Thursday, January 2, 2014

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: No Cart Etiquette

Cart etiquette.

I've noticed a lot of people don't have it.

There are people who will take up the entire lane with their cart so no one can pass.

There are people who will have full blown conversations on their phone with their cart in the middle of the aisle. This happened at Target when I went the day after Christmas. This woman was asking what kind of lights she should get. Small? Or large? Or colored? I was thisclose to taking her phone and telling whomever she was talking to, "She's bringing home the small lights. Good day," just so she'd MOVE already.

Just say excuse me, you might be saying.

I did.

She didn't hear me because she was on the phone.

So I tried to move her cart aside and she grabbed the handle and glared at me so I couldn't move it. It's not like I was going to push it ACROSS THE STORE. I was moving it to the SIDE.

I eventually squeezed my way past her...I think I ran over her foot. I apologized even though I wanted to say, "If you'd have just moved your cart to the side, I wouldn't have run over your big toe."

There was another woman parked in the middle of an aisle staring at ornaments as though it were a tough decision. Should I get the plastic shoe? Or the Sully figure? I'd have gone with Sully. She stared and stared and I'm sorry, if you go to Target the day after Christmas and are in the Christmas aisle, know you don't have the leisure of taking your time. There are tons of other people who are there, doing the same thing you are. Park your cart TO THE SIDE or at the END OF THE AISLE so people can still go by.

Why don't people comprehend this?

I said excuse me again.

Was ignored.

I tried to push the cart to the side myself.

Was given another scowl and the woman quickly grabbed her cart away. But at least she moved it to the side.

"Sor-RY!" she said in a snotty tone as though I were the rude one.

Cart etiquette.

Please use it.


  1. My husband has issues with me when I go to the store because I don't have a problem with yelling at people to move their carts.

    He just says Pardon Me.I'm like "Hello? I'm trying to get through. Get the hell of your phone or move it somewhere else. This is a STORE."


  2. I would have moved their carts to the side also. Well, First, I would have crashed into them. When that does not product the results I want, I would give them major eye rolls and look around to see if I can do a uie. If an uie is not possible; in most cases it is not... I will go in and move their cart. The good thing is I can't hear them, so they can just be as snotty as they like! It just goes nowhere. Right over me, dissipates into the air because can't hear them no matter what.

    Yes, use cart etiquette, people. Cart rage is a growing phenomenon, seriously. People have a lot less patience these days.

  3. oh gosh I feel your pain. I always make an effort to be aware and kind to other shoppers, just because its the right thing to do. Yet I noticed that so many people are completely oblivious to the things around them!

  4. Ggggrrrrrr.... IKR!!!
    I was at the Place Where People Don't Dress So Good because I had to exchange a movie we had received as a gift, as it was the wrong format. We are not on the Blue Ray bandwagon just yet since my current DVD player Works Just Fine! (another rant topic). This woman had parked herself, her cart and her tag along cigarette tucked behind the ear wife beater in December (that's commitment!) wearing boyfriend right in front of the movies. I mean so In Front she was actually leaning against the movies she was not looking at.
    Mine. They're all Mine. yep - those too.
    And yes. both of them were using their phones.
    cue throat punch now.

  5. Once again, you're a nicer person than I am. I say really passive aggressive things to my kids as I walk by. Things like, "Sorry, Des! I know you want to get out of this aisle but we CAN'T until people learn to move. And use their brains."
    I say this loudly too.

  6. You are a much nicer person than I am, I either move their cart or push my way through. Move it or lose it.

  7. I hate when people are so rude to take up the entire aisle in stores. But I am not the type of person that would be very vocal about it. I'm always worried about offending someone or hurting someone's feelings. I'd probably say "Excuse me", and if they didn't move or didn't hear me, I might say it one more time, just a little louder, and probably add please on the end so I don't offend them. Ha, that sounds sort of pathetic, doesn't it?

    The Girly Gamer

  8. So true! I try to avoid aisles with people in them...

  9. I move other people's carts all the time. I try not to block, but sometimes do. And my kids will usually block the part of the aisle that my cart is not in - cause they are cool like that. :)

  10. ugh, and then the end caps and those stupid displays IN the aisle. WTH no wonder no one can get by

  11. I'm right there with you - I have moved people's carts before and they get so pissy!! I need to show this post to my husband - he thinks I made up the cart rules (I always tell him it is like traffic, keep to the right!) and he pushes the cart right down the middle most of the time - UGH!!

  12. Unfortunately, a lot of people these days are just plain rude & inconsiderate.

    Other than the cart thing the people that walk in the middle of the parking lot while you are trying to drive! Arrgghh!

  13. I feel that if I say excuse me and are ignored then moving your cart is my right. Black Friday is the worst, I have moved carts then too.

  14. Most people here aren't bad with this unless it's the vegetable section on Saturday morning (when the local veggies are all put out in the store), then you'd better watch out! Last time I ended up abandoning my cart in the next aisle (no one buying sugar for some reason) and just go grab the things I needed and come back. I wouldn't have been upset if someone had moved the cart though, I mean if it is in your way then go ahead, I haven't bought the stuff yet so none of it is mine yet.

  15. Don't you kind of want to smack them in the back of the head as you are oh-so-politely saying "Excuse me"?
    Also, tasers. It should totally be legal to tase mannerless people.

  16. I tweeted something just like this the other day from the commissary. I thought everyone knew that you're supposed to push your cart on the right side of the aisle, just like if you're driving a car. Apparently not. People are so stupid and inconsiderate. I need to work on gaining the balls to just tell people to MOVE IT.

  17. I really try to go shopping EARLY in the morning - like 5am - so as to avoid the cart rage. At that time of day, all you're likely to see are some really sleepy workers stocking canned goods. They are usually so happy to see another living person that they are super helpful and pull the pallets of kidney beans right out of your way.

  18. This is why I hate going to Walmart when it's busy. People think they can just hang out in the aisle! I want to go around with a bullhorn yelling, "KEEP IT MOVING, PEOPLE!"

  19. I once told a Aisle Hogger to move her fat arse to the side when she accused me of riding over her foot with my trolley.

    I would NEVER do that!

    Move to the Side, Bitches!

    Happy New Year!

  20. Oh I can't stand when people don't have cart etiquette! I mean, really. Is it that hard to stay to one side or the other? Or maybe know what you are going to the store for in the first place. Usually if I say excuse me and they don't hear me I tap them on the shoulder, if that doesn't work I tend to get a little obnoxious and say beep beep really loud. :D

  21. The most annoying cart episodes happen to me in COSTCO. First, the carts are large enough to carry a body. It seems that too many people park them in the middle of the aisle to either visit or to EAT free snacks. The cell phones are in use too. Very annoying when I have the impatient husband waiting in the car and I am trying to hurry.

  22. My bad cart experiences always seem to happen at Wal-mart. They do all of the things you have mentioned, plus bring all their children and ignore them when they are crying(screaming) I find it rather annoying.

  23. I can't stand it when people just stop in the middle of the aisle and don't move.

  24. I feel like most of the oblivious cart pushers I come across in the grocery store are little old ladies who seem to have no idea that their cart is blocking the entire aisle while they squint at the cans of soup to make sure they pick the right one. And...I have a soft spot for little old ladies so I wait patiently or do a u-turn and decide I don't need anything in that aisle anyways.
    However...people who leave their carts all over the parking lot...they disgust me.

  25. I admit it I just ram ppl's cart when they give me a dirty look I say (in a not so nice tone) "Well move then" yeah I am not liked at our stores lol

  26. My rule of thumb with a cart...its like the driving lanes...stick to the right that way there is room to pass. Some people just suck. I would have said something. You have more willpower than me.

  27. I'm kinda like you are. I am polite at first and say "excuse me" a couple of times, getting louder the second time but I only say it twice. Then I proceed to push my buggy forward and sorta shove theirs. When they see theirs moving they get the hint real damned quick and move. I get dirty looks but move it or lose it bitches!


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