Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up and that the post you link up is a Hey, It's Okay Post.


To feel like I'm the only American not enthused by Kale.

To not be watching the new season of American Idol. They aren't even showing a lot of the bad singers and that was always my favorite part...

To be watching the new season of Teen Mom. I know. I'm embarrassed.

To agree with the baby ban in expensive restaurants. It's rare that I get out with my husband alone so if we splurge and go out to a fancy place, I don't want to hear children. I'm ESCAPING my children, dangit, I don't want to hear yours.

To love the new line from Gymboree. I have Gymbucks so I'll be picking up some outfits for when we're at the beach in June.

To not be a fan of basketball at all but want to try out Kevin Durant's new restaurant downtown. It has southern food! I love southern food. And there's chicken and waffles. Mmmm....

To be thankful to Utterly Chaotic for fixing up my blog. You might think, "Hey, it looks the same," but I had some tweaks. The title used to say Airing My Dirty Laundry One SOCK At A Time. That made no sense. I asked it to be switched to POST. So if you have my blog button, you'll want to replace it with the new one. There is a search bar. A bunch of buttons were moved to the bottom to make things less cluttered. There is a You Might Also Like option at the bottom of each post. I like the flow of my blog now. So if you need a new blog look, check out Utterly Chaotic. And no, I was not paid to say that. I paid for my makeover. I just like to pass on info when I find a company I like!


  1. we are kindred spirits sometimes :) I just want to say "AMEN!" to a lot of your posts!

    Btw, I accidentally "rejected" one of your comments on my blog by pushing the wrong button on my smart phone. Lesson learned. Don't publish comments from my mobile app. My fingers are too big!

  2. I like the name change, makes more sense actually.

    It's okay, it's your blog.

  3. I like kale! But only when it's in Zuppa Toscana from the Olive Garden, which is full of heavy cream and bacon and sausage. So that kinda offsets the healthiness of it.

    And I love Teen Mom too! I haven't watched it this season ... I guess I didn't realize it was back on!

  4. I'm with you on the kale. I don't get it.

  5. I don't like kale either so you are not alone. I love the new title of the blog! Southern food is THE BEST! YUM!

  6. Kale is rotten and I haven't watched American Idol for two or three years. So you are not alone.

  7. I have not tried kale.

    I was trying to ignore Teen Mom, but I have a feeling I will get sucked into the new season.

  8. I get the health benefits of kale, but it ends there. When I was pregnant I couldn't even look at it. I had trouble watching our beloved "Lost" because the greenery there reminded me of kale..
    I'm fine with it now and I'll eat it baked as chips, or broken down with avocado, or sauteed. Or in stews. But I don't...love it.
    My mother-in-law likes it more than cookies. That's just crazy talk.

  9. Another kale non-enthusiast here! I'm with you! I'm not watching Idol either. I've been away from it for awhile now and I thought I'd watch because I love Harry Connick Jr. but..meh. I love your "Hey, It's Okay Tuesday" posts. LOVE THEM! --Lisa

  10. I'm going to try kale for the first time this week in a soup. Should be interesting!

    It drives me nuts when people tote babies to restaurants, movie theaters, etc. You KNOW the baby isn't having fun, and now my expensive night out has been ruined. I've been told I'm a bad person for feeling this way so I'm relieved to hear I'm not alone!

  11. I noticed the 'you might like' at the bottom of your post right away...but I didn't notice any other changes. I like the change to your title...post makes more sense =)

    Like you, I don't like kale and I hate having to listen to screaming children at a restaurant that is not a family restaurant.

  12. I had kale in a smoothie, but there was also banana, mango, strawberry, coconut and yoghourt, so I am not sure I really got the full affect of the kale.
    that was kinda the point.
    I would think that if you were going to spend so much money on a nice dinner, you would not want your child there. Seems logical to me. isn't that just something unsaid amongst diners? too bad they actually have to make a ban.

  13. Kale? Yuck.

    Babies? Yuck. (Mostly in restaurants but also sometimes just in general).

    Teen Mom? Yuck, but no judging here as I marathon watch RHoJustAboutAnywhere ... lol

  14. I like the new look!!!
    I do like basketball (college only) and I'm a Longhorn fan so at some point I really want to try Kevin Durant's restaurant!!
    I'm with you on the nice restaurants. Now our kids are older and it's not such a big deal but when they were little and I was paying a babysitter to enjoy a nice dinner with my husband at a place that is supposed to be child-free you better believe I will give you the evil eye and a few comments if I have to listen to your kids screaming (which happened more than once here and we only have like 2 places in the whole town that are supposedly child-free!). oops - sorry rant over!

  15. I don't do kale either

    I stopped watching American Idol after Season 3

    I'm totally with you on the kid ban at fancy restaurants and I love my children more than the world.

    And blog looks good - little tweaks are sometimes the best ones

  16. I hadn't even noticed the name change until you said that but yes it does make more sense. I have recorded
    American Idol but haven't watched it yet and honestly don't know if I will or not. I have never had Kale, so you are not alone

  17. What drives me nuts is going out to a rated R or PG13 movie with either my husband or friends and seeing younger kids there. I left mine at home for a reason people!

  18. I hadn't seen the new gymboree lines yet and my normal spot to look at them doesn't have full lines up! are you talking about the anchor stuff? very cute!

  19. I don't watch AI either. I gave up after the season when Lee DeWyze won. I know HCJ is on this year and I love him but I don't have cable anyway so it's a non-issue.

  20. This post - YES. I will have to do this at some point and link back to your shit. Updates to blogs are awesome no matter how small. It's really like organizing an annoying pantry or making your bed. It just FEELS right. And umm...gymbucks? LOL - that is the cutest thing. Can't wait until I can go there just for those lol.

  21. I've been around since the "one sock at a time" days and it's been nice to watch your blog evolve. "Post" works too. ;)


  22. Screaming or squealing kids during a fancy dinner is no fun for anyone, even the parents! Babysitter time!! :)

  23. I completely agree with you about the kids in restaurants. It is so expensive to go out to a high end restaurant. It's an event and not the type of atmosphere a child belongs in. There are plenty of other places to take a child, can we have a few that are just adult only?

    Also, I'm not watching American Idol either. I didn't realize so many people still were.

  24. eating kale raw is like eating a bag of ass. however, bake them with some sea salt or sautee them with lemon juice? SHUTUPANDLETMEEATALLTHEKALE

    and NO THANKS to screaming kids in swanky restaurants. or any restaurant for that matter. if your kids do no know how to behave in public, keep them at home. this is coming from a mother so don't even take offense, interwebs!!

    Vodka and Soda

  25. They aren't showing the bad singers?! What the heck! That's the best part, people!!!!

  26. I don't like kale. I tried a kale smoothie and it was gross. I've also had a kale salad, which I basically forced down as part of a detox a while back. But nope, not something I'd pick.

    I agree on the baby ban in fancy restaurants. If you are in a loud, family-friendly restaurant, sure, bring kids. But fancy, going to cost you a few hundred dollars to eat there, they don't even have high chairs or kids' menus... a baby doesn't belong there.

  27. Looks good around here. I'm glad you're back up and running. I'm not a kale fanatic, but I did make some soup with kale in it a few weeks ago and it was really good.

  28. I don't think I've ever had kale in my life. I also didn't know it was a thang. I watched one episode of AI and enough this season and I didn't even know teen mom was on again!

    And I'm ok with all of that! :p

  29. I had to laugh when I told my Dad kale was super trendy. He went and grabbed one from the garden, and cooked it for dinner, looking very impressed with his own fashionable status! I don't mind kids in most places, I understand that families like to leave the house too, sometimes, but I don't really get why someone would want to take small kids to a fancy place. Although, depends on the kids, I guess...

  30. I totally agree with the baby ban in high end restaurants. That's what Outback steakhouse is for! lol.

  31. I have never had eaten Kale and I honestly don't think I will be trying it anytime soon.

    I like the re-worked blog, very nice!

  32. I think we might be spirit animals! I agree with the baby ban, kale doesn't excite me, but Teen Mom sure does! It started on Monday huh? I forgot about it!

  33. Kale is yuck in my opinion. So you're not alone! And would you believe, I've never ever tasted a brussel sprout. Ever. I'm not excited to try it either.

  34. I can assure you, you are not the only American not enthused by kale! I don't mind it, but trust me, I've tried to serve it to my dad and he's like... what is this? But hey, if you like southern food, maybe you could cook it to death in some bacon grease and call it greens?

  35. I don't get Kale either. I just can't get into American Idol without Paula. The judge stand is like a revolving door.

  36. I loved the "It's Ok" series! It was the first thing I turned to when I had my Glamour subscription. I think we all have our trashy shows. I'm not ashamed of my DVR. It's a hot mess goldmine :)

  37. I don't like kale. I tried to, but no, just no. I love spinach so I'm cool with that.
    I like Teen Mom. I know, it's shameful. But I hate when people say that show glamorizes teen pregnancy. People who say that couldn't possibly have ever watched it. There is NO glamour in that train wreck.


Thanks for the comment!

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