Thursday, August 20, 2015

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: People Getting Ticked At Target?

I'm sure by now you all know that Target has decided to move away from gender based signs.

I think it's pretty great. I love Target. I've always loved Target.


My daughter never paid attention to those signs anyway.

I mean, you guys know how she wandered into the "boy" section to get a Jurassic World and Minecraft shirt.

It doesn't bother her. Never has.

She loves Minecraft even though some kids have told her it's "for boys only."

She picked out her backpack even though she knows many boys have the same one. She doesn't care.

She got her lunchbox in what would have probably been the "boy" section. There were a bunch of pink, purple, and yellow lunch boxes and then the colors started to get darker.

Natalie doesn't care. She would never NOT get something just because it's in the BOY area. She has many Legos that aren't pink and purple.

Some people are upset that the signs are going away. I don't understand this. We really don't care one way or another because of the reasons I listed--BUT if it makes another kid feel comfortable, why not?

Ahh, Target. You might make my husband go, "You spent HOW MUCH?" on a weekly basis, but to me, you'll always be my favorite.


  1. Really? I haven't been in Target in forever! I guess I wouldn't know!

  2. It's ridiculous how people are getting so bent out of shape.

  3. My daughter love Minecraft, too! We don't do the whole "This is for boys and this is for girls thing" either :)
    I love her minecraft backpack, hehe.

  4. I love Target - always will. I haven't been there yet to see the new signage or lack of it. I'm excited. Brownie Batter Oreos and no signs that we don't need anyway.
    The people who are outraged are ridiculous. Target will only gain business from this.

  5. I have a post about this pending, but I agree, kids don't care its parents that care.

  6. I don't think they should have switched the signs, but I would never say that a little girl or little boy has to play with gender specific toys or backpacks etc. they should just pick what they like!

  7. I agree. There's more important things to worry about in this world than target getting rid of their "boys" and "girls" signs.

  8. It's so ridiculous that people are so upset about this, it's ridiculous!

  9. I love Target and I love this post. I wish more companies would follow suit. Why do I have to order my son a My Little Pony shirt online? Why can't they Hasbrouck make as many for boys as they do for girls? I'd buy him the girl ones, but they all have v necks and cinched sides, he's just not into that! Bravo to you for letting Natalie be herself!

  10. I love Target and I love this post. I wish more companies would follow suit. Why do I have to order my son a My Little Pony shirt online? Why can't they Hasbrouck make as many for boys as they do for girls? I'd buy him the girl ones, but they all have v necks and cinched sides, he's just not into that! Bravo to you for letting Natalie be herself!

  11. People pick the stupidest stuff to get all hot and bothered about. I think a lot of kids are like your Natalie...they like what they like and who cares where it came from! LOL She hasn't been taught or pressured to only prefer "girl" things and I think that's awesome!

  12. I think it's funny that people think that Target did this as a move to be more welcoming to the LGBTQ groups, when they really did it because parents got mad about labeling things as girls building sets. As though the girls couldn't build with blocks that aren't pink. If you can't figure out what your kid would want because the signs don't gender assign toys, I think you have some issues. People also are upset because they think the clothing won't be labeled, and then they won't know what to buy their children. Target is only taking the gender signs down from the toys and bedding. People get crazy.

  13. I didn't realize this was a thing but I find it ridiculous how some people got about it.

  14. i don't get the big deal! doesn't bother me either way.


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