Thursday, January 23, 2014

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Not Replacing The Toilet Paper

I walked in the bathroom the other day and saw this:

Apparently it's too difficult to put a new toilet paper roll on.

And yes, that sign DOES say, "Changing the toilet paper roll with not cause brain damage." I guess my husband was worried that it might.

I don't get why this happens. There are new toilet paper rolls on the shelf thingy less than five feet away. It's not like he has to leave the room for a new roll. They are RIGHT THERE. He literally has to turn around while on the toilet and grab one. So why, why, WHY does this happen so often?!

It irks me.

And I tell him so. He doesn't get what the big deal is.


Some people suggested that I simply not change it. Show him that I refuse to do it. But it would bother me. And then if we have guests should I say, "Sorry about the toilet paper, my husband doesn't think it's a very big deal. So basically the toilet paper holder has no point in our home." But then Tom would probably grumble that I embarrassed him and I'd answer, "THEN REPLACE THE ROLL!"

So yes, I wind up replacing the roll like 90% of the time.

I should be used to it.

But I still get annoyed.


  1. You would love what my husband does (actually maybe you really would). He sees that it's not yet used up but almost to that point, and just starts a brand new one and puts it on the toilet or shelf. So someone has to finish up the old one on the roll and put on a new one, but not him. However you also can't argue that he left you with nothing...

  2. Oh it is SO annoying. It irks me. Why is it so hard to grab a new roll if you used the last of an old roll??!! IT'S NOT THAT HARD!! GAH!! Why do husbands do this? I don't know one woman who doesn't have this issue! --Lisa

  3. My hubby is actually (pretty) good about replacing the roll. I think I've finally griped enough over the years that it's starting to stick. But my boys... not so much. There is something genetic attached to the male chromosome that renders it nearly impossible, I think.

  4. I have this same issue at my house, except my husband will get a new roll out, and place it on the towel rack! He leaves the empty one on the roll!

  5. Luckily my husband always replaces the roll.

    However, he does other things similar to that. Like he will never put anything on a shelf that isn't at his eye level or higher. This also means he won't search for anything on lower shelves. He'll just look in the closest and proclaim it isn't there. Did he bend down an look a little lower? Nope.

  6. Basically I solved this by making the toilet in our master bathroom a "ladies" only and since I'm the only one in the house...I let Chris and the boys fend for themselves on the other bathrooms because I NEVER go in them!!!

  7. Oh this annoys me. My family goes a step further, if I don't replace it then the empty rolls can't even make it to the garbage RIGHT THERE NEXT TO THE TOILET!!

  8. Haha my b/f does this too.. he just sits the new roll on top of the old roll... AHHGGGHHHH!

  9. Hmmm, I'm starting to think it's not so bad to be single...:) Maybe you should do a "things that annoy me Tuesday" dedicated to irritating man things, I find it very entertaining. It should be a girls only thing though.
    On the same note, Fred (my dog) follows me everywhere, sometimes into the bathroom, when I replace the roll he beats feet outta there. When he was a puppy, I blew threw it and made obnoxious sounds, and it scared the crap out of him, so he heads for the hills when it's roll changing time.. I swear, I only did it once, ok, maybe twice...

  10. When my husband does that, I remove all toilet paper from the bathrooms. Yeah, I might look like a lunatic carrying tp with me to the bathroom each time, but it sure does teach him a lesson. He's slowly learning to change that roll.

  11. Augh! This bugs the bajeebers out of me too!!!!!!!

  12. My husband does the same thing. It is so annoying!

  13. I tried not replacing it for a while. I just ended up with a ton of empty rolls on the floor under it instead.

  14. This drives me nuts! Especially because the person is just sitting there (horrible mental image) so why can't they just refill the roll?!

  15. As long as there is TP *in* the bathroom, I don't care if it's on the roll or not. I get more annoyed when it's used up and not replaced AT ALL.

  16. Grrrrr.... 4 other people live here. they can all fly down a frozen hill on a thin mat, face first at breakneck speed, AND, then climb back up that hill dragging their thin mat. Repeat. For Hours.
    but no..the toilet paper roll (and laundry as you know) is beyond them.

    maybe we need to add an element of danger -- you know, make it more of a fun challenge. or like, hide a snack in the new roll: first one to change it gets a Kit Kat!!

    that'll show em. :)

  17. All I have to say is, "Amen, sister! Amen..."

  18. I get this way on laundry day, when the husband doesn't replace the hand towel. There are more on the linen shelf not three feet away! Just grab one and toss it out!! Urgh.

  19. That is such a guy thing! My brother would do it all the time when we were growing up & then when I lived with my ex & our guy friend they would both do it too!!

  20. It's not just husbands - children do it too! Very aggravating.

  21. omg my husband does shit to annoy me but he knows to replace the rool otherwise i will give him an earful if he didn't!!

    Vodka and Soda

  22. My husband changes the roll but he puts it on wrong. Sigh. At least he does it!

  23. yeah that's annoying, i agree. I refuse to share a bathroom (thank goodness we have 2) with my guy because his bathroom habits (aka lack of cleaning) are gross.

  24. In my house, we have no toilet paper holder in the bathroom I always use. So the toilet paper just sits on the side of the sink, with no proper place to go.
    It might not be very fancy, but I don't have to worry about people replacing the roll! :)

    The Girly Gamer

  25. Hubby Man actually replaces the toilet paper more often than I do! But he doesn't bother to put it on the spindle - he just plops it down on top of the empty roll! So then I finish the job, haha!

  26. My boyfriend doesn't replace it at his own house which annoys me...but worse is when my roommate doesn't replace it. She has to use it too so I don't understand. I also get super annoyed when she puts it on wrong - I prefer over the top so that it rips easier and she doesn't think there's a difference. I will forever be the one who is annoyed by the little things and end up fixing them! Good luck girl - I feel your pain :)


  27. My husband waits until there is just enough toilet paper (barely) for me so I always have to put a new one on. In our 30 years of marriage, he changed it twice, but leaves the role on the counter right underneath the waste paper basket.
    Guess this is a guy thing and it makes me feel a little better that I am not alone!

  28. I'm a man, and I live with my fiancee. Her brother and his kids live with us too. And all three are spoiled, selfish, messy, inconsiderate, etc. They don't replace the TP, refill the shared water pitcher, refill the napkin holder, etc. They only do what benefits them. They leave messes everywhere: half-eaten pastries on the dining room table all day, trash on the kitchen counter (when they could just turn to the right and take one step and put the trash in the can), skateboard wheels down on the floor for someone to break their neck on, etc., etc. And they are extremely happy, which makes it even more engraging. They're in their room laughing and relaxing whilel we're cleaning up after them. It's exhausting and is negatively impacting my relationship with my fiancee.

    When they first moved in, she complained that they were treating her like a servant or slave and even talked to her therapist about it. She has made some progress with them, but not one thing we have had to deal with them with should ever have been an issue. Those issues should have been dealt with in childhood by the age of 8. Her brother even forgets to flush his number 2 sometimes, as in 7 times in one year, including 3 days in a row recently. When she talked him about it, he replied, "I just don't think about it." I told her, "Exactly. That's the definition of inconsiderate." I can't even use the toilet now without being paranoid that I'm going to have to look at his feces again. The damage is done. I hate him. He has time to pray before he eats but not to clear and clean the table after he eats. Hypocrite.

    It's like living with 3 children aged 44, 20, and 17. It's exhausting. We have other things that we desperately need to focus on: our health, our relationship, work, our upcoming marriage, etc. When we move out, I hope I never have to see them again as long as I live.


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