Thursday, December 11, 2014

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Slow Drivers In Holiday Light Displays

You know those light displays that you drive through?

I love them.

But sometimes you get an incredibly slow driver in front of you. Obviously I don't expect anyone to rush through the lights--but when you stop at every display to take photos for at least three minutes, it can get annoying.

For instance, the display was just beginning and the car in front of us stopped. We heard someone shriek, "It's Jesus!" and a second later there was a flash from the camera in the car.

Her hysteria made me wonder if the real Jesus was coming and I mentally went through my life choices. Yeah, I'd probably get into heaven. But then I realized she was talking about the lighted display of the nativity scene.


"Should we spoil it and say she'll probably see Santa too?" I asked.

She stopped at every display. At one point she got out and snapped a photo. It was of Santa in an airplane.

"I guess it was more exciting than Jesus?" I wondered.

Sometimes I've seen children placed on top of car roofs like we're in a Flintstone's episode. It doesn't seem exactly safe. What if a child goes tumbling off?

We'll continue to go through the light displays, of course. We just always hope we're not behind someone who feels the need to take a photo of every light.

Do you drive through light displays?


  1. i do the ones where you walk through or ride through, not drive through.

  2. We have a water park that turns into a light display for Christmas. For years it's been prohibitively expensive just to get in, not to mention that they pile on charges for hot chocolate and cookies and other stuff. This year they slashed the price-I mean, like it was early 1990's prices-and we were excited to go. Only the lower price means-no lights. Seriously, I think they sold three quarters of them to make up for the discount. I'm never going again. I'll just drive around my neighborhood.

  3. I haven't been to a drive through light display in YEARS, but I feel like I would be super annoyed if that's the case. I have such bad road rage, haha

  4. I feel the same way mainly because I have zero patience.

  5. We don't do the drive through ones but we have one at the end of our street (sort of; it's the main road you use to get to our neighborhood) that has a HUGE light display and it's a major attraction. It's on the corner and people just STOP, forgetting that some of us need the road to, you know, get home and it drives me up a freaking wall.

  6. We went to a drive through one last year but it was cheesy. I was told there's one in our area that is free on X-mas. We might consider that.

  7. Ha! We did it last year because we had a free ticket for it. Scarlet asked if we could go again if we could walk this time. I think she realized that if we walked, we'd still be faster than the cars.

  8. Kids on top of cars??!! I could not handle seeing that!

  9. I've never seen a drive through light display. We have a few that have their lights synced up to music, but usually those have places to park and people hang out as long as they want.

  10. I've never know of a 'drive thru light display' before. I don't think anyone does that here in UK but it does sound very cool! Not so much the slow drivers though.

  11. I know what you mean. There is a neighborhood nearby that goes all out so we always drive by. The super slow cars are annoying. Although maybe as annoying as the one in front of you!!!

  12. I actually can't wait to go to a few this year. We'll be back in Cali for Christmas and there's so many to choose from!

  13. I used to love driving around and looking at lights as a kid. My parents never let me sit on the roof though. haha!

  14. LOL!!!!!!!!!! OMG. LOL I have never in my day seen a kid on the top of a car, my brain cant even compute the comedy that would ensue....and the danger. WTF PEOPLE.


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