Friday, December 18, 2015

My Eight-Year-Old Daughter Is More Excited To See Star Wars: A Force Awakens Than You

My daughter?

Is a gigantic Star Wars fan.

It's not because of Princess Leia either. She loved the story of Darth Vader being good--then becoming evil--but then turning good at the end.

"He saved his son!" she always marvels. "He was mean, but Padme was right: there WAS still good in him."

When we went to Disney World, she HAD to do Jedi Academy. We waited in line for a LONG time, but it was worth it. Truly. (You can read about that experience here.)

She loved learning different moves with her lightsaber.

She especially loved when Darth Vader came out.

She's always loved Chewbacca:

And she's the kid at the park running around in a Darth Vader costume:

Some kids have told her, "Darth Vader is a BOY. You can't wear that." Natalie replies, "I can be whatever I want." Because she can. She understands Darth Vader was bad. But she also understands that he turned good at the very end.

So she'll be thrilled to see Star Wars: A Force Awakens on Christmas Day because yes, we bought 3D IMAX tickets.

She'll get to discover who Rey and Finn are. She'll see familiar characters. And we'll find out why Luke wasn't in the poster. ("I hope he didn't turn to the dark side. But if he did, maybe, MAYBE he'll remember how to be good like his Daddy...")

May the Force be with you.


  1. My 5 year old totally cried when she found out daddy wasn't taking her to the movie with him tomorrow.. Haha

  2. We are surprising the girls (8 & 5) by going on Christmas Eve. They are going to FREAK OUT! My 8 year old is so into Star Wars and has been for several years.

  3. Ah that's so cool she's such a big fan! I personally never cared much for Star Wars. I saw the originals as a child and was like eh whatever. Now Spaceballs? Oh hell to the yes. Also I really liked Flash Gordon. Ahahaha

  4. I love that Natalie is such a huge fan! My kids have no interest in Star Wars. I mean, one is only 4, but the 9 year old boy couldn't care less.

  5. So cute! I'm glad she found a movie she's so passionate about. I've only been into it for a pop culture aspect (like being able to quote lines or understand humorous stuff related to it). I'm sure I'll see it eventually, but yes...she's WAY more excited than I am. Have fun!

  6. She's definitely a bigger fan than me. She is not a bigger fan than my husband. Who has already seen it twice.

  7. Girl your kids are fabulous. Can I please tell you a secret....I've never watched a single Star Wars movie. I know. Please don't throw me out. I know nothing except what I've absorbed from pop culture and my Facebook feed. So far, I'm understanding there's a problem with Luke's father??

  8. My nine year old boy isn't interested in Star Wars but is a closet My Little Pony freak! The show is about caring, compassion and friendship, all the qualities that I want him to have. BTW I am excited to see Star Wars but will wait a bit after the crowds calm down. Stopping by from the Sharefest.

  9. I love her enthusiasm and her confidence!! You are doing a great job raising her to be a strong woman!!! I want to see the movie but I work for a big retailer so all I've heard about for a year is the Star Wars movie and all the product and how much product our stores will have....etc... and I'm Star Wars'd out for the moment. :-)

  10. I have never watched star wars and as you can imagine these days I feel like a leper. I think I have to rectify a mistake!

  11. My husband and sons are at Star Wars right now. I didn't go because I've never been a huge fan. I do love going to see movies on CHristmas day though - have fun!

  12. we are seeing it tomorrow! My son Jayce is watching Episode V right now.

  13. One of my co-workers came in the full chewbacca outfit on Friday. Me, I have no interest but I see the appeal.

  14. Awww I love it. We are totally Team Vader here. I love the movies. My ex fiance proposed during Star Wars (Yoda death Scene) I was like uh I wanna say yes but Yoda is dying.

  15. You need to tell her to come visit us so we can show her Han Solo in Carbonite. And life-sized Yoda. And also tell her that my husband was IN two Star Wars movies. They were Episodes II and III, though. Ick. The perks of working for George Lucas are strong, though!

  16. I've never seen Star Wars... Oops! But thanks for the synopsis! ;)

  17. My eight-year-old daughter is more excited to see Star Wars: A Force Awakens than anyone, and I can totally relate. Just like the thrill of racing through levels in moto x3m, her enthusiasm is contagious!

  18. Wow, that's awesome! My daughter was the same way back in 2015. It's fantastic to see the legacy continue. It reminds me of playing Bitlife – you can actually simulate a whole life, including Star Wars fandom from generation to generation!


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