To seriously want to message the person who keeps outbidding me on eBay, "I need this more than you, please back off."
To have convinced Tom to return to Disney World next year. We're aiming for Spring Break or May when the kids get out of school. Hoping for not as many people when we went in June.
To really hope Natalie doesn't offend the families who don't allow farts to be used in their house. Yes, there are people like that. Natalie freely uses the word often throughout the day.
To want to know what happened to the Dr. Phil family. Remember Alexandra? She and Jenelle from Teen Mom 2 would have been friends. Alexandra was addicted to drugs and kept having kids. Then she got clean and disappeared. I'm nosy and I need to know these things.
To be having Natalie's birthday party at Chuck E Cheese on Saturday. Masked creatures frighten me. I never know if I'm supposed to talk to them or just stand there. This makes me more nervous than the germs. I could care less about the germs. They exist. But what will I do if the giant mouse wanders over to me?!
To hope The Walking Dead gets more interesting. There's only 3 episodes left and I've been kind of bored. My husband was all, "They better get to a point, and quick."
To have a giveaway for an Orkin Bed Bug Prevention Kit here. Scared about bed bugs? Me too! This will help them stay away.
To be glad that Natalie doesn't look constipated in her Spring school picture! I have written about how she sometimes looks constipated in class photos. This one isn't bad. Still a fake smile, but not a face that says, "I need to poop but I can't!"
What a great school picture! I think all school pictures are awkward looking and posed...that's the novelty in them, right? lol
ReplyDeleteI totally agree with TWD! I am almost bored with the second half of the season! I'm still not over Carl being such a pain in the 1st episode. I was almost pulling for the Zombies to win.
ReplyDeleteChuck E Cheese terrifies me. He's not the sweet looking mouse like Mickey he's creepy!
ReplyDeleteCute picture. I am creeped out by masks too. You never know who's hiding under there!
ReplyDeleteMasks creep me out too! Natalie looks great in her school photo. I have trouble smiling on command too.
ReplyDeleteI'm so happy that we are done with the days of Chuck E Cheese - I hate that place!!!
ReplyDeleteNatalie's picture is so cute!!!
I will say this about Disney World: any time that kids are scheduled to be out of school (spring breaks/summer) will be absolutely gobsmacked packed. I've been to Disney more times than I can count--You're better off snagging the kids out of school for a few days--I know that's probably frowned upon--but otherwise you'll spend all that money to stand in 100 degree temps in lines an hour + long.
ReplyDeleteShe would fit right in here at our house. The word fart and the word butt are embedded into our daily vocabulary.
ReplyDeleteUgh, I completely agree about the Walking Dead. They need to get back together already and I don't like Daryl being with Governor Hale and his biker looking crew!
I love TWD but they are drawing it out too much 3 episodes left theyre all gonna meat at the safe place and then we have to wait til October GRRR!
ReplyDeleteSchool pic looks great, Bailey has cheetos all over his face in his! lol
I feel the same about The Walking Dead, it's getting boring and it needs to speed up.
ReplyDeleteWhat a cute picture of your daughter!
This seems like a great linkup :)
Her picture turned out cute! My oldest keeps asking to have a Chuck E Cheese birthday party. Maybe one of these days, I'll give in to him!
ReplyDeleteHaha, I'm totally with you about getting outbid on eBay. I had to stop doing auctions because I would take it so personally when someone outbid me. I also hated how people would set the auction low, but have a random minimum price you had to bid. How am I supposed to know what price you want? Just set that as the minimum!!!
ReplyDeleteI only do buy it now. I can't handle the auctions haha
May is a good time to visit WDW, especially before Memorial Day. The weather is still hot, but not as bad as June and fewer storms too. It's one of my favorite times of year in Florida :)
ReplyDeleteI checked out of the Walking Dead a while back- the prison/Andrea drama got annoying to me.
ReplyDeleteI agree with you on walking dead, I mean.. they are seriously dragging it out! I wish there were more than 3 episodes left!!
ReplyDeleteTotally agree with the walking dead! I wanted to fast forward on Sunday!
ReplyDeleteTotally agree with the walking dead! I wanted to fast forward on Sunday!
ReplyDeleteSpring break at Disney can be pretty crowded. If you can swing it, May may be better. Sometimes if you can go before Memorial Day weekend, the crowds are smaller since kids are in school.
ReplyDeleteHahahahaha I feel that way about ebay sometimes! I'm like please back off all you are going to do is bid this up!!!
ReplyDeleteCute picture of Natalie! You are def brave to being going to Chuck E Cheese...a walking rat is not terrifying at all.
ReplyDeleteSo many kids have constipated faces. What the hell! That's a cute picture of her.
ReplyDeleteIf Natalie offends parents by using farts, she should probably end her friendship with their kids right now. They will be lame later in life.
When I was a kid I was afraid one of the Chuck E Cheese guys - I think it was the baker. It wasn't Chuck E.
ReplyDeleteAlso, go back to Disney!
Also, Scarlet yells "FART" everywhere she goes. And I know for a fact some of my friends do not like that word.
We went to WDW the week before the week of Thanksgiving 2013 and it was awesome. The longest line was maybe 10 minutes and the weather was fabulous.
ReplyDeletei honestly dont see why some parents think "fart" is a 'bad word'. not it's not. same with the words vagina or penis. it's not like you teach your kid to scream these words out at any given moment; they are the correct anatomical words for those parts. i think parents need to stop sheltering their kids!
Vodka and Soda
Yes, always good to not look constipated in pictures. From the sellers end on e-bay you sure love it when people keep outbidding each other,but yea as a buyer it sucks.
ReplyDeleteI have never had a birthday party at Chuck E Cheese but I do sometimes take my kids there, they really love it and we just try and go and weird off peak times and then it isn't so bad.
Aw, that's a great school photo!!! And yes, it's ok to tell the ebay person to back off.
ReplyDeleteMy boys love the word fart as well. My youngest? Burps at people's houses. Makes me want to scream, so there you go, 3 offenses in a row.
ReplyDeleteHer pic is great!
What a cute picture. Definitely a cheesy-smile but at least this girl knows how to accessorize :-) I agree that sometimes I'd love to know how people from some reality TV stuff are faring. Totally inconsequential, but still.. Nosiness made our species survive!
ReplyDeleteOh I feel your pain with the eBay thing!! And her school picture is adorable, love that sweater!
It totally blows my mind when people tell me that their families don't fart or burp in front of each other. Dafuq?!
ReplyDeletei wanna know what happened to the girl on dr. phil that was convinced she was preg and that her dad beat her or something and caused her to lose the baby. she was never preg to begin with. it was crazy. and i NEED TO KNOW
ReplyDeletei wanna know what happened to the girl on dr. phil that was convinced she was preg and that her dad beat her or something and caused her to lose the baby. she was never preg to begin with. it was crazy. and i NEED TO KNOW
ReplyDeleteI have never been to a Chuck E Cheese - what are these places? I don't think we have them in Canada, and the unknown aspect is kinda scary. Does that last shards of cool and hip we cling to as parents go there to die...
ReplyDelete..or something a little less dramatic.
yeah, kinda like recent TWD episodes.
character development is all good and well, but I love Daryl and even I would not want to be closed in a trunk with that unmade bed.
Not all masked creatures make me nervous, but there is something about Chuck. E. Cheese that does.
ReplyDeleteDisney is the best! I say go as often as you can! :) And Chuck-E-Cheese is the perfect party place except for the giant mouse, of course! ;)-Ashley
ReplyDeleteI've never been to Disney, ever. Ever. But right now, anywhere warmer than HERE sounds fantastic!
ReplyDeleteThat school pic is adorable! My son always looks like he is about to burst into tears in his. I stopped buying them years ago!
I'm guessing the action will pick up in the next few episodes. I need to know what happened to Beth! It's rare that I actually yell at the TV, but when she was taken all bets were off!
ReplyDeleteI have been learning not to tell Stella to smile for pictures because it never fails that she gives a fake smile with a teeth clenching constipated look, too! And then I'm like Noooo, try again! I have started to just try to make her laugh for a good picture. We'll see when she gets to school how those pics turn out!
ReplyDeleteEva Marie Taylor
Natalie's picture looks great!! My daughter looks funky in hers a lot of the time. My youngest son is always crying in his because he hates getting his picture taken. It makes buying the group shot well worth it, just to laugh at it!!
ReplyDeleteOh school photos...why must they be so painful?.... Hers is actually quite cute though.
ReplyDeleteI don't know how to link this to your blog, but here is my "Hey, It's Okay" post for this week: