Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Hey, It's Okay Tuesday!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up and that the post you link up is a Hey, It's Okay Post. Grab the button if you'd like!

--To find it odd to be home without the kids (they're with my parents) but I'm still enjoying it. I can read in peace.

--To be taking a bunch of stuff to Once Upon A Child. It's easier to do when Natalie isn't around. Otherwise she's all, "But I love all this stuff!"

--To have watched Trainwreck. It was pretty funny!

--To be ready for Tom to come home. I have a date. It's soon. But that's all I can say. Follow me on Instagram and you'll see when he's back.

--To wish Tom would lip sync to Hollaback Girl like Bennet on Orange Is The New Black. I asked him to and he was all, "Um, the military frowns on things like that." I mean, I get it, but at the same time it can help boost morale so soldiers don't think it's all death and sand Over There.

--To still be offended that Hannibal was canceled.

--To be excited when this arrives, because it means a deployment is nearly over.

Airing My Dirty Laundry


  1. Yay for deployment being nearly over!!

  2. so glad to hear Tom will be back soon!

  3. Yay that deployment is almost over! I bet you can't wait.

  4. Yay!!! That's exciting. I know you're stoked.

  5. It always feels weird to me when my kids aren't home, but I still enjoy it and use the time to work (or read).

    Yay for Tom almost being home!

  6. So glad he's coming back soon. LOL about Hollaback Girl. :)

  7. So glad he is coming back soon!

  8. Trainwreck looks really funny. So glad the deployment is almost over for him and you get him back soon.

  9. So glad to hear that he'll be home soon! :)

  10. Yay for deployment almost being done!!! I was a girlfriend of a military man and I couldn't take the deployment...I don't know how you handle!!!

  11. Oh yay! The magical trunk of joy has arrived! I love that.
    I so tried to see a movie alone today. It was either going to be Pixels, Trainwreck or Ant Man. I'm running out of chances to do this and when school starts up again, I think the earliest matinees are at 3, or something ridiculous like that.

  12. Hurray!! Deployment is almost over! What did you think of Trainwreck? I've heard mixed reviews.

  13. no kids? i would read all day and live in pjs. no shower. ok, maybe a shower.

  14. I think that last item would definitely make me excited! Almost over is good news.

  15. Whoop whoop! Hurrah for the deployment being thisclose to being over!! :)

  16. Sooooo glad to hear deployment is almost over! Yay!! :)


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