Thursday, March 6, 2014

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Judged For Complaining

"I don't understand the people who complain that their kids have to stay home because of a snow day! Cherish them!"

I always want to say, "I'll cherish them when they understand that no, I don't want to play Barbies all day and to let Mommy have quiet time."

Instead I roll my eyes.

I see this type of thing posted on Facebook in various forms.

See, my kids had snow days Monday and Tuesday. I was not happy. I posted that I was not happy. A lot of other people did too.

And then came the above posts.

"They grow so fast. A parent should never whine when their kids have to stay home!"

I know they grow fast, thank you. I have a twelve-year-old. But it's okay to like your silence. It's okay to enjoy being able to run errands in peace. It's okay to complain about it! I love my kids to bits but man, I so enjoy being able to hear my own thoughts.

"I'm actually happy my kids will be home! We can craft and cuddle!"

Fantastic. You glue your sticks together.

Yes, I enjoy my quiet time when the kids are in school. I get so much done!

So if school is canceled again in the future?

I'll probably complain about it.

Sorry Constantly Happy Facebook People.


  1. haha - craft and cuddle!
    Yeah. No.
    I'll take cuddling but only because it means that I can turn on the TV and fall asleep.
    No fair about the snow days! I think we're done for now. Well I shouldn't say that. It's New England. It can snow until May.

  2. yup. that happened to me last year. someone posted about how wonderful snow days are and I was like shut up.

  3. I enjoy snow days because I don't have to go out in the cold and drive in snow. My daughter hates snow days because she loves school and doesn't want to miss learning. The only parents who annoy me about it are the ones who are SAHM with a live in nanny that aren't even going to be home with their kids.

  4. I don't understand people who think that parenting is all glitter and roses! I love my kids!! Sometimes I wish I could spend more time with them. And sometimes I've had enough, thankyouverymuch! Complaining about your kids doesn't mean you don't love them. It just means you like to string three adult sentences together into a coherent thought without wiping boogers or playing Barbies for 10 minutes! Geez!

  5. I'm glad you're honest about your frustrations. I don't have any children yet, but snow days even give me cabin fever. I start thinking how little food we have in the house, even if I just went to the grocery's stressful!

  6. I saw an amazing post by a woman who wrote to the little lady in the check out line who was telling her to cherish these moment, they are fleeting while her children were running around like crazy. She said so was so tired of hearing that!!! I'm here to say that I am trying hard not to say that anymore but the truth is when your suddenly sixty and your look back you wonder where it all went, wishing you had savored it more and I bet that just maybe someday you just may say those very words to someone. I say this from my heart and I do understand the days where you wish it wasn't a snow day :) Kids can drive us absolutely crazy!!!

  7. i totally agree. the kids get so stir crazy and whine about everything. i was so glad when the youngest one's school only had a delay on tuesday and i was able to have a friend watch the older two so i could go to work.

  8. Moms need and deserve alone time just like everyone else! Might I suggest some Tylenol PM spiked juice boxes?? ;P

  9. Craft and cuddle while sipping Mommy's special juice, maybe. Why do people not get that mothers are not just parents, they are also people, and maybe they'd like a break? You shouldn't be made to feel guilty for that!

  10. lol, I'm only happy the first day. After that, I'm ready to kill someone :P

  11. I'm with Martha - craft and cuddle if there is a special Mama drink!!!
    OY - snow days were not about crafting here!! Sometimes we play a game which is fun but no crafts!! I remember when the boys were younger - snow days weren't always that great.
    I always wonder if the people who make those comments really truly enjoy ever second of those days or if they just happen to be having a particularly good day.

  12. I don't get why people are pissed when people complain/what they complain about as long as they are not constant complainers. There's a difference.

  13. When mom is happy, the whole house is happy. If there are too many snow days, mom is not going to be happy. I love my son but I don't need to have him around me 24/7.

  14. There's a reason why they grow up so fast. Any slower and we'd kill them.

  15. Eek I just wrote an annoyed post and I mentioned you in the beginning, and I am trying to figure out if I made it sound like I was annoyed with you or not. Just a heads up, I am NOT ANNOYED WITH YOU. It is not you I was talking about. I only mentioned you because of your weekly things that annoy me segment and I liked that idea so I was joining in on that parade by mentioning something that was annoying me, but I am not sure I made it clear it was not YOU I was annoyed with. Aucgh maybe I should delete that post altogether. I'm thinking on it. And I wanted to apologize in advance. I AM SO SORRY.

  16. And it really is OK for you to be annoyed about these no school snow days. I understand needing the peace and quiet!

  17. Lol! I love Amanda's suggestion of spiked juice boxes!

  18. Those Facebook moms annoy me, too! SO OBNOXIOUS! I like for my kids to go to school when they are supposed to be at school. The end.-Ashley

  19. Ugh. I hate all of those types of people too. Amazingly, I'm "friends" with a few of them. Eye rolling happens quite often when I see that kind of crap on FB.

  20. I appreciate your honestly. Parenting isn't all sunshine, cupcakes, crafting and cuddling! Yes, sometimes it's nice to be home together, but not all the time! Those people who say they love their kids so much on FB are just puttin' up a front, in my opinion.

  21. Hahaha...congrats constantly happy Facebook people!! My daughter isn't school aged yet, but being a stay at home mom is hard. I needed to get a laugh out of this post because I've been feeling discouraged the past couple days because I've been a frustrated mom. Thanks for keeping it real! I love my girl so very much too, but I know what you mean about wanting to hear your own thoughts sometimes!
    Eva Marie Taylor

  22. I love a good snow day, mostly because it means I get to stay in my pajamas all day long and never one time have to drive my van that day.
    Of course, I also have a 14 year old daughter who loves to do crafts with her little brothers, so I'm off the hook.

  23. I agree Amber and folks need to let others have their happiness in their own way vs passing judgment from the outside. Life isn't Ward and June Cleaver every day for a lot of folks. Good post :)

  24. Complaining is fun, I mean I love my job, but I don't skip there everyday, grateful to be able to go there. You can love your kids, be a good Mum, and still be happy when they go to school. These things can all exist together.

  25. There is a reason why my kids go to school. They should be there and not getting crazy with magic markers and glue. My kids are on a two week "spring" break - and by day 3 they were asking to go back.

  26. "Fantastic. You glue your sticks together. " LOL Seriously! We have been out all week and there is this kind of talk on our school FB page too.

    Honestly this week hasn't been that bad but I just got back from my solo trip.

    There is a reason I like my kids in school :)

  27. Have I told you lately that you are my kinda girl?
    I think a LOT of those other people are full of crap. The rest, well, I'd like to know what they're smoking.

  28. Haha! Sometimes I like snow days, sometimes I don't. I totally get it! Enough is enough sometimes!

  29. LMAO those parents are FAKE! I cant stand it. I love my kids to pieces even enough to craft and cuddle (wtf) but sometimes I want to pull my hair out and ship them to grandmas!

  30. I always have three littles home with me, regardless of snow or not- since they don't go to school. So I absolutely LOVE snow days because it means the big kids will be home and THEY can entertain them and I can hide in my room and have silence.


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