Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up and that the post you link up is a Hey, It's Okay Post. Grab the button if you'd like!

To be excited that they are doing a sequel to My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Yay!

To have a lot of sandwich or TV dinner nights when Tom is gone. This baffles Tommy though. "You mean, you aren't making dinner? Why?" He doesn't consider a sandwich dinner. Like his father. Blah. He is completely at a loss if I offer cereal as a dinner choice.

To think the new Happy Meal box is a tad scary. It has a face on the side now. I feel like it's watching me as I stuff my face with nuggets.

To be taking the kids to see Maleficent today. Natalie has been looking forward to this movie for weeks. I'm looking forward to the popcorn mixed with SnoCaps.

To have reviewed a book called The Beautiful American over at Chick Lit Central here. That site has all sorts of fabulous books reviewed.

To still have a giveaway up to win an American Bible prize pack here.

To have bought MarioKart 8 for Tommy since he did so well in school. (If you buy the game at Target, you get the wheel free!)

Airing My Dirty Laundry


  1. I'm so excited to see Maleficent. Both my kids are excited, too!

  2. Is it wrong that the main reason I want to see Maleficent is because I want to see Vivienne Jolie-Pitt in her debut movie role? She's just so darned cute.

  3. let us know what you think of Maleficent...i want to watch it!

    Vodka and Soda

  4. I want to hear all about Maleficent! Scarlet can't even handle the trailers for it. Maybe when she's older!
    I'm excited about the sequel too. Are they getting all the same actors??

  5. I LOVE sandwich dinners! Especially if they are paninis! Yum!

  6. I LOVE sandwich dinners! Especially if they are paninis! Yum!

  7. We used to have sub night when I was a kid--you made your own the way you liked it. We thought it was fun. Salad night can work the same way. Lay everything out and let them build their own. I grew up in the pre-Subway days, though! (That chain didn't take over the world until I was in high school and college.)

  8. My hubs the same thing. He can't fathom not having a "traditional" dinner. And congrats on Tommy doing so well in school! Bonus that the wheel came free when you bought it at Target.

  9. I thought I was the only one who was excited for a sequel to My Big Fat Greek Wedding!! I loved the first one!

    And cereal is a completely acceptable dinner choice ;-)

  10. I thought I was the only one who was excited for a sequel to My Big Fat Greek Wedding!! I loved the first one!

    And cereal is a completely acceptable dinner choice ;-)

  11. I am so excited for the sequel! I love the first one.

  12. I have cereal for dinner all the time- love it! Will look forward to hearing what you think about Malifiecent.

  13. Popcorn + SnoCaps is the BEST combo ever, and any time I go to the movies I always get weird looks. I'm so glad there is another person out there who loves this :) I might just do it when I go to see Maleficent this weekend!

  14. What cereal for dinner isnt acceptable? My kids love it hahaha probably because I offer it to them more times than I should.

    I really want to see that movie, maybe I can convince the bf to take me.

  15. There are times that I just have popcorn for dinner! (not often anymore since I need some protein for my early morning workouts but...)

  16. I've never heard of SnoCaps in popcorn! I like to put chocolate chips in mine...

  17. I heard that Malificent is incredible... hope you enjoy! :D

  18. I was JUST telling someone today that when Nick is gone, my diet consists of salads, sandwiches, and spaghetti....sauce straight out of the jar, no heating....onto my hot noodles.

  19. I'm so excited about the sequel too! You'll have to let us know if Maleficent is any good

  20. Haha! WHat is that delicious sounding pop corn. We don't have that here! I thought i already said that but apparently my comments were lost somewhere in blogosphere. Natalie is such a cute gymnast! And Tommy was so handsome at the awards!

  21. I never make real meals when the man isn't home to eat it, and my Mom didn't either. Perfectly normal. My dinners of choice on my own usually look like popcorn or fruit. We rarely have actual sandwich supplies.

  22. my parents still have the original mario kart--whatever system it was back then? n64? anyways, it still works!!!

  23. I haven't actually HAD a Happy Meal, but yeah...that new box? Eh.

    And for me, hey it's ok I'm gonna walk on the dreaded treadmill tonight then consume every calorie I walked off with some new wine!

  24. Sandwiches are awesome for dinner!

    And for me, it's okay to look forward to my husband's business trip because a few nights without having to share a bed is a nice treat.

  25. We think the new happy meal mascot is creepy too!

  26. My kids love simple dinner nights when Ken's not home. Of course, I usually let them eat in front of the TV on those nights, too, so that might be part of it.

  27. I do the same for dinner when my husband isn't at home. It's rare that I'll spend much time on dinner. Can't wait to hear what you thought of Malificent. I keep hearing some bloggers say to take the kids and others say don't.

  28. It's always okay to review a book for CLC! ;)
    I didn't know about this MBFGW sequel! I know they're planning one for Mrs. Doubtfire though. Crazy!
    How was Maleficent? Was your daughter scared at all?

  29. I tried to get my husband to agree to a sandwich for dinner one time…yeah he was not about it. I cant believe how many posts of yours I’ve had to catch up on, have I really been absent for a week? Ugh. Kill me now!


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