Friday, October 28, 2016

Why My Daughter Loves The YouTuber DanTDM

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My daughter watches videos on YouTube. Probably too many. But sometimes Mommy needs quiet, so I allow it. We don't limit screen time unless grades are poor. The YouTubers she watches a lot of are CookieswirlC, Kelli Maple, Stampycat, PewDiePie, and her brother Tommy, of course. (You can check him out here. He makes gaming videos, plus videos on what it's like living with Autism.)

She also watches DanTDM. The TDM stands for The Diamond Minecart. Dan is a twenty-something from England who plays a lot of Minecraft. He doesn't JUST play Minecraft though. Natalie says she loves watching him play Roblox and Pokemon Go too. But there are many reasons why she loves DanTDM.

1. He makes great videos. Obviously tons of other people agree, because he has over 12 MILLION subscribers. Parents tend to like him because he doesn't swear in his videos.

2. She loves his pugs. He has two: Ellie and Darcie. I think it's why she wants a pug now. She thinks his are "too cute!"

3. His British accent makes Natalie smile.

4. He has blue hair right now. Natalie thinks this is fabulous.

5. He's easy on the eyes. I told her this once and she was all, "First of all, Mommy, you're too old for him and second of all, he's already married to JEMMA."

6. He wrote a book! I struggle to get my daughter to read, which pains me because I LOVE to read. I assumed each person I created would be bookworms, but nope. However, Natalie has been reading his book. It's written like a comic book, which means it's easy reading, and the illustrations are colorful. The book is called Traysaurus and the Enchanted Crystal.

If you want the book, you can buy it here.

To learn more about Dan TDM, you can check out his social channels! (And nope, this is NOT a sponsored post, my daughter just really wanted me to write why she loved Dan on my blog. She's hoping Dan notices this and will say hi.)


  1. Aw yeah!! Tweet this to him!!
    I watch pewdiepie too sometimes.

  2. With all thats bad on the Internet with kids its good to see someone doing good for kids there. Must be nice that you don't have to worry my granddaughter has to be monitored lol. He is cute and all of us girls love an accent.

  3. Lol your daughter is so adorable!
    And I do agree with her, he's super cute :-)
    So good to know there are still some great YouTube Channels for the younger ones.

  4. I'm so glad to see that your daughter has a positive YouTube channel to view. That must make you feel more at ease about her internet use, at least in part.

  5. there are so many great ones out there right now and the best thing I love about youtube is that it is free
    come see us at

  6. My kids LOVE the pug and my eight year old, the one who is obsessed with Dan TDM, uses blue hair gel daily. They want me to take them to the U.K.

  7. I've never heard of this guy, but my boyfriend loves watching youtube. I'll have to ask him if he's ever heard or watched this guy.

  8. My boys love Youtube too. They always watch the funny videos

  9. I would watch videos with pugs too! Never heard of him, but he sounds cool.

    1. I am with you on that, videos with pugs in I could definitely watch all day long!

  10. I've never heard of him but could get around it for the cute pugs. Your daughter is adorable!

  11. Haha my niece loves him too!!!

  12. My daughters loves to watch you tube videos!! I hadn't heard of this one I am going to have to show her.

  13. My son loves youtube videos too. He likes to watch Wild Kratts and Cat in the hat. Thanks for sharing this.

  14. I didn't know that there was someone that didn't swear! I am going to ask the boy about him! He is pretty easy on the eyes though and that pug is adorable!

  15. Me and my son love him too!! His videos are so cool.

  16. As a YouTuber myself, I love that she's into Dan TDM. My son watches YouTube all day (gamers mostly) and as long as his grades don't suffer, he can watch it all day long. I do think monitoring what they watch is essential though because come of the language can get inappropriate for our little ones. Nice post. So nice that you wrote that for your daughter ;)

  17. How very interesting! I don't frequent Youtube, but know many people who do. I must admit the dog is pretty cute.

  18. This is awesome, it's good to see your daughter has found a positive influence she follows on youtube. The internet can be a very scary place for children. I love the pictures, she is beautiful.

    Lennae xxx

  19. It looks like she is really enjoying this YouTuber

  20. I find it fascinating how much technology has progressed. All my nieces and nephews are into youtubers as well. It looks like your daughter found a good one to follow :)

  21. I don't know much about this guy, but I love Pewdiepie as well! He's an amazing guy

  22. Awww this is so cute that you wrote this for your daughter she was probably so happy!! I will have to ask my nieces if they know Dan because they are big Youtubers as well.

  23. I wonder if my boys know about him? They love YouTube...I'll have to find out!

  24. So cute. I love youtube. They need to lose the commercials.

  25. This is adorable. I hope he reads this too! I had never heard of this guy before today but I like that your daughter is unique in that she doesn't just fall for the typical boy bands that other teeny boppers follow!

  26. This is awesome! My kids love him too. So much fun!

  27. He's cool! And I love that Natalie pointed out his marriage to Jemma before yours to Tom!!

  28. Your daughter is too cute. I love that she wanted you to write this, I hope he takes notice!

  29. My niece would love to watch videos too. Your daughter was really nice

  30. Such a cute dg! I watch soe YouTubers, there is so much choice.

  31. DanTDM seems to be an interesting You Tuber, no wonder your daughter likes him. Will check him out.

  32. This is just adorable, I hope he notices and says hi to her too :)

    XO, MJ

  33. good channel to follow and see amazing stuffs, never heard of this one though but your daughters choice is a very good one. got me thinking to follow too.

  34. Both my kids too watch a lot of videos in youtube and I do have some restrictions to make sure they are not wasting too much time on it. DanTDM sounds really interesting as Minecraft is so much hit with my kids and I am going to check this out for them!

  35. My daughter loves YouTube videos and I always keep on filtering the videos and keep on warning her. I think she knows this one too. Danisnotonfire and Amazingphil are her favorite YouTubers.

  36. Hello from England, it is adorable that your daughter loves DanTDM!!

  37. I've never heard of this guy before but I'm sure he's talented and entertaining! That book's really interesting and I'd love to learn more about it.

  38. He sounds like an awesome guy! I'm interested in the comics that he wrote. I'm sure it's a fun read!

  39. Aww that's sweet! I can't say I really watch YouTube videos, so I've never heard of him but he sounds sweet!!

  40. I'm that odd person who can't stand YouTubers... No matter how much people like them I just find them annoying. Not that they don't have good videos or anything like that, they just usually have quirks that I can't get over or their voice annoys my brain....

  41. Your daughter certainly knows what she likes or dislikes. Pugs are darn cute. Several friends tell me their kids spend time watching youtube. Could be worse.

  42. My girls would love him too. Thank you for the introduction

  43. That's sweet of you to write a post about him for your daughter :) Glad to see he has a positive influence on her.

  44. I hope Dan reads this and gives your daughter a big shout out! The pugs are adorable and I love that you wrote about a few of your daughter's favorite things.

  45. That is so sweet! I hope he reads this post. I've heard great things about his channel. And his pug is so cute!

  46. Aw this is so adorable! I watch his channel too! I'm quite the gamer myself ;)

  47. My nephew loves him also! I have seen a few of his videos, but that isn't exactly my cup of tea hahaha.

  48. My kids are huge fans too, I just couldn't wrap my head around why they wanted to watch someone play a video game instead of playing the game themselves! I'm sure I know more about him than I realize but I was surprised to read that he wrote a book! Learned something new ;)

  49. My daughter just now started watching YouTube. She hasn't mentioned him or his channel, so I'll have to share this with her.

  50. My boys both like DanTDM as well! It's so awesome to find kid-friendly gamers on youtube <3

  51. It is awesome when your child finds something they love and it inspires them to read! She is so cute!!

  52. It amazes me how many kids watch YouTube. Your daughter is certainly not alone and this guy seems to provide good entertainment for her.

  53. Our 11 year old son loves to watch people on youtube but I keep monitoring who he follows and what he watches. That dog is a darling!

  54. It's great your daughter has found something she's interested in. I remember when I was kid I wasn't really a bookworm either until I got older I became more interested in books.

  55. Aww this is such a sweet post, I love that she wanted you to blog about him and I really hope he pops over and says HI!

  56. Your daughter is so precious! I'm glad that she's found something she enjoys watching. My daughter (2 y.o) loves the ABCKidsTV channel on YouTube, and I mentioned that online and go a lot of flack for it. She doesn't watch it long, but I have only noticed good things about her memory, and cognitive development since she's been watching, so I find that YouTube can be good for them!

  57. Awww how very cute is Natalie and Dantdm sounds like a lovely fellow, glad he doesn't swear in his videos

  58. So cute! I really hope Dan reads this post and says a personal hi to Natalie too! His book looks pretty interesting to read :)

  59. Awwwww this is so adorable. I love how she likes his accent😊😊

  60. Hahah, this is such a cute post. Took me back to my younger crush, I loved how she told you you're too old for him. And I really hope he does see this post and waves back hi to your daughter. Should check out his videos too.

  61. My kids also watch YouTube sometimes. Probably too often. They also like CookieSwirlC. As long as it's balanced, I don't mind some screen time.

  62. Your daughter is no longer a kid! She has a crush now. I think DANTDM seems like a nice youtuber.

  63. It is nice to see some quality content on YouTube. Some people really filth it up!

  64. He sounds like an awesome channel! I love seeing new YouTubers.

  65. He sounds like someone I would watch on Youtube! I love that she loves his dogs...LOL!!

  66. I am glad that there is a YouTuber that is "child friendly." My kids are older and they are on YouTube for music videos or funny videos. I do hope Dan notices this post and would reach out to say hello to your daughter. :)

  67. My daughters and their cousins loves him also. It's great to know there are still some great YouTube Channels for the younger ones.

  68. Internet is a good and bad distraction from outdoors. Now that no outdoors are left they need something to kill their time.

  69. As a former pug owner, I can relate to loving him for the pugs. I'm going to have to check out his channel for the grand kids. They follow quite a few youtubers and enjoy watching them on rainy days. ALL DAY, lol.

  70. My son is a new youtuber I have to tell him about this guy. You daughter is a cutie patootie.

  71. I never heard about this youtuber before... It good that your daughter follows someone positive ☺️👍🏻

  72. My 8 year old watches some of these mincrafting YouTubers. I wonder if he's one of them!


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