Thursday, July 30, 2015

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Dealing With Boy Puberty Stuff On My Own

Tom needs to come home.

I can't deal with boy hormone stuff with a straight face.

For instance, during our stay in San Antonio, Tommy apparently had his first wet dream, and my response was to go, "Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God," over and over again.

I also told him to burn his underwear.

Then I told Tom he needed to GET HOME RIGHT NOW.

Tommy knows about most of his boy stuff because I sort of thrust a book about it in his face one day. He was thrilled, and would report to me exactly what was happening to his body.

This made me go:

But I can't act disgusted, because I don't want Tommy to think it's wrong. So I'm all, "Wow, amazing, I think it's fabulous that you now have three armpit hairs."

I want my boy to stay tiny and cute. Not smelly and hairy. But puberty is happening, and it's happening at full force.

Help me.

(And PS: Tommy said I could blog about this. I asked. I promise. He almost seems PROUD that it happened. I guess it's a guy thing.)


  1. Nah. No thanks. I think I'll skip the puberty thing, with BOTH of them :P

  2. Hahahaha.
    Oh god, boys are yucky.
    However, girls get the monthly thing, which is not only ugh, but it causes them to be pissed off big time. I hope Toms home when Natalie goes through this for the first time so he can have the experience! Lol

  3. Does he like to read? If so, maybe he's ready for "Then Again, Maybe I Won't" by Judy Blume. I have that one stashed away for when my older son is ready.,_Maybe_I_Won%27t
    My younger son keeps asking how babies are created. The other day, he came in our room and started talking where he thinks they come from. He also started asking me about what sex is. Too soon!!!!

  4. This also made me think of Parenthood with Drew in the shower and Zeek coming in the bathroom to talk to him while he was in there. LOL!

  5. That's awesome that you got his permission.
    And holy cow, Des is so tiny and cute. I can't even imagine it but it will happen.

  6. oh no. just no. I will never be ready!

  7. Oh my god, oh my god! Would probably be my response too. I don't know how I'm going to do this.

  8. Oh my god, oh my god! Would probably be my response too. I don't know how I'm going to do this.

  9. Oh my god, oh my god! Would probably be my response too. I don't know how I'm going to do this.

  10. Ah, I would feel the same as you! I am already terrified of having the puberty talks with my daughter, and she's not even born yet! I can't imagine a boy. Eek!

  11. I'd be "Oh my God'ing along with you". WTG for Tommy being open to you blogging about it!

  12. So glad I have girls. I can handle girl puberty, for the most part.

  13. Too funny! Not sure how I would handle this, prollly the same way as you!

  14. I hate that type of stuff - and with a houseful of boys, I'm in for it! Colin just turned ten so not much has happened on the puberty front YET, but we're hurtling in that direction. And while I try my best to look casual and nonchalant about it, inside I look like that guy in the GIF up there.

  15. OMG that's what fathers are for! I dread the whole thing but I'll try to be nonchalant. Btw that guy with a shocked face is an italian politician, ha!

  16. I could only imagine how that conversation would go...awkward!! Hope Tom gets home and can have the talk.

  17. First- Welcome home and congrats on the end of deployment!

    Second- I am so not looking forward to this phase with my boys! ah!!

  18. Oh no! That's just terrifying. I need to have only daughters. I know how to deal with periods and drama. ;)


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