuition assistance helped a ton of our soldiers.
It amuses me that there are some people out there who are all, “The military gets enough as it is.” Uh, no, they don’t.
Nothing should ever be taken from our military members.
There are current rumblings about possibility taking away health care or changing it drastically.
I’m proud of my country. But I am not happy with our government at the moment. If they want happy soldiers, they should re-think their plan. Cut some things, yes. But not education.
There is currently a petition going around here if you wanted to sign it. Maybe it won’t do any good. But at least it’s something.
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ReplyDeleteI hate getting into politics, but I get so mad when I hear about all these cuts to the military and education while our politicians are raking it in. What exactly do they do except take money from the people and give it to themselves?? GRRR!
ReplyDeleteTerrible. CEOs are running companies into the ground and walking away with millions. Our military (and their families) work hard and sacrifice for our country every day. They deserve every benefit they get and more. We need to take care of those who are protecting and serving us. I will be signing for sure.
ReplyDeleteIt really upsets me when I hear about cuts in the military. These men and women sacrifice so much to defend our country. I think the government can find other places to make cuts.
ReplyDeleteThis is upsetting to me too. There never seem to be any cuts in the "perks" our politicians grant themselves. And then you hear reports of where we are spending our money on obscure studies and just shake your head. I'm sorry, I feel for you.
ReplyDeleteThat is absolutely terrible! Cuts can be made to all the politicians that make more than they deserve...leave the military alone!
ReplyDeleteVery upsetting, and very ridiculous. I just don't get the logic..
ReplyDeleteI signed that the other day - and then shared it on FB!
ReplyDeleteBut hey! At least if you're on welfare, you can continue raking those checks without penalty! (i'm just bitter cause I know a certain someone who has been on welfare for a year and refuses to get a job cause welfare is easier). rant over.
ReplyDeleteIt's the special interest groups that KILL our military budget. Like the $400 billion, yes with a "B"!!, for F-35 planes that the Air Force has said they don't want or need. But it's a big fat military contract, for a big fat corporation, who pay big fat bribes to big fat politicians!!!
ReplyDeleteObama is ruining our country, and I'm just sick of it. Everyone in Congress needs to be fired too!
I am so with you on this. Many of the men coming home from war with injuries are not being given the complete care they need and my blood boils. Thank God for the Wounded Warriors Project and volunteers who help families but you don't send soldiers off to war and not take care of their health needs when they come home. My son is in and my son-in-law. My son-in-law bought his own protective equipment to take with him because what they were giving was inferior..and then he bought things for his squadron with his own money because he didn't want better equipt. than the guys he would lead over there.
ReplyDeleteI think normal people, who aren't being worried about re-election and their own selfish projects, could find waste and fraud in govt. or give less money in aid to other countries and take care of ourselves before we do hand outs. It is so frustrating.
We were able to use Kev's TA a few years back and are so grateful for it. It angers me that so many soldiers can not now. And don't even get me started on that Huffington Post "lavish military lifestyle' article...UGH
ReplyDeleteI completely agree! They need to cut things in other areas, not the military or education. It's getting to the point where we are going to be a bunch of losers because it's too expensive to go to school. And when it comes to the military, taking away education funding just might lower the amount of people who sign up for the military. There has to be some perks for people willing to sign up for the military since those are the people who have the guts to join, where other people like me do not have the same guts.
ReplyDeleteIt really pisses me off what they are taking away from the military. There is other crap that they could cut that would not hurt you guys. Most of the folks in Washington could not find their brains if they looked for them.
ReplyDeleteThis is horrible to hear. Education is so important and the military personnel do so much for their country. I know a few people where the education assistance was the single most important draw to them entering the military. I hope this doesn't last long.
ReplyDeleteThis bothers me too. I don't understand why we're taking any benefits away from the military. They should be given more and more and more!
ReplyDeleteIt bothers me as well. I come from a military family and I grew up next to Camp Pendleton. It sickens my heart about cut backs to those who protect us.
ReplyDeleteTotally agree!