Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up and that the post you link up is a Hey, It's Okay Post.


To be excited about going to the beach. We leave in 2 days. I’m currently at my parent’s house and it’s a mini family reunion on my side there.

To be reading the newest Philippa Gregory book (she wrote The Other Boleyn Girl) called The White Princess. It’s very good so far.

To think Anthony Weiner is disgusting. Or should I say Carlos Danger? (If you don’t know who I’m talking about, Google it. But be warned, you’ll probably be grossed out..)

To have kicked the mower when it wouldn’t turn on. I tend to get really cranky when things won’t work.

To hope we can have s’mores while at the beach. I love them. Gooey marshmallows, melted chocolate on graham crackers…yum.

To think it’s disgusting that people lounge around in other people’s beds in the Big Brother house. Like when someone wins HOH, I see other houseguests in their bed. Under the sheets. That’s nasty! I’m really picky about my bed and don’t want random skin flakes in it.

To have a giveaway for a $50 gift card to Shabby Apple.com here.


  1. I have read most of Phillipa Gregory's books. Some of them are uncomfortably sexual, but others are perfectly fine. She writes so good!

  2. Have a wonderful time on the beach. I loved the Phillipa Gregory Books. She's one of my fave writers

  3. :) have fun
    I just loveeee the title of your blog.

  4. Smores are the best...enjoy the beach!

  5. I know enough about that Anthony guy to know that I don't want to know any more!! Gross!

    For me, this week it's okay to be enjoying having just one kid. Benjamin seems to be enjoying being spoiled!

  6. OMG I'm weird about beds too. I have a real problem when other people touch my pillow, including my husband. Also, I'm kind of a hotel snob. Any hotel that has those nasty comforters that don't get washed between guests is NOT okay with me.

  7. I enjoyed some s'mores just the other day! I love them. Enjoy your time at the beach! :)

  8. Carlos Danger is a serious weiner. Maybe there's some subconscious thing about his name that compels him to show his to everyone. *shudder*

  9. I get cranky when things don't work too.

  10. Anthony Weiner is awful!
    And s'mores...mmm...

  11. Have fun at the beach - reading!

  12. I don't get why anyone would want to take part in Big Brother!

    Have a great time at the beach!

  13. Could not agree with you more about the Big Brother...if only that were the grossest thing about this season, though!-Ashley

  14. I've read a few of phillipa gregory's books and really like them. I'm excited to know she has another one out.

  15. Gross!! Random skin flakes? Yuck!


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