Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Hey, It's Okay!

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. They have a section called Hey, It’s Okay and will list a bunch of things to be okay about. You're welcome to join in and do something like this on your blog. Doesn't have to be on a Tuesday either. Just make sure you link up and that the post you link up is a Hey, It's Okay Post. Grab the button if you'd like!

--To have gone to see Suicide Squad with my husband and son. I made the mistake of calling it a Marvel film though. Oops.

--To have liked Suicide Squad. I wasn't sure if I would, but it was a fun plot and had amusing characters. I'm clearly not obsessed with comic book stuff, but I like a good action movie.

--To be glad Natalie enjoyed Sea World camp. She went last week and had a lot of fun. I know some people don't like Sea World, but I do. (Trust me, I had people on Twitter rant at me whenever I'd post anything about Sea World. It's fine if you have another opinion, but sheesh, don't act like a petulant child when I don't agree.)

--To have registered Tommy for high school (!) and it took THREE hours. Holy balls. I think it was because we also met with the special needs person who set him up with classes and looking over his IEP. There was only one dude doing that and it took 40 minutes a student. There were people ahead of us so..yeah. Three hours.

--To be on The Military Wife and Mom again talking about things a military spouse doesn't have to do. (But if you want to, that's fine obviously!)

--To have written a post on How To Keep Teenagers Happy yesterday. My teenager can get quite moody...

--To have a busy week. Wednesday I have to take Tommy to get his schedule and pay for his gym clothes and other stuff. Wednesday evening is the Freshman Orientation. (!) Thursday I drop him off at the high school and seniors show them around the high school so they know where they're going. Oh, and today I'm taking the car in for an oil change because naturally it dinged at me when I have a busy week.

--To need to figure out how to curl Natalie's hair like this. A friend's cousin did it, and Natalie loves it. I am awful with hair:


  1. Oh, Natalie's hair looks great like that! I am so bad with hair too... I need to learn before Annabelle grows some hair, lol. My mom could never do mine either... my dad would always do it for my gymnastics meets and dance recitals, hahaha!

  2. I thought the Sea World Camp sounded like it would be really fun!

  3. Suicide Squad is still on my list of movies I want to see!

  4. The hair is lovely.
    Suicide Squad got a lot of bad reviews, which makes me think the reviewers didn't get it, because most of my friends did like it.

  5. We are going to watch Suicide Squad strictly because we should since MH is a huge DC fan. BUT, I know we will be disappointed. We weren't fans of Batman vs. Superman at all. Just comic book nerds being comic book nerds is all, lol. :)

  6. I enjoyed Suicide Squad - it was entertaining! Omg, he's starting HS?? Wow!

    I am awful with hair as well. I don't own a hair dryer, much less a curling iron. HA

  7. Three hours...wow. I'm excited for my kids to start school soon.

  8. Her hair looks gorgeous in that last picture! Can't believe it took 3 hours to get him ready for HIGH school. Crazy!

  9. I'm no good with hair either. Here's wishing your kids all the best in the upcoming school year. I'm wanting to see Suicide Squad but will probably do so when it comes out on DVD.


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