Thursday, January 7, 2016

Things That Annoy Me Thursday: Family Not Getting Excited About Sales At Target

I admit it.

I was stalking Target. I was waiting for them to mark their Christmas stuff to 70% off. I'm too cheap to shop at 50% off. We had planned a family outing to Toys R Us and Barnes and Noble--but before we could go to those places I asked Tom if we could please stop by Target. In case they marked their stuff 70% off.

Tom begrudgingly agreed. He does not share my love for Target.

So we go to Target. And everyone in my family is walking SUPER SLOW inside. A woman walked out of the store with about 10 rolls of wrapping paper and a cart FULL of Christmas items.

"I think it happened!" I told Tom excitingly, tugging on his arm. I even did a little happy jump.

He was like:

I rushed towards the back to where all the Christmas items were.

"There goes Mommy, kids," I heard Tom say.

Because I was all:

I already had a number of things in the cart by the time my family arrived.

"Jesus," Tom said, because I think my shopping abilities confound him.

I got some wrapping paper. I got some Christmas cards. Some ornaments to replace the ones that the cat broke. Cookies.

"Cookies?" Tom asked, raising an eyebrow.

I shrugged. "They're cheap."

I went around the aisles and searched behind items. Sometimes people hide good stuff. Tommy kept sighing dramatically behind me. As a male teenager if he's not eating or playing video games, he's really not interested. His face was like this:

"Isn't this fun?" I asked as I pulled out a sign that said JOY from behind a stack of Christmas boxes. I added it to the cart.

"No. Are we leaving soon?" Tommy asked.

"Soon. Go with your Daddy," I suggested.

"He left."

He LEFT? I peered around and sure enough, he had vanished.

He returned a few minutes later with some vehicle stuff. A new ice scraper.

"When did you leave?" I wondered.

"Um, after you started getting excited about ornaments."


I had a good time. I only spent $30, which is fantastic for a shopping trip to Target.

Even better, I went back to Target yesterday and they had marked Christmas items 90% off! There wasn't much left, but I got three rolls of wrapping paper for .25 cents each.

And I had no one telling me this:

Does your family get excited about sales?


  1. Target is one of my all-time favorite stores and I can't imagine anyone not loving a good 70% off sale - though, I do know it's men you were referring to! LOL Anyway, awesome job on the after Christmas sale - glad you got to enjoy some alone time the next trip you took there. Have a great day! :)

  2. Mine do if its something they are interested in, so shoes or clothes.

  3. I saw the 90% off stuff yesterday but I didn't think I needed anything. Even the letter Z ornaments that I could have hung up in Zachary's room. I did buy mini cupcakes for a dollar though!

  4. this is how i feel about target! and sephora and ulta, which no one really digs but me.

  5. Omg. People DO hide stuff! Not just Target either. Everywhere there are sales. Military Husband actually enjoys a good sale/shopping trip. He likes malls and stores. As long as we hit up a few places he likes, he's down for anything. Even the VS Semi Annual Sale! I can always pacify him with Auntie Anne's if shit gets real...pretzel dogs and lemonade for the win!

  6. Actually, that's a very cheap trip! Wow!!
    My family doesn't really get excited, no. They need to be taught.

  7. Haha this is why I like shopping alone! Great deals!

  8. I missed it!!! Dang it!!! I was hoping for some cheap Christmas stuff... I'm glad you got some good deals! My husband disappears while we shop too... usually while I'm talking to him with my back turned, so I look like an idiot.

  9. No one in our family is excited about shopping! Crowds, carts with squirrelly wheels, lines (of any kind, short or long)and cashiers who wish they were anywhere but THERE! Not to mention parking lots. I get the heebie jeebies just thinking about having to go out there. Amazon is my friend!

  10. 90% OFF!!! I need to get a Target trip in ASAP!! When I went last time it wasn't marked down enough for me :D I totally get what you're talking about.
    A $30 trip to Target is downright magical! You win. :)

  11. I love Target too! I didn't shop their after Christmas sale this year because I have no room for more Christmas stuff. And no, my hubby doesn't share my love of shopping unless it's for food.

  12. I love sales and I will go back to a store many times or search long and hard for the item with the best price. It drives my husband nuts. He'd rather go once and buy full price. I cannot understand that mentality!

  13. My husband likes online sales for technology items. I like the post-holiday clearances too. I got some fun stuff at CVS recently. Plus, they had my cereal on sale, so I hoarded a bunch of it. :) I haven't been to Target since X-mas eve, when I didn't even end up buying anything there because the lines were so effing long!

  14. I live in a house of men where nobody likes to shop but me. Sigh. I always wait for the extra markdown at Target, because why not? Great finds!

  15. This is awesome!! I love how you think ahead! And Christmas cookies in January... Genius!!

  16. I much prefer shopping alone!! Sales rock!! well done for getting loads of stuff for a steal!!

  17. Thirty bucks! I will be excited for you. That is fabulous.

  18. The only person that I can share my love of sales with is my cousin. Thank goodness she lives the next town over, or bargain shopping would be a lot more boring!

  19. LOL I am the only one who gets excited for the sales and I am bummed I missed the good sale this year!

  20. Sounds like a really productive shopping trip to me!! :)


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