--To want that Play-Doh set that had something shaped like a penis. Apparently it "ruined" Christmas for some families. Seriously?! Uptight people confuse me.
--To have been happy to see my friend Jennifer when she was visiting family. I knew her from when we were in England. She lived across the street from me.
--To think it's funny that people are UPSET that Teresa from Real Housewives of New Jersey went to jail. Um, she broke the law? As I said before, I feel for her girls, but she deserves to be there. Sorry. Not sad.
--To have gone to see the new Annie over the weekend. It was good, but the original is better. You can see my review here.
--To be happy the kids are back in school. I love them so much, but I appreciate my quiet.
--To sometimes wonder if my husband is a secret agent--and then realize I've just been watching too many episodes of The Blacklist. (If you haven't seen it, you MUST. It's on Netflix.)
--To roll my eyes a bit at the people who post things like, "Why would anyone be happy that their kids are back in school? I love having mine around--always!"
--To have sent Natalie upstairs at regular time on New Year's Eve. Why? She was like this:
Too hyper. And also, I wanted to watch The Blacklist in peace.
The Play-doh thing was kinda hilarious! I haven't seen the Blacklist yet but I have heard good things. It's my next show to binge watch.
ReplyDeleteWe have that play doh set!!! We've had it forever and I am just now finding out about this. I never thought of it as a penis shape cause it's a children's toy......
ReplyDeleteI read about that play doh set ... really people will find 'issues' with just about anything out there! Or like my Cat would say 'they are just cray-cray mommy'
ReplyDeleteI totally get the fact that you are happy the kids are back at school. According to me that is a normal feeling
I've been watching The Blacklist too! And I totally agree on people who say they want their kids with them all the time and they just love school breaks. eye rolls all around!
ReplyDeletethose parents who complained about the penis-shaped play doh thing are the same parents who post about loving having their kids around 24/7. lame. they need to chill out and get real about parenting! i mean, we all love our kids but let's be honest here -- having them around 24/7 would drive anyone insane.
ReplyDeleteI know the feeling. We're all home for a snow day. At least the kids can keep themselves entertained.
ReplyDeleteA play doh set with a toy shaped like a penis would not ruin my Christmas. That's what I'm gonna ask Santa for. When my oldest was in 5th grade I went to school for a meet the teacher night. A parent was there moaning about how she would miss her daughter so much and could she come to the school everyday to volunteer so she could be near her daughter. Abbey just looked at me like crazy lady. I love mine but we all need alone time, them too.
ReplyDeleteThe play doh thing was HILARIOUS. Ruined Christmas? People need to stop.
ReplyDeleteI'm a big fan of Blacklist. I swear he is actually her father!
ReplyDelete"--To roll my eyes a bit at the people who post things like, "Why would anyone be happy that their kids are back in school? I love having mine around--always!"
ReplyDeleteYes! Oh my. Love my boys I do but it all works best when they are going to school.
People are way too uptight.
It cracked me up how upset people got over the playdoh thing.
ReplyDeleteI wasn't ready to send my kids back to school once break was over. I just wanted two more days, not forever, though. ;)
I'm glad when Monday comes around because the kids and I are mutually sick of one another ;). Can you imagine the cabin fever that was the 2 weeks we spent together between Christmas and New Year's? My son's behavior is so much better now that aren't together 24 hrs a day.
ReplyDeleteI laughed so hard when I saw that Playdough article a few days ago!
ReplyDeleteMy friend posted photos of his kid playing with that Playdough penis, on Facebook. It's so funny. Can't believe they didn't catch that mistake before shipping it out. I am so with you about the kids going back to school. I even wrote about it in my It's Okay Tuesday! Okay, you are like the 3 or 4th person recommending I watch Blacklisted. I am starting it tonight. :) Happy Tuesday!
ReplyDeleteI meant watching The Blacklist...it might need to be re-named Blacklisted. Love a type O....
DeleteI think it's totally okay, that your the type of blog that linked to a penis shaped toy...and I am the kind of reader that clicked the link. we work well together. :)
ReplyDeleteBlacklist in on my Catch Up TV show list.
I can't wait for Blacklist to come back!
ReplyDeleteI totally want that play doh toy too. It cracked me up
LOL at the play doh thing...I mean it's all perspective, right?
ReplyDeleteUgh, my kids were up way too late on New Year's Eve.
ReplyDeleteAlso, one of my friends got the penis-shaped Play-Doh thing. Honestly, I don't think kids really think that way. Just sick adults! (and proud)
Raymond Reddington is AMAZING! LOVE LOVE LOVE that show! And the Play Doh thing - I died laughing. I totally see it, and do wonder why the toy makers didn't, or maybe they did... but anyway... parents just need to chill out. Enjoy the laugh every time the kid plays with it! AND AMEN on the school. I love my girl, but I like my schedule, and for her to be getting her learn on elsewhere sometimes!
ReplyDelete#1 made me crack up. My family would have found it an added bonus!!!haha
I saw a picture of the playdoh set and thought "really, that's what people are upset about"? My boys are 17 and 19 and even I was glad they went back to school....
ReplyDeleteSo, this might shock you but I used to be such an uptight person - age has mellowed me a lot and now very little phases or shocks me:)
ReplyDeleteWhen my boys were little I was ready for school to start back - now that they are older they are much more fun to be around. Plus the start of school means back to 5:00am wake-ups for me and I'm not really feeling that this week!!
it is so easy to not break the law and stay out of prison!!! hehe.
ReplyDelete--To roll my eyes a bit at the people who post things like, "Why would anyone be happy that their kids are back in school? I love having mine around--always!" <-- This is totally going to be when my daughter is old enough for school. I love her to no end, but I'm discovering that I'm a happier, better mom when I get to go to work and do a few other grown-up things on my own.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad the kids are back in school and I am back at work. Now I get to actually miss them again, LOL!!
ReplyDeleteBlacklist is on my list of shows to watch...among so many other things. I need a job that just pays me to watch TV
ReplyDeleteThat picture of her is so cute! You can totally get her excitement in it! Also - I will be the same way about wanting my kids to go back to school! Peace and quiet! (even if I'll be at work!)
ReplyDeleteHaha! I love that you sometimes wonder if your husband is a secret agent lol! I definitely come up with believable and yet completely outlandish theories about things myself...maybe it's what happens to people that read a lot of books? Our minds go everywhere. And the whole play doh debacle was overhyped by the uptight- for sure.