Monday, January 5, 2015

8 Things I Wish People Would Stop Saying To Me

1. You have a lot of hair!

I get this from hair dressers a lot. I have thick, long hair. I know I have a lot of it. I've taken to going, "I do?" when people say this now. If you state the obvious, I get to be sarcastic. Right?

2. Stop drinking Diet Coke. It's so bad for you!

Sure. Okay. I'll stop drinking it. And then turn really, really mean. Diet Coke is how I get my caffeine since I don't like coffee. If I stopped drinking it, my family would beg me to have some after a day. I promise.

3. How can you not love country music?

Well, because a lot of it reminds me of a dying animal. I don't like twangy noises. Mind you, I do like SOME country songs. But would I listen to it all the time? No.

4. Why don't you think Norman Reedus is hot? (He plays Daryl in The Walking Dead.)

I don't know. His face is all squished and his eyes are too small for his face. He doesn't do it for me. You can have him and his arrows. Congrats.

5. Just tell her no!

Someone always says this when I write about how Natalie is being difficult. Just tell her no? Why didn't I think of that? Thank you so much for the fabulous suggestion!

6. Your son is going to resent you when he's older since you had him circumcised.

Is he really? So the fact that I clothed and fed him and kept him alive all those years will mean nothing? Let me go ask my husband. Wait. He says to stop saying things like that, you crazy, crazy Internet people. He does not resent his mother. In fact, he thanks his mother. Worry about the penises you are raising. Thanks!

7. How can you not like Harry Potter?

Levicus nothanktus! That's magic for, "I could not get into the books!" I've tried. Many times.

8. You should not air your dirty laundry online.

I try to watch what I share...however, I'm not going to pretend like my life is sunshine and daisies and chocolate all the time. It's just not who I am. I want people to understand that life isn't perfect. That bad things happen. Drama happens. Life is blunt, and so am I.


  1. " Worry about the penises you are raising" Funniest thing I've heard in weeks!!

  2. I get the hair comment too and just laugh. Yep... I know... I see my brush every day!

  3. Why would anyone feel like they should comment on whether or not you had your son circumcised??? (for the record, both of our boys were also circumcised)
    I'm with you on Harry Potter - I watched the first 4 movies years ago with my boys but haven't finished the series and have zero plans to read the books.
    My guess is that some of the people who say things about your Diet Coke are busy chugging coffee and should probably keep their opinions to themselves:) I don't drink coffee either and used to love Diet Coke - now I just have it on occasion.

  4. People contribute way too many unwanted opinions on a regular basis. Not necessary. And totally agree with you on Diet Coke- needed.

  5. Another reason why I'm glad I don't have a penis to raise... but the other will be difficult later I'm sure! Hahaha. People say the same to me about coffee - stop drinking. I ask them if they are wanting to die, because that's what would happen! I love this list!

  6. BWHAHAHAHAHAHA! OMG, the penis comment. I almost peed myself! Daryl is cool and all, but I do not find him sexy. Also, I have not read the Harry Potter's or seen all the movies. It just didn't hook me. I am not a potter-head or whatever.

  7. Wait, you actually have conversations with people about circumcision? I've never had a conversation about that. My son is not circumcised and I'd think that Americans would find that weird because it's pretty normal around here for males being circumcised.

    And oh, I have a lot of hair too! My new hair dresser just told me that. I just say "I know" even though "duh".

  8. I get that about my hair, too.

    That last one makes me laugh- don't they know the name of your blog? LOL

  9. People say "your feet are so tiny!" My usual response is, "And so out of proportion to the rest of me!!" I'm five feet tall. Shouldn't I have small feet?!?!

  10. I love your blog and this was a fun post. I may need to do something like this sometime.
    I agree about Harry Potter and your comments about Diet Coke.
    I guess all Jewish boys will resent their parents too. :P
    I like country music though. Not ALL of it is twangy. LOL!

  11. Something's going to kill you. It might as well be something you like.

    People have all sorts of opinions you didn't ask for!

  12. Your posts always make me smile. "Crazy, crazy Internet people" pretty much says it all. I think some people do lose their manners and good sense once they sit behind a computer screen.

  13. Who comments on other people's children's penises? Some people have nothing better to do than get all up in your business! Phooey on them.

  14. Wow. People are rude!
    I got Des circumcised. People mostly leave us alone about it because we're Jewish. I remember my mom getting nervous and my dad saying, and I quote, "It's a piece of SKIN. It's not a piece of penis."
    That helped her.

    I have thick hair too. I don't like country music at all. Norman Reedus? Meh.

    I do love Harry Potter, though.

  15. Haha... love this post!! Also love your comment about The Walking Dead guy... I don't even watch The Walking Dead and I quite often get looks of horror when I say I don't watch it!!

  16. Do people really tell you those things about your kids??? Umm, having a blog doesn't mean you get to tell someone how to mother!

  17. Oooh, some good laughs here but seriously, what right does anyone have to say anything about your parenting?! The penis thing though-- that gave me the giggles.

    Have a great week!

  18. My boys keep trying to get me to give up Diet Coke. I tell them it's that or vodka - shuts them up every time.

  19. Someone seriously asked you #6, like repeatedly? Holy cow! I have NEVER had someone say that to me online or in person. That's crazy!!

  20. What the hell, people say the craziest things!

  21. Country music is the worst!!

    #6 is just weird. Seriously. Why is it anyone's business?

  22. I have girls so the penis issue was obviously not an issue at my house, but I would have had them circumcised if they were boys. People really do say the dumbest things.

  23. I always got "wow, you're so small!" while I was pregnant. I had low amniotic fluid levels, so I stayed small and never knew how to respond. Sometimes people just need to keep their mouths shut.

  24. Lmao. Omg Harry potter sucks Sooo bad. So does that twerpy guy that plays him. Lol Daryl is one of the best actors on TWD; I think the fans go gaga over him because eh well, what else is there on the show to drool over? Oh and Reedus gets pretty hammered at Comic cons and hits on anything in a skirt who comes up for one of his $200 plus photo I hear...which kind of makes him creepy.

  25. Lol, funny post. Loved this (even though I do like some country music): "Well, because a lot of it reminds me of a dying animal. I don't like twangy noises."

  26. Wait, #6, what?! That is the craziest comment. People say some really asinine things sometimes.

  27. 6 is just wrong. I cannot believe people would even have the nerve!!!! Ugh. People can be such dum dums


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