Friday, August 1, 2014

Inside Natalie's Closet: Summer Outfits By Gymboree!


It's here. And it's hot.

This means I shop for a lot of cute shorts, skirts, and dresses.

Getting Natalie to pose in them is not always easy.

"You can't see my eyeballs!"

I asked her to please cooperate and I got this:

"You are always BUGGING my life!"

I eventually got her to cooperate. This outfit is from Gymboree.

And yes, she had to fart in my general direction:

**Outfit Change**

"I can see you!"

Another Gymboree pick.

**Outfit Change**

I love this outfit for going to the aquarium. Does anyone else like doing themed outfits? I'm weird. Tom says it's odd. If we go somewhere I like to know what day we're doing what, so I can figure out what themed outfit Natalie should wear.

And yes, the outfit is Gymboree.

**Outfit Change**

This is actually NOT Gymboree. It's Crazy 8. A parent company of Gymboree. Ha.

"Make sure they see my matching shoes!"

**Outfit Change**

Crazy 8 again.

As I've said many times: shopping for girls is fun.

Where do you like to shop for the child in your life?

(And no, I was not compensated for this post. I wish. Gymboree?! Hello? *Taps microphone.*)


  1. I love the first and the last outfit more than the others (don't get me wrong they are all awesome but those are my favorite because I am slightly blue obsessed!). Where do I shop for my kids? Usually the first store that I see that has what I need/want at affordable price - I hate shopping!

  2. My mom does the shopping for my niece and nephew and she loves Children's Place. Crazy 8 is usually to expensive for her tastes. Other than that it will be at the big stores (Kohl's, JC Penney, Target)

  3. I like H&M, Crazy 8 and Old Navy. I used to be more into Gymboree but they don't have one locally so I don't go as much.

  4. Oh how I miss dressing a little girl. Take advantage of it while you can ;) Your daughter is so adorable and I love all of those outfits you chose! I think Gymboree definitely needs to throw some sponsorship you way!

  5. I love the outfits and this is why I need a daughter to shop for. I didn't know people DIDN'T theme their outfits...if you're going somewhere and you have something perfect for that place- why wouldn't you?

  6. When mine were little I loved Children's place and gymboree. Now that they are older its Justice, H&M, sadly Hot Topic

  7. I love Gymboree, both for the quality and the adorableness factor, but I'm cheap and too lazy to shop the sales so I use eBay. Luckily my mom lives minutes from a Gymboree outlet store and loves to get my kids presents.

  8. Well you KNOW where I shop haha, I LOVE my Gymbo and C8!!!

  9. haha! I so often say "fart in your general direction." Like.. daily.
    Also, "bugging my life" is my new saying. I do know someone who is always bugging my life.
    I can't wait for kindergarten clothes shopping!

  10. She is so adorable! I really don't get to shop at all for my daughter anymore, although I guess you could say I do, since she "shops" in my closet all the time! My boys still let me buy clothes for them, but neither one of them care too much about what they wear.

  11. I did not know that Crazy 8 was a parent company of Gymboree!!! I love that store!

  12. I love all of them! And no, themed is not weird!

  13. Love that Crazy 8 dress! I put Penny in themed clothes, when I can, like especially to the zoo.

  14. She's SO cute! And the dresses are beautiful. Her comment about bugging her life reminds me of my cousin's young child. He wanted to go swimming Friday night back at the hotel and we were taking too long saying goodbye. He started yelling, "You're wasting my time!" over and over. I love the way kids put things.


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