Sunday, November 13, 2016

Tips To Get People To Buy From Your Direct Sales Business

Many people have a direct sales business these days and I think it's great. It's something that folks really enjoy and the products are generally pretty fabulous. I personally have many Scentsy items, Lularoe leggings, Pampered Chef products, and books.

But sometimes sellers can do things that rub the buyers the wrong way. Here are some tips that sellers can do to help get a buyer to purchase some items.

1. Don't automatically add people to Facebook sales parties. Ask first. I have several people on my friends list who will inquire if it's okay if they add me to their parties and guess what? I always say yes.

2. Don't be overly aggressive. No means no. I understand you need to sell stuff and I respect it--I do--but don't get annoying. For example, there are these press on nails things, and I don't like anything on my nails. It's distracting. This lady kept trying to get me to go to one of her parties and I kept declining. She insisted I'd "love the nail products!" and I kept explaining that I would not.

3. Understand that some people are loyal customers to someone else. If I do like a product, I generally purchase from one or two people. I feel guilty buying from someone else. So respect it if someone already explains that they already buy from a consultant.

4. Make sure you actually know the person before asking if they want to host a party or join your team. I once went to a kid birthday party and this woman was all, "Hi, do you want to host a Scentsy party? You get free products." I was flabbergasted. I didn't even know her name yet!

5. Do NOT send multiple messages online asking if people want to join your "clean eating group" and learn how to lose a few pounds. Do not send messages asking if someone wants to "wrap themselves." I cannot tell you how many messages I get on Instagram from strangers wanting me to buy their stuff. It comes across as rude.

6. Don't up the cost. On Facebook I'm seeing a lot of people complaining that some (not all, I repeat, NOT ALL) Lularoe consultants are pairing the Christmas leggings with other items so a person has to spend $100 if they want the leggings. Allow your buyers to buy what they want. Don't lump things together just so you can get rid of product or receive more money. It's tacky.

7. Please don't message people on Facebook making it seem like you're doing them a favor. "I see it's your birthday! Can we chat for 10 minutes and discuss your skin care routine?" A kinder way is to offer to send a product, no strings attached.

8. Don't be like "hi babe!" or "hi hon" in social media messages. I have a name and it's not babe or hon. Don't follow that up with, "I'd love to help you out!" and then proceed to ask if I'd like to join your team. How is that helping ME out?

So there you have it! I hope this helps. I imagine these sort of things are discussed at conventions and other get-togethers for direct sales businesses, but it seems some consultants forget. Understand that the main goal isn't just to sell and get money. Really get to know your customer. If you do this, they'll most likely come back.

Happy selling!


  1. So true!! I love scentsy but I haven't purchased anything from them in years. I just use leftover candle wax in my warmers.
    Those jamberry nail stickers suck.

  2. Great tips!! I sell Beautycounter, and when I signed up, I had to really think how I wanted to approach it, because like you, I buy plenty of direct sales stuff, but hate it when people are pushy. So I mention it here or there, I created a Facebook group for people to join if they want info, and so on. I've enjoyed it so far.

  3. Great tips - I haven't got the sellers gene in me

  4. Totally agree! And these are reasons I cannot sell anything!

  5. Great tips! As a consumer I don't like to be harassed by overly aggressive sellers. If you have a product I'm interested in I'll come to you or just ask me once.

  6. Great tips! Definitely some of the reasons that I refuse to sell direct!

  7. #1 is my biggest pet peeve!! If you ask me first I am more likely to participate.

    1. Yes! I am so with you on this - ask me and I don't mind, just assume and urghh!

  8. I really appreciated the #2 Don't be overly aggressive point. I feel more Direct Sales consultants need to remember this. Overall, this list can work for any business as well.

  9. Great tips. I like seeing pictures the best to persuade me to buy.

  10. These are very helpful tips. With online business becoming very rampant nowadays, good online business etiquette sure comes in handy. Thanks for sharing!

  11. This is a great list! I think #3 is a great one, and sometimes hard to remember.

  12. Yes! It was so invasive getting DM'd for a wrap after posting a picture of my newborn. Hello?!

  13. Wonderful tips! I agree with all. Being insist to sell products is very annoying.

  14. Yes! I honestly don't mind purchasing things on occasion, but don't hassle me constantly about it!

  15. Great tips! I think ASKING before you add someone to a facebook group is very important. I have been added to a lot here recently and it drives me nuts...but if they ask I always say yes and stay in the group!

  16. These are some great tips!! I hate when people automatically add me to things, it drives me nuts!

  17. Thank you for these great tips! I think everyone I know should read this.

  18. Oh my gosh yes my friend and I were talking about this the other day. Especially number three.When I find out someone is buying the same thing from someone else I dont ask them to buy from me.

  19. These are great tips! I just started selling LLR and will definitely be keeping these in mind as to how I run my business.

  20. Loads of great tips there, am sure they will assist someone.

  21. Agree! You must ask them first before you adding them on your friend list. This is a great tips for everyone who's has business.

  22. Yes I hate getting messages from people, especially strangers, about direct sales. My sister is trying to get into this and I think it is so tricky because everyone is so aggressive.

  23. This is absolutely an awesome tips, I'm sure my sister should know about this

    1. They really are great tips, I think direct sales has its place but people need to know the right way to go about it.

  24. I have been in business and medical sales for years and these are bang on tips ans so true! Treat your customers how you want to be treated, earning trust of a customer brings loyalty,

  25. these are simply helpful and very informative tips...I hate when businesses don't follow these ethics. Thanks for sharing!

  26. These are such great tips. I do not sell anything directly but have friends that do.

  27. Great tips. I don't sell on my blog but I have a few friends who do. One who sells scentsy actually.

  28. Interesting advice. Thanks for sharing.

  29. These are such great tips! I wish all DS people would read this. Simple etiquette goes a long way.

  30. Great tips! I'm so annoyed by being constantly added to groups/parties! -Erin at

  31. Amen. I do try and buy things from friends but it can get annoying.

  32. This is such a great tips! I've seen the scentsy bar before but haven't tried it yet. Now I'm curious!

  33. Thank you for sharing these great tips! Everyone should them

  34. These are some great times! There are a lot of people I know that should read this post because they are so pushy lol.

  35. These are some great times! There are a lot of people I know that should read this post because they are so pushy lol. (Sorry for the double post. The first one does not show my name).

  36. EPIC post! very helpful! Point 5 is the most important. I get sooooo many auto mated messages. it's really annoying & i can't imagine people get sales or any interaction through that but some even say it helps. I don't know I like personal touch. getting to know my client even if they reach out to me first, always take a minute to scope them out and comment on their content.

  37. I can't stand when people add you to groups or parties without permission. It totally ticks me off!

  38. I don't currently sell products but as I begin to take my blog full time and need a supplementary income these tips will come in handy!

  39. These are some great tips!!! I hate it when people send me nonstop messages!!! Gets so annoying and will lose you business in the long run

  40. So much real talk here -- I can't stand being spammed on my blog already, now I get it on my Instagram and Facebook.
    Very annoying.

  41. This is an awesome list of tips that you've put together. A lot of people can learn from it especially those who want to venture into sales. I can't stress enough on how important it is to not be overly aggressive - this is truly one of my pet peeves. While sellers may see it as being pro-active, in puts prospects off ... very annoying!

  42. These are great tips! I get turned on by so many of these things! Especially the random messages!

    1. **TURNED OFF! Oh my god, apparently I should not be typing while this tired!

  43. I got good tips reading this blog post. It will definitely come in hand.

  44. These are all great tips! As someone on the receiving end of these annoying approaches, I am grateful that you put them out there.

  45. Awesome. I'm not at all in direct sales so I do value the friends in my life who do it with grace. #5 makes me shake my head. I had a friend ask me if I wanted to lose weight. I wrote back that I'm 110 pounds and does she think that's too much???

  46. These are very good tips for business owners.
    Thank you for sharing.

  47. That's really great tips! I've never tried selling anything so I have no experience with this kind of business. But you're right with everything you said.

  48. I was never a good saleswoman, I don't like the idea of asking people to buy my products. These are great tips and they're not going to make people feel like you're invading their privacy.

  49. I have been asked by several friends to help grow their direct sales business and I wasn't really sure what the best approach was to get the word out without being too pushy. I will be using these tips moving forward. Thank you for sharing!

  50. Totally agree with your points. I am not a big fan of aggressive sales people.

  51. So true! I am so tired of people adding me to parties without my consent. I did sells before with a different company and ultimately it always come down to your approach. Approach people like you want to be approached.

  52. I used to sell items a few years ago. That first year was easy, the second year was a struggle and by year three I was on the edge. It is not for me but, I'll support once and awhile.

  53. These are all great tips and will share with my friends who do direct sales. I am a travel blogger

  54. Great tips!!
    For some reason Instagram has become the place to message people, "Hey girl, I think you're going to love this______." Ummm... no. And my name is certainly not GIRL. We don't even know each other!

  55. Excellent tips! I've been approached wrongly way to many times. The most effective way I've seen is a friend sent me Perfectly Posh samples to try out before ordering. After trying all the samples I became a fan and I frequently order from her.

    1. That was a really nice way to introduce you to the products!

  56. Very good advice. The part about not automatically adding is really great. I have one that I blocked and somehow she is at me again. Grrrr. THanks for being so respectful to your potential clients.

  57. Great tips! I especially appreciate the tip about "No means no" as pushiness if a major turn off from a sale.

    Sondra Barker
    Pretty Fit Foodie

  58. I CAN NOT stress number 2 enough to my friends who are involved in these types of businesses. It can become annoying and then when they take it personal when you decline makes things even worse. Some of my friends support my small business but then expect me to purchase from the little things they are apart of. I usually have no use for the services or the products, however I do share their information with others. - Breyona Sharpnack

  59. I do agree with this! I have friends who have sold these products and others and they don't bother me. They just give me the latest catalogue and to let them know if I'm interested. That's the way to go!

  60. Great tips, Amber! I agree with you about not messaging people on Facebook in order to make a sale. I think, if anything, it will only annoy someone.

  61. Interesting post. I never get any of those requests, but I guess it's because I'm not in that industry. I don't even know what a FB sales group is! That must really be annoying to always get those messages.

  62. I just loved this! I totally admire people who are running their own little empires but sometimes they can just go overboard.

    La Belle Sirene 

  63. YES TO ALL OF THIS!! I'm all for direct sales consultants doing their thing, but they HAVE to do it right. I swear a good 80% of the ones I've experienced have had zero etiquette. They just seem rude and pushy. I understand they want (and often NEED) sales, but dang.

    Christie's Take on Life. xx

  64. So apt.. actually people tend to turn over aggressive of their deals instead of knowing the actual consumer behaviour. This is why I usually refrain from all of this!

  65. Great tips. Perhaps if I saw this put earlier I wouldn't have signed out of the many direct sales businesses I got myself was so difficult to get people to purchase. Thanks for sharing

  66. Great article! With direct sales taking off these days, I get a ton of messages offering miracle products. Sometimes it's something I've been looking into already and the aggressive sales tactic is a huge turn off!

  67. These are great tips. I don't know much about direct sales so it's good to learn a bit more! xx corinne

  68. This is great advice. I always want to support my friends and their business ventures as much as I can, but I do really appreciate it when they ask before adding me to Facebook parties and such.

  69. Wow, this is such great advice, it is so important to support your friends. These are cool sales tips. Sometimes it is difficult to get people to purchase.

  70. YES! don't send multiple messages asking to buy or join! I get so many on Instagram as well. Each of your tips feel like they have come out of my mind before, I am so glad someone said what I think often! Thanks for sharing

  71. Definitely do not automatically add people to Facebook sales parties. I hate hate HATE when I am added to parties and groups without my permission.

  72. These tips are really helpful for anyone into sales.I really dont like when people are so pushy.Once a lady added me to their whatsapp sales group without my permission and started sending so many product photos per day.Although I was planning to buy some stuff from her,this whatsapp group changed my decision.Instead I left the group! :) :)

  73. Very helpful tips. The thing is, if you believe your product is truly good, you dont need to overly push it to the market. Too much marketing makes it look dodgy.

  74. These are some great tips and I love how you've tried to understand a customer's perspective, too. :)

  75. I like how you touched on people needing to understand what it means when someone says no. Thats really important because sometimes people try to change others minds. Also I like how you addressed that sometimes people are loyal else where but if they want a product they will get it.

  76. Yeah, lumping things together to make the sale is dirty pool. I see that with subscription boxes too. I don't like it. Thanks for the tips.

  77. Great article! Yes I agree that some people are loyal customers to some else..Thanks for guiding..

  78. True ..Have to keep balance between selling good and maintaining relationship ..

  79. I don't mind direct sales businesses, but I wish people would ask me before sending me 354354768 party invitations!

  80. You're so right. Today we get flooded with unsolicited invitations to random "parties". People are getting tired of being advertised to and it's hard to sell things directly. I am a blogger and I find the best way to do it is to blend a certain product seamlessly into your blog. If it appears like a product that you just happen to use and love, then people are more likely to trust it. There is a big difference between offering something and pushing a product.

  81. I absolutely agree with all your suggestions! Particularly with "don't be aggressive": people want to be free to buy or not, forcing them won't help for sure!

  82. I don't do direct sales, but I do own my own business and these tips are very useful. I practice something similar with my own business!

  83. These are some great tips!!! I don't really do any sales of any type. But it does drive me insane when people add me to groups. Especially if it's for a product I would never ever use lol

  84. Great tips! Thanks for sharing with us so that we can use them! I find these tips very useful! I think a good relationship is important when selling.

  85. Amazing !!! Thanks for sharing. Your tips remind us the politeness ad profession in business. Those standards would build good first impressive to the customers.

  86. Great tips. No one like pushy sales people.

  87. Great tips! Agree with all. I'm going to check on the scentsy.

  88. I really do hate being added to parties and groups without being asked first. I know several people who do that.

  89. I've been added to different groups and have removed myself. Oh, and the whole "birthday" messages are quite annoying.

  90. I am not a very good salesperson because I do NOT throw products or whatever down people's throats. I HATE when people do it to me, so I don't do it to them... If this means LESS SALES - so be it! I just don't want to be that ANNOYING person - ha!

  91. These are great tips on how to treat potential customers and increase sales for your products. One thing I really dislike is being contacted on FB to buy products from someone I haven't seen or even heard from in more than a decade!

  92. #1 is my pet peeve. Like Carol, I'm glad that you want to make extra cash on the side, but I don't want to join your make-up group. Also Carol, I don't want to watch 505 videos of you putting on make-up every day on your facebook feed.

  93. All great suggestions! One of my favorites is that people ask before they even know who I am. What are my needs? Wants? Desires? Oh, you forgot to ask that, huh? LOL.

    Thanks for sharing these thoughts.

  94. These are some great tips, I hate being added to groups / parties without being asking, but ask me and I'll say yes and love looking at it!

    1. I'd rather be asked than added too, definitely!

  95. Excellent tips! I agree that nobody likes to be pressured into buying something or signed up for parties without being asked. A gentle reminder is fine with me, but anything more is to pushy.

  96. These are smart tips to boost sales and encourage repeat customers. Keeping customer service at the top is always a good idea. It's important not to be too pushy, also.

  97. These are great tips. I'm not a seller. I've tried selling a couple of different things and it seems I'm not popular enough!

  98. LOL yes to all. Don't add me to your groups without asking. That is seriously the quickest way to get me not to buy from you.

  99. It does seem frustrating when you want to buy something but it's been bundled with a bunch of stuff you don't want. That turns me off buying.

  100. Great tips. I am considering getting more and more into selling. Funny I was just added to a group I did not ask to be in but I guess it is okay that I like the person. I need repeat customers.

  101. These are great tips! It's really important to not be pushy - and let time take its course. Your tips are super helpful!

  102. These are all great tips. I hate it when I get added to a online party without being asked. Pushy sales people will make me switch my consultant.

  103. As a customer, I wouldn't want to encounter pushy seller as it makes me totally lose interest in the product. These are some great tips especially for people who are just starting.

  104. I love your tips and I hope everyone reads this post. There are some really pushy people that send me messages about buying their stuff. When I don't answer, they email me. I would be more apt to buy from them if I felt I had a choice.

  105. Couldn't agree more on the items. Definitely all are to be checked. I guess you just have to create and from there invest on time and advertising to get more prospective customers.

  106. Great tips! I particularly agree with number 2, don't be aggressive. Is not the right way to reach the goal, but the opposite: nobody wants to be forced to buy something!

  107. Those are really great tips. I like to know that someone is selling someone but hated being pressured.

  108. Thank you for these tips, even if I am not an online seller, I learned how to politely decline an offer. I will share this post with my sister. She and her husband has a side hustle, an online business of selling leather products they made themselves.

  109. These are great tips for small business owners and online sellers. I think businessmen/sales people should put themselves in the customer's shoes. Of course it would be nice to earn a commission from a sale, but how can they be truly happy with that sale if they know that they annoyed the person to the point of purchasing just to get rid of them.

  110. I could not agree more on this. Indeed learning more about the business should be the same as knowing and learning more about your customers too.

  111. I hate when people send me an email as if it is personal and then it turns out to be a sales pitch. It might not actually be spam, but it is still annoying.

  112. I agree with asking the people first if they want to be added. I was talking to a friend the other day and it started personal but ended up her pitching some products she sis selling, sigh.

  113. These are great tips! I've been added to a lot of groups lately and it's driving me crazy! Add to it the "friends" that only contact me now when they want to sell me something and I'm really not a fan of direct sales at the moment.

  114. Oh, yes please! I hope all sales people would read this. I hate it when people would join me to groups without asking first.

  115. The DMs on Instagram are the worst! I once had a girl go "hey my boss wants me to get a few more people to try my product. Do you want to?" I had never met her before. Also she didn't tell me what her product was. So when I asked, she just goes "It Works." Ummm okay. At that time, I had never heard about it. It wouldn't have killed her to include a short summary about what the company is and what products they offer. Needless to say, I declined.

  116. Online sales can be a bit tricky. Salespersons that DM or message me via social media can be the worst. As social media channels update and make changes to make it easier for companies to connect with consumers I think we'll find ourselves being asked to join more groups and be subject to more and more DMs and messages.

  117. Direct selling is a tricky business. Thanks for the tips! Very helpful!

  118. These are so useful thanks for the tips! Do you think it’s better to sell elsewhere eg Etsy or only directly on your site?

  119. I agree with all of the above! I have so many friends who sell a variety of things and add me to EVERYTHING. Then I feel obligated to buy things I don't need or want. It's hard when you want to support their efforts but at the same time, it adds up quickly!

  120. Sounds like some awesome tips for anyone who wants to pursue sales even in general. I like the part no means no. Must feel great though when you meet a quota can’t be easy.

  121. These are some great tips! I think too that a good relationship is important when selling.

  122. These are all great, I agree with asking first because getting messages and lists you can't even remember about can be irritating sometimes.

  123. Great tips! I hope all sales people would read this. I hate it when people would join me to groups without asking first.

  124. The direct messages are SO OBNOXIOUS. I have a few so called friends that messaged me under false pretenses like that and they are now blocked.

  125. If one more person sends me a message on Insta saying I would be the perfect model for (fill in the blank), I'm going to scream! Adding me to parties without my permission is a big NO. I have a "friend" on FB who is in MLM and she thinks putting down other companies makes hers look better. No, it makes her look foolish.

  126. Great tips. I haven't heard of this before, but sound like another similar company we have here, and those tips applies there as well.

  127. Nothing bothers me more than to be added without being asked. This happens all the time. I don't do direct sales and good for those that do but I'm not interested. No means No.

  128. Preach girl! I don't do direct sales but a lot of these tips will help people not get blocked by me lol

  129. I am not a sales person by any means but these tips are good ones. I am invited to 4-5 parties a week now that Facebook has made it so easy!

  130. I try and avoid sales on my blog as much as possible because i don't want to be overly aggressive and annoying. These are great tips for the times I would want to sell something.

  131. These are some really helpful tips. I love that you included this information from a buyer standpoint.

  132. These are such great tips, and I'd say that almost 75% of sellers make all these mistakes! It is a turn off when people are overly pushy, or make it seem as though they just want to give friendly advice, but it comes with a price tag.

  133. these are some good tips. definitely sharing on my page. I have a lot of "sellers" ob my page that could use this information!

  134. Awesome tips. I don't have a direct sales business yet, although I am aspiring to start one. I would definitely put these tips into practice when I start one.

  135. These are great tips, I love the number one. I always get added to these sales thing on facebook and sometimes annoys me.

  136. These are all great tips for sellers out there. I hate getting over-spammed with aggressive sellers!

  137. Jasmine Watts : These are great tips and I definitely agree with tip #5.

  138. These are great tips! One of my good friends sells Proactiv and she follows a lot of the tips you laid out. She never makes me feel like I should buy anything from her which I appreciate SO much. :-)

  139. It's really not okay to keep asking people to buy your products and it would be better to sell it to people you know. These are great tips for those who are just starting out or would like to improve!

  140. I think most people who sell products don't follow most of these. I am not a fan of DM's and constant messages. This is a great post.

  141. These are great tips. It comes down to common sense really. DontD be annoying no one would buy.

  142. These are all great tips for direct sales people! I know some pushy people I need to pass this post on to...LOL!

  143. YES to all of this!! So many people are overly pushy with their MLM businesses. Automatically adding me to your sale or DMing me are NOT OKAY!! Ask first.

  144. Agree with this. This are great tips. Thanks for sharing :)

  145. I've seen this sales techniques you mention quite often. There's so many "natural" ways to share your products and sell organically. It takes time and most sellers don't want to go that route.

  146. This is a great list of tips. Direct sales can be a tricky thing to make money on!

  147. I have never done direct sales. I think these tips are going to help a lot of others!

  148. This post made me LOL!

    But in all honesty, MLMs are almost always scams. Like you said, there a couple people that I wouldn't mind doing business with if I liked buying things from them, but that's where it ends.

    So many of these companies make their profits not from sales, but from luring in naive people who think they can strike it big by "owning their own business" or being an "entrepreneur". They teach them the only way to succeed is to in fact, prey on other recruits, and to do so shamelessly. Meanwhile, these people have never been taught how to properly market or sell. It's sad and it's annoying.

  149. These are great etiquette tips for direct sellers. I used to do direct-selling many years ago and realized it just wasn't for me. I still get invitations to online parties now and I do participate in the ones I like.

  150. What a lovely post! I used to work with Scentsy! It was a nice time. Thanks for sharing! :)

  151. Your tips are super practical and sounds like they would definitely work well. I'm not selling anything now, but this will definitely come in handy if I ever do.

  152. def some great tips here friends- we all try and do the best we can but i think these are GREAT for not being too demanding of people ha. thanks so much for sharing!

  153. Oh man did you hit all of these right on the head. I hate every single one of these things when it happens. Might be why I don't go on line or in person to these parties.

  154. These are all really good tips. I hate being added to facebook sales parties without being asked by people that have just friended me.

  155. Fantastic tips! I cant stand it when the sales people cant take no. The Facebook people are the worst kind. And yea I have had hi hun and hi dear quite a few times. Like do I know you that well?

  156. Yes to #1! I get added to Facebook groups all the time. It is very frustrating. If I am interested in something, I will join a group on my own.

  157. What great tips for those in direct sales. Sometimes the sales push can be so darn hard that we end up avoiding those friends for a while until their sales frenzy dies down!

  158. Great tips and I couldn't agree more. I'm not comfortable pushing somebody to buy something they don't want or need. I like to put it out there on my blog and welcome them to decided whether or not to make a purchase.

  159. These are all great tips there is nothing I dislike more than hard aggressive pushy sales people. It is always best to ask before assuming when selling a product

  160. I've experienced many of these tactics. If I say I'm not interested, sellers will often will still keep pushing. Glad you have listed the big no-nos here.

  161. I'm getting the "babe" and "Hon" business all the time and I am 60 years old?? When does that crap stop?

  162. I was a direct sales girl but I don't miss it, if I'm honest. Now that I have friends that are constantly trying to sell me things, I see how annoying I must have been.

  163. I know a lot of people who work direct sales businesses. This would be a very helpful for them.

  164. These are such very good tips. Some of the most common mistakes, ones lsited here in this post, are turn offs that can really sabotage direct sales businesses.

  165. These are such a very informative post and I glad to know this tips very helpful especially now there are so many online selling activities.

  166. These are all so true! I find it rude if you add people on groups and try to join them in the network.

  167. Sales people can be annoying. I hope they read your post here and follow your tips. :) -Lynndee

  168. I have seen people in my neighborhood selling scentsy. thanks for sharing the tip. I may check it into it. Not sure how much money I can make with it.

  169. Thank you for this great list of tips and tricks on how you can increase sales in your business. I enjoyed all of them and would like to add that it is just as important to engage with your customers and improve their relationship with your brand. If you're interested, this article on PissedConsumer will help you better understand how interacting with a customer through the help desk and dealing with positive and negative reviews can have a positive impact on your business.

  170. We've studied all the benefits of low-code vs no-code platforms. So we found ProcessMix on the web to integrate with our payment systems, which means all those credits are paid immediately! This is much easier than creating separate systems for each part of the process, and it makes integration with other parts of our business much easier.

  171. I believe that it can actually be beneficial for sales. But what do you think of improving users' experience with apps? Are they worth it?

  172. Well, I believe that it's important to have an app in order to make your project competitive, and it's not that hard to find specialists like and take your company to a new level. Of course, you shouldn't forget about other aspects of running a business, but an app can actually be beneficial for you.

  173. I’ve always been uncomfortable with the idea that in e-commerce and any business that involves selling, you have to use tricks to get people to buy something. What's the point of all this?

  174. How did you think commerce works? Obviously, there are different sales funnels, ways to increase the average order value, and convince people that they actually need to make a purchase. If you were developing an online store, you'd know about different extensions and plugins like magento 2 collection filter, which don’t force anyone to buy anything but make your site more functional and your product and brand pages more appealing, encouraging purchases.


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