Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up and that the post you link up is a Hey, It's Okay Post. Grab the button if you'd like!

--To be watching Big Brother. It's...honestly, I'm not a fan of any of the houseguests yet. I thought at first that Devin might be nice, since he talked about his daughter, but now I think he needs psychiatric help, and a lot of it.

--To want to check out that new show Married on FX. It premieres on July 17th and looks hilarious.

--To be going on several dates this week. It's our last week without the kids (they return Saturday) so we're taking advantage. Also, Tuesday is Pay Day. On our list? Going to a hibachi grill, playing games at Dave and Busters, and eating at a German restaurant.

--To not be surprised that Sam & Cat was canceled. I watched part of one episode and vowed to never watch it again. Tommy agreed with me. Natalie liked it, so she had to watch upstairs, away from my eyes. (And ears. Cat has the world's most ANNOYING voice.)

--To be excited that I get to see Sex Tape on Friday. Not an actual one. The movie starring Jason Segel and Cameron Diaz. It looks hilarious. Plus I like Jason Segel. Anyone who sings with muppets is a friend in my eyes.

--To have a giveaway to win an Orkin Backyard Explorers Kit here. If your kids like bugs, this is a great thing to have.

--To still have to clean the house even though the kids aren't here. Tom was like, "When are you going to sit?" as I wiped down counters and mopped. "I have to clean. How do you think things are done while you are at work?" I answered. See, Tom is on leave for about a month. He usually doesn't see me scurry around the house. He's been nice though, and has helped me clean a lot, because he says he feels weird sitting while I'm scrubbing.

--To be glad I'm not the only one with a dramatic daughter according to the post I wrote about why having a girl was fun (and frustrating.)

--To have ordered an alcoholic beverage at 11 AM. The kids are with my parents, so I thought, why not? This is the painkiller drink from Cheddars. It was okay. It tasted too much like alcohol. I like the fruity alcoholic drinks, where I can only taste the fruit. I mainly licked the coconut off the rim, which was not sexy in the least. I probably looked like a giraffe eating.

Airing My Dirty Laundry


  1. I've been known to have a morning drink from time to time. It's 5 o'clock somewhere! I saw the previews for Big Brother and it looked good but never got around. Maybe I'll catch up On Demand. The Sex Tape movie looks good.

  2. glad you're enjoying your kid free time!

  3. Enjoy your kid-break, I have a semi kid break - son is away with my ex husband. And as far as drinking in the am - like Terra said: It's 5 o'clock somewhere!

  4. I agree with Devin, I thought I liked him too! I also really like joey but she didnt last long...haven't really figured out a new one that I like..I like Amber...and Donny I suppose! LOL

  5. I watched about 5 seconds of Sam and Cat and quit because her voice I thought had to be a joke. Ugh!! I wish that my Hubbs had felt the same way while I cleaned this weekend and he sat on the couch watching tv instead. Enjoy the movie! I want to see it as well, but we will probably wait for redbox.

  6. Hahahaha Ive never watched Sam and Cat, but Cat was my fave on Victorious lol

  7. UGh, Sam and Cat. My son liked that stupid show. I want to check out Married too! It looks so funny. I can't wait to see Sex Tape! I love Jason Segel and Cameron Diaz, so I think it will be fantastic!

  8. I don't have kids and am usually cleaning something!

    I'm glad you guys are enjoying your time.

    Jason Segal is hilarious. I like Cameron Diaz too, I hope that movie is good.

  9. A giraffe eating, LOL, what a picture!

  10. Yay!! Sam & Cat got cancelled!! I can't stand it, Cat's voice is so annoying, it actually gives me a headache.

  11. Have fun on your dates. Let me know how Sex Tape is. I agree about Jason Segel, but I also watched HIMYM. :)
    I'm jealous that you have Cheddar's nearby. I love their onion straws.

  12. I agree about Big Brother I think that Frankie has potential, but he's getting lost in the crowd. Plus there are some people that I forget are even on the show. Victoria...? Haven't seen/heard from her in a while.

    I hope you and Tom enjoy your date week!!

  13. I've tried to get into big brother, but it never happens. I want to check out Married too but we turned TV off for the summer. bummer!! theres usually never anything on that I cab't watch later on netflix.

  14. A drink at 11am? You are so my kind of girl. The kids are away so turn down for what?!

  15. Drinks at 11:00 am are absolutely acceptable. You just reminded me that I want cookies and it's past noon. I wanted cookies early in the day too, though!
    And I would lick the coconut too!
    I wish I felt weird watching Cassidy clean... then maybe I'd help.

  16. I LOVE Jason Segel. LOVE.

    My daughter loves Sam and Cat and is disappointed that it was canceled. I'm not surprised, either. Cat doesn't bother me but Sam is a bully. And mean. Basically, she's awful. So good riddance to her.

  17. There is definitely nothing wrong with having a drink at 11am, especially if you are without your kids for a while. Also it is nice that your hubby has been helping you clean a bit... mine usually retreats to his man cave letting me continue to clean by myself lol

  18. It was 5 o'clock somewhere! :)

    I LOVE Jason Segal (How I Met Your Mother was my favorite show!) and want to see sex tape, too!

    And I HATE Cat's voice! I heard the show was cancelled due to Jeanette McCurdy's challenging her contract. And not showing up for the Kids' Choice awards. I guess Sam is a rebel in real life, too!

  19. I'm watching BB--first year with the live feeds. It's a COMPLETELY different experience this way. You really get to know the houseguests and you see how little they actually show on TV. It's really crazy how edited it is. It's accurate--just a sadly small percentage of what actually happens in the house. Frankie (Ariana Grande's brother) is awesome. Victoria is a little diva who orders everyone around. Amber takes everyone's stuff and doesn't return it or damages it. Brittany tends to nag like a mom--it can get annoying. Caleb is HILARIOUSLY full of himself. I do like Nicole (voice can get annoying) and Christine, despite her constant blowing of her nose. But I never really pick favorites when I watch the show. People can change from one day to the next in that house, and watching live feeds you can see why.

  20. We are watching Big Brother too!! I am a Donny and Nicole fan. And heck yeah to the 11 am drink!!

  21. You'll have to update us on how Sex Tape was. I love me some Cameron Diaz!

  22. Oh man, are you going to the German restaurant in Choctaw?? It's the BEST German food I've had in years! Enjoy your time without the kiddos!


  23. ooo let me know about sex tape - that looks HILARIOUS!!

    Vodka and Soda

  24. I've been wanting to go to hibachi for a while now. I haven't gone in a couple of years and that is not okay... even if my clothes always smell for hours afterwards!

  25. A kid-free week sounds amazing! Oh, what I would do. Sucks that your hubs will be gone for a month soon.

  26. Drinks in the mornings are the best!!!

  27. Who care if you looked like a giraffe - kid free and a drink in hand - what else could you ask for! Sounds like y'all are having a blast!

  28. I really like these lists. I need to participate next weekl. Tuesdays are normally my non blogging days but I can try!

  29. Oh - I really want to see Sex Tape it looks hilarious!!
    Glad you are enjoying your week full of dates!

  30. Ok, I'm totally doing this! Lol! Love it. Thanks fit stopping by my blog and reading. I really appreciate it!

  31. coconut on the rim? genius.
    I'm doing that with everything.


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