Monday, November 14, 2016

Hey, It's Okay

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. You can link up any day of the week. All you have to do is make a list of what you're okay about. Simple!

Hey, It's Okay....

--To not care who Prince Harry is dating.

--To hope America gets kind again.

--To have a parent/teacher conference with Natalie's teacher today. I hope Natalie is doing okay!

--To be trying to get a NES Classic but they are sold out everywhere.

--To really hope Negan is ambushed in a future episode of The Walking Dead. Maybe I should check out the comics and see how it goes. I was also confused at Rick's admission that Judith wasn't his. I thought we all knew that? Or was he just realizing it when everyone else was like, "That's so Shane's kid?"

--To think it's cute that Natalie made this spider. She's better at crafting than I am. I just do the basics.


  1. Who is Prince Harry dating?!?! HAHA I am soooo out of the loop on any celebrity goss.

    Ooh, that's a cute spider! I can't really craft either, sadly!

  2. That spider is pretty cute by the way. I would love to scare my husband with that.

  3. I also hope that America would be so beautiful again, beautiful at heart and not because its grand. While waiting for that day, It's okay I'll be staying here in Asia.

  4. I wonder if they will kill Judith since she's dead in the comics. The ratings are down.
    America better shape up! These riots are ridiculous.

  5. Lol so true and my kids are better at crafts too:( I just can't do it im still wondering who they got the artistic stuff from its not me or their father lol

  6. I hope the conference went well. I also hope America can be repaired.

  7. I totally feel you. I hope America gets kinds again, too! And I wish the same for Negan hahaha. I think your daughter got her crafting skills from you!

  8. My "hey its OK" for today is have that piece of chocolate. It will make me feel happy.

  9. My kids are much better at crafts! My daughter is super creative too!

  10. I love this idea! What a great idea, we can all use some positivity and a better perspective right now. Totally agree with hoping America gets kind again. - Tiffany

  11. Of course its ok not to know who Harry Potter is dating. LOL. Love your "its ok" series. More please!

  12. I hope America gets kind again too!

  13. Yes, yes, yes. It's okay to worry about America. It's okay to still be angry about how everything went down. I hate people who tell me it's "not okay" to be a little bit in mourning. I'm allowed to FEEL how I want to feel. It comes and goes in waves. It's not going to disappear altogether. Thanks for this post!

  14. I really don't care who is dating who. I think the NES Classic is going to be hard to get! I think they even had a waitlist or something. As for Rick's revelation, I think he was just admitting it to Michonne. She wasn't around then. A lot of the newer group members weren't. I have a love/hate relationship with Negan, although in the last episode, I enjoyed how Jeffery Dean Morgan played him!

    1. Yes! He did such a great job. I laughed so hard when he was like, "Holy sh*t, you scared me!" to Gabriel.

  15. You made this "Hey, it's okay" shorter :(. But I couldn't agree more, it's ok NOT care about Prince Harry's girlfriend and worry about America and our future.

    1. I'm sorry! Sometimes I don't have as much to be okay about ;) Or I get a total brain fart.

  16. Prince who? ;) its not just America that needs to get kind again, its the whole world! Everyone has gone crazy!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. I'm with you! I loved your last "Hey, it's okay" post and I like this one even better. Cute spider :)

    Beth ||

  19. Ahhhh yes!!!!! I really do hope America gets kind again!!! So sick of all the fighting :(

  20. lol Prince Harry's love life is all over the place.

  21. LOL this makes me lol. I love what your daughter created.

  22. Such a creative crafts! Your daughter was mkaes me smile on her created

  23. Great post! I love that photo and her spider is adorable!

  24. Whoh! No warning about Walking Dead spoilers!

  25. LOL, love these Friday roundups of yours. OMG, the UK papers were freaking out when Prince Harry's reaction went down.

  26. That is one cute spider. I had to ditch out on WD like 3 seasons ago, when shows drag on and make me feel more depressed at the end, I'm out. Although Glen, why???

  27. My response to this prompt would be that it's okay to go through a career change. It's been affecting me and my stress levels have been off the charts but I finally accepted it and I'm getting ready for my transition.

  28. I cannot do anything crafty for the life of me but I had one child who somehow turned out to be a crafter, anyway. I love her imagination, as her projects are completely self-guided.

  29. I totally love this post! I really don't care about who the famous people of any sort are dating. And plus your daughter makes one mean spider craft!

  30. I cannot read these and have liquid in my mouth because I end up spitting it out everywhere from laughing. Lol.

  31. Fun read this post! I do hope America recovers from the recent shock and we progress towards a better future.
    xx, Kusum |

  32. Loving that spider, not even I could make it. I do hope America gets kind again.

  33. The spider is quite cute!
    I have no clue about Prince Harry and it's quite nice that way!
    As for America.. sheesh. It's like half of us are on a different planet.

  34. i hope america will be amazing in the future! i haven't been to USA but sure I wanna come and visit

  35. Awwwwww that spider creeation is awesome and that smile is precious. Who is Prince Harry dating again? lolol

  36. That little spider is cute. And hear hear to a kind America.

  37. I hope the world becomes kind again, we all need a little love and kindness especially now. I'm not updated with TWD but I sure hope Neegan gets what he deserves.

  38. I don't care but actually know who Prince Harry is dating!! That is one cute spider, and of course it's sooo ok to think it's adorable!

  39. I hope America is kind to be okay again. By the way your daughter was really fun

  40. I enjoyed reading this edition! I'm looking forward to more. I hope something happens to Neegan but then again, TWD won't be as exciting!

  41. This is a very good idea. These days so many things are coming at us that this makes perfect sense

  42. If you're interested, Nintendo has released the NES again...officially and for real, but in a smaller way. I think America still has a lot of good in it, and it's worth fighting for.

  43. Great blog post/link up idea. Truly amazing and it can reveal a lot of things too!


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