Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Chocolate Day!

So it's Valentine's Day.

I know some people are all, "consumerism, blah, blah, blah, Hallmark holiday, blah, blah, blah.."

Look. The holiday comes with chocolate. And I love chocolate. So I like Valentine's Day. And also, guys? Chocolate will be on clearance tomorrow. Cheap chocolate? Yes, yes, and YES.

Naturally, I had to get Natalie a Valentine's Day outfit because, duh, I love dressing her up. I got her a rose lollipop as a, as a prop...she was like, "I'll take pictures but only if Fluff can be in it."

Fluff is her toy doggy, you see.

The shirt is from The Children's Place. The skirt is from Kohls. The lollipop rose is from WalMart. Fluff is from Target. (Clearly, I like to shop..)

I made farting noises and this happened:

Those are not her natural curls. I wish. So pretty!

Natalie was all, "Sing Let It Go!" So I did. I think I scared the people who live beside us because I suddenly heard a slam. They might have thought it was a dying bird or something and quickly shut their door.

I ran into the side of the house.

"What if I put the rose on my head?"

And then guess what? A miracle happened.


He came out blinking at the natural light. He emerged from the cave that is his room. Oh, that yellow ball in the sky? Why, that's the SUN, my son.

Hair flip. "Like Flynn Rider! You're SMOLDERING," Natalie giggled.

I call Tommy's hairstyle The Carl. You know, from The Walking Dead? Carl has crazy hair. Tommy has crazy hair.

Then I tried to do something incredibly difficult.

I tried to get a photo of them where they were BOTH looking at the camera.

Yay, got one, despite Natalie's Steve Buscemi face.

Got a better one! (Though Tommy is not looking at the camera. Oh well. They both are smiling.)

And then Tommy had enough, because Natalie's fingers were sticky and it was freaking him out.

"I'm leaving. I'm done," Tommy said.

"No! But I love you!" Natalie shrieked.

"You're okay," Tommy answered. He's going to make an awesome boyfriend one day.

Happy Chocolate Day!


  1. Happy Valentine's Day! What cuties you have.

  2. TWO KIDS LOOKING AT THE CAMERA AND SMILING...AT THE SAME TIME!! You did it!! YOU DID IT! You must be a wizard. They are just adorable--both of them! Happy Valentine's Day!! --Lisa (My teen boy is the elusive one for pictures, too. My daughter will smile and have her picture taken all day. My so much. When it happens, it's like a holiday.)

  3. Gorgeous kids! So glad Tommy came out for pictures, great kid!

    Happy Chocolate Day!

  4. They are so cute...
    Happy Valentine's Day

  5. The amount of cuteness...unbearable!!!
    Happy chocolate day!!

  6. I love this :) I love chocolate so this holiday is perfect and as I get older the more inclined I am to say that I'm a v-day fan. It also helps to have someone sweet by my side this year lol

  7. Hahahaha I love it!!!!! I love valentines day! CHOCOLATE!!!!

  8. Oh - those pictures are awesome!!
    Natalie's curls - so gorgeous!! Do you have to curl her hair? That would probably give me a major panic attack!
    And, I love that even though Tommy had enough, he clearly liked his rose!!!

  9. Oh to be a fly on the wall for the photo shoot! Happy chocolate day :)

  10. haha, can you have Tom videotape one of your photo sessions one day? I need to see the farting noises in action. No doubt that they produce glorious photos.
    And Tommy looks gorgeous!
    And the dialogue is hilarious.

  11. adorable! thanks for sharing. this morning my 5yr old woke up at 620am, opened her door and shouted in the dark hallway: Happy valentines day!!

  12. I am so glad you were able to get pictures of both of them. I love her shirt!

  13. So darn cute! I'm impressed with Tommy. I know how difficult a picture is at that age. And a smile? And with his sister? That is pretty awesome! Tell me your tricks!!

  14. Love it...they are both too cute! Hope you had a wonderful valentine's day and find awesome deals on chocolate today! I notice Easter is already out and chocolate here was slim pickings!

  15. Two BEAUTIFUL kids! Thanks for sharing these smile-making pics with the world. :) Stopping by from SITS sharefest

  16. Love love love these pictures. So glad you successfully got good valentines day pictures. :)

  17. Oh I love your sense of humor! Your kiddos are adorable and I'm with you....if chocolate is involved, I'm in!!

  18. Cute cute cute! Getting good pics of more than one kid at a time is not a talent to be downplayed- nice job!

  19. so cute! she could be a child model!

  20. Natalie is getting so grown up.. I love your descriptions of her posing. :)

  21. Love the photos of Tommy!!They are so rare :) Looked like you had a very Happy Valentine's Day :)

  22. I am loving these photos, especially of Tommy since we rarely see him look so happy to be in a photo!! Go mom!


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