Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up and that the post you link up is a Hey, It's Okay Post. Grab the button if you'd like!

--To have laughed when Dean McDermont (Tori Spelling's husband) said that he was a great actor. What?!

--To be happy that my reserve of Leaving Time by Jodi Picoult was ready at the library. I'm loving it.

--To have been glad that I could try a bunch of Harvest Snaps flavors. Check out my review here. It's a healthy snack and doesn't taste like bark.

--To be glad other people didn't think I was crazy for my Things I Do When I Read Henry VIII Books post.

--To plan on stuffing my face on Thanksgiving. I love turkey! And mashed potatoes.

--To have already shopped the Black Friday sale at Kohls. It's already up on their website.

--To have finally finished season 2 of Orange Is The New Black. I liked it. I also picked up Orange Is The New Black from the library. The book, I mean.

--To have a giveaway for The Three Dogateers DVD here. It's a fun holiday film for the family!

--To be so happy he's home!

Airing My Dirty Laundry


  1. give me all the turkey! and yay for your hub being home!

  2. Ahh! So glad your husband is home for a bit!!! :)

  3. I love Turkey too. People who say they only like it once a year, are crazy.

  4. I cannot wait for Leaving Time! I don't even know how far down on the list I am because my library did away with that.

    Hooray for your husband being home! And mashed potatoes.

  5. I found that I actually liked the tv show more than the OITNB book (when does that happen?). They definitely filled the show with more drama.

  6. Shopping early is better than actually shopping on black friday. Ugh. I love Turkey and mashed potatoes too, Oh, and GRAVY!!!!! I should really watch Orange is the new black. I have never seen it.

  7. Can't wait to discuss Leaving Time with you!
    Here are my thoughts on OITNB. I have links to the other posts about it at the top, so I hope you get a chance to check those out too. http://merrylandgirl.blogspot.com/2014/07/orange-is-new-black-season-2-episodes.html
    Have a great Thanksgiving!

  8. Yea Tom being home!!!!! I forgot that Orange is the New Black started as a book...I should add it to my reading list, even though I don't watch the show =)

  9. Now that I am healthy and have a returned appetite I will indeed be stuffing my face full of everything on Thanksgiving!

  10. Mashed potatoes and turkey.... can't wait! I am finally almost done with True Blood. Considering I watch an hour or two a week, it has taken a really long time to watch the series.

  11. I was so glad about Kohl's because you will NOT catch me there on Thanksgiving at 6:00pm. Sheesh.
    Or Black Friday for that matter.

  12. Thanks for the heads up about Kohls! Please let us know how you like OITNB book. I'm curious!!
    Happy Thanksgiving :)

  13. Dean? Pssh.

    *running to Kohl's online...*

  14. I pln on stuffing my face for Thanksgiving too. What's the point of life if you have to count calories every day?? I'm glad Tom is home for Turkey day, I know that makes it ever sweeter! Happy Thanksgiving, Amber!

  15. I actually think your husband may possibly be smiling in that photo! He looks happy to be home too! I can't wait to read the post about weird things you read lol and I agree with the turkey excitement. I'm soooo ready to pig out

  16. I'm so glad your husband is home! Let the face stuffing commence!

  17. I took care of my Kohl's shopping online as well! Got $45 back in Kohls cash!


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