Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The Period Video At School

So I got this from Natalie's school:

And I was immediately like, "What? But she's only this!"

Then I realized, oh right, she's in fourth grade now. Still. It seems rather young. But studies are showing that kids are starting their periods earlier these days. I hope that Natalie doesn't start until she's older. I started in seventh grade.

Anyway. I asked Natalie if she even knew what a period was. She said something like, "Isn't it when you're cranky?"

I told her sort of, and explained more, to which she went:

"But it's also a great time to eat chocolate," I added. "Lots and lots of chocolate."

Her brother saw the paper and was all, "Ew gross, have fun bleeding," because he has autism and can be quite blunt. He's known about periods for a bit since he saw a pamphlet while waiting for the doctor:

Of course I went to watch the video, because I was curious if it would be the one from the 70s that I had to watch. I remember strange porn-ish music in the background and an illustration of the egg traveling around the fallopian tube.

This video was updated at least, but it seemed like it was the same illustration. And yes, when it showed a drawing of the changes in the body (pubes, bigger boobs) all the girls were like,

The nurse was all, "It's biology!" which means nothing to a group of nine and ten-year-olds.

My kid was the one who went, "HA!" when the video stated that blood does not come out of the anus.

She was also the one who told everyone that her mommy had a baby as a teenager when the nurse asked everyone what age is appropriate to have babies. I shot Natalie a look like this:

Everyone turned to stare at me and the nurse was all, "Well, let's not have babies as a teenager," and I wanted to say, "I was 19 and I got married soon after and didn't ask for money from my parents at all!" But I didn't want anyone to think I was condoning having a baby that young. It's tough. Wait until you're older. And if you don't, be able to do it without bugging your parents.

The nurse was kind and answered various questions the girls asked. One was, "What do we tell the boys when they ask why we came to watch a video?" The nurse was all, "Oh, just tell them you were learning about makeup." Natalie later said to me, "Pss, I just told the boys that we watched a video on periods and most were like, 'What's that?'" and when I told them, they turned all red!" That's my daughter.

My kid is growing up.

Do you remember watching a video on periods while in school? If you're a dude, so sorry, but if you have a daughter, has SHE seen a video like this in school?


  1. OMG I love this post. I laughed so hard at the memes! This was great, thank you!!

  2. I had to read this post to my husband and we are cracking up! I remember the old school sex education videos and they were so creepy.

  3. My kids haven't yet though I suspect they will next year. I am pretty open though and answer all their questions as they come up, so periods have been discussed.

  4. Seeing this after listening to the part about where Tina Fey learns about periods when she's younger in BOSSYPANTS makes it even funnier. I remember seeing a video where this actress who played Annie (from Broadway) is talking about having periods.
    I loved that line in MY GIRL. LOL!
    So not ready to have that talk with my daughter. Still have a ways to go!

  5. haha, I adore her. Makeup? Pssh.. Tell them the truth and watch them squirm.
    I use that line about "don't come back for 5-7 days" all the time!

  6. Lmfao!! I don't think we watched this but we watched The Miracle of Life and that was horrible.

  7. Omg this time hasn't come yet but lol what a story 😂 I love the whole scene from the "my girl" movie that references to this lol I'm not sure I'm ready to have a 4th grader yet 😱

  8. Ahaha great post! I definitely vaguely remember the period video!! Ahh the joys!

  9. Hahhahaha :) Again, you've got me laughing out loud this morning. I don't think I remember any "period" video. I don't remember them having this conversation in Health at all! (Which is probably why I was so surprised the morning it started way back when)!

  10. This post is too funny. I remember the period video in school. "My Girl" is one of my favorite movies :)

  11. Haha, I love your illustrated posts! My daughter and I talk about periods with my 10 year old son, but we don't have such films at school in Italy. Not that I know at least.

  12. I can't believe the nurse said that. It could be inappropriate to have a baby when you're 40 of you're not suited for parenthood.

  13. Haha. I think you are raising Natalie right!

  14. I am sorta in the same boat, it is insane to see our daughters one way... but realize they are indeed growing up far too quickly. My daughter had some amazing questions when I talked to her about it. They make for amazing memories I will always remember.

  15. This is hilarious! I remember when I had to go through that in school. When I was in school they did all of that in fifth grade. I love all your Memes!

  16. Been there done that twice. My girls are in highschool now and reaping the rewards that that brings! Both of mine made it till their teens thankfully!

  17. 4th grade does seem really early for that video! Though I guess I saw it around then too! They grow up too fast!
    xo Jessica

  18. that is always a fun time for all! lol

  19. I don't remember a video at all!

  20. I don't think my daughter's seen this video. We've just had the talk about it millions of times. And I've shown her the "First Moon Party" video and I keep threatening to throw her a party when the time comes!!!

  21. I remember the video. It was weird. I also remember the waiting. I got mine at 15. Hopefully Lauren waits until then too (she's only 5 now, so no worries yet). HOWEVER, I've talked with my kids about it in age-appropriate terms. I've shown drawings and microscopic pictures of eggs and sperm (my son thought he needed his testicles to pee LOL) and how babies grow and are born. He still doesn't know how the sperm gets there tho =P

  22. Oh wow I feel like they do it earlier and earlier these days! It'll be good for her to learn :)

  23. I had my period when I was 11. I was not prepared at all. It was messy. I cannot remember if I watched a video maybe not. I was one of those girls who got it so early but others got it when they were 15 or 16. I would recommend young girls to watch a video about this. = )

  24. hahaha, I laught so much to the "isnt that when your cranky" comment xD. I was just turning 10 when I got mine. I thought I was going to die :P

  25. I don't remember watching a film but I do remember my mom preparing me for it with all the instructions that didn't make sense at first! It's really a funny experience for me, lol.

  26. This was hilarious! I totally remember the videos 😂😂😂

  27. We never had this video in school where I am.

  28. Yeah I remember the period video. All the boys got to go to the playground. All the girls got the "bad news." It just didn't seem fair.

  29. My daughter watched a video like that but still freaked out several years later when her time came. I hate that we girls have this monthly friend.

  30. Omg too funny!!!!! I remember all of this from when I was in school!!!

  31. Oh my god I was DYING reading this post. You seriously picked the perfect memes too. Yeah, I didn't know much about periods until the 4th grade when the girl sitting next to me ran off to the bathroom in the middle of class. Then I figured it out. I didn't get mine until I was 14. I was pretty late to the situation but it's VERY good that they are teaching kids about this because you don't want a classroom of students who don't know screaming how a girl is bleeding.

  32. I remember having to watch one of these at school as well! I'm glad they're starting to educate kids earlier about these things so they can have a better comprehension of things in the future

  33. Reality bites. Eventhough we didn't want to have it, no one can escape from this monthly period as though there's something abnormal about women who don't.

  34. hahahahahahahahaha! They DO start younger these days! You should have seen me when my youngest daughter started a couple of years ago! I was like NO WAY! NO! Who told you that you could do that?!!!! hahahahaaha

  35. Wow, that seems young but at the same time we need to be open and able to talk to kids about anything and answer their questions.

  36. I do not remember watching a video in school but perhaps that was because I went to Catholic school? Maybe we did but it must have had little significance to me. My daughter is 11 and in 6th grade and just started last month. Thankfully she is the last of 5 kids!

  37. I don't think I recall watching a period video, but I know that we definitely had one on sex/fertilization. I'm an adult and this stuff still seems awkward to discuss with kids. I hate when the kids I babysit ask me any kind of similar questions...I get so flustered! lol

  38. We don't have anything like this when I was in High School! It's a great way to inform girls about having periods. Thanks for the fun to read post!

  39. Ohh those videos were the worst! But my 15 year old daughter just had to suffer through another sex ed portion of her health class... and I supported her by texting borderline inappropriate gifs of condoms hahaha. Parenting is fun.

  40. I honestly never watched a period video 🙏🙌. I did have to watch a sex video which was more about std's 😷.

  41. I love her attitude!!! My daughter was mortified about the video and wouldn't talk to me about anything from it at all.

  42. I loved the answer of Natalie what she gave to the boys of her class! She is going to do great in her life. You should never bother about her!

  43. I remember watching the video about periods when I was in the 4th or 5th grade I think.Then it (my period) started when I was 11. I think it jinxed me lol -Breyona Sharpnack

  44. I remember watching this kind of video. Now my little niece will be watching it this school year. This brings back memories.

  45. My daughter starting to get curious. I think she already need to be aware about this so she know how to deal with it in the near future.

  46. I don't remember watching any videos at all. I remember having a talk about this in school though. I don't think we did videos, but I could be wrong.

  47. I totally remember how it was a big dang deal to see the video. All the girls left the class to go do that, lol. It was such a weird thing!

  48. It's a shame that the boys don't get some sort of guidance. As a husband with 2 daughters I was the one tasked to buy sanitary products. Of course I'm fully versed these days but it would have been nice to have a bit of a 'heads up' in the beginning.

  49. I don't remember the video itself from when I was in school, but I do remember that we split into boys in one room; girls in the other for a video. I guess it didn't impress me! ha! But my mom is a nurse and had talked to me about it since I was 6 or 7... seriously. I knew EVERYTHING there was to know WELL before it happened to me. I am already dreading the day I have to talk to my daughter about this. I'm definitely not as open as my mom... but I know I will have to be then.

  50. The memes are very funny! When my daughter learned about this and finally started her period she said, "oh brother I guess I just dropped an egg". Cracked me up!

  51. Kids have no filter for real! I used to blurt out things that embarrassed my mom all the time! My daughter is only 5 now and I am so not prepared for this while growing up thing!

  52. Wasn't sure if they still did this in schools. I remember watching the video in junior high and my daughter bringing home the permission slip so she could watch the movie.

  53. I don't remember watching the movie nor any of my daughters watching the movie. I can't believe the nurse told the girls to lie about what they had watched. I have no idea why that part stuck out to me the most.

  54. Do you remember watching that movie but it's definitely something that could clarify things for a little girl. I have all boys in my house, but they will get an idea of what girls go through so that they do not get as grossed out as they get older LOL.

  55. Oh my goodness, this is hilarious! I have two boys so I am so out of this mode! We actually never watched period videos at my school! Loved the little images you incorporated! Hilarious!

  56. We never had this video. But, omg these memes are so freaking amazing. I laughed so hard on them

  57. My daughter never saw a video about this in school but I am not against kids learning about their bodies. My kids seem to know so much more than I did at their ages.

  58. OMG! I laughed so hard at all the memes! My daughter is older but I still remember when she came home and gave me the note from Health Class stating they were starting THAT phase of class

  59. Thanks for sharing! I remember when I had to watch this video when I was in middle school. And the boys had their own video to watch. Crazy that kids grow up so fast and are watching the same things we did.

  60. Takes me back to the day when my Mom and I had the "talk". I went to a private school where sex education was left to the parents. I still agree with that policy.

  61. Yeah, I do remember watching a video on periods while in school. But I think we watched it on junior high.

  62. I remember having this in my 4th or 5th grade class. I am not sure which one exactly. But it sure was kind of gross and wasn't made any more easier by the boys in class. I have a boy now and I wonder how he will react when he sees it in his class someday.

  63. I remember that day. It's really intense for someone who doesn't know what it was before. Especially since you're going to have to expect it sometime soon. Lol. But I think it's good that the school does it.

  64. I was 18 when I first had it. I think my daughter is gonna be like me, she's almost 13 and still don't have it. I talked to her about it though.

  65. We had a sex ed video back in high school. Period talk was left to parents, and mine are who explained it to me.

  66. Yes we had girls in grade 5bgetting it when I was at school ! Was rare but it did happen !

  67. I dont remember ever having something like this at school. It is crazy that they are starting it so soon.

  68. Omg the memes are too funny! But I'm glad she doesn't have to learn it on her own, makes things easier as she grows up, for everyone. - Suzanne

  69. I remember getting a similar form with my oldest. I about fell over. We wound up having the talk right before the class. Ugh.

  70. She is so funny, I love how she is so spunky and just up front no filter. I love the Meme of the face you shot her when she told everyone you had a baby a teenager.

  71. Your daughter is so FUNNY!! I feel like I was just like her when I was growing up!!

  72. I can't remember seeing a video at school, and I have no idea if my daughter has either, lol! We've had 'the talk', well I tried to have 'the talk' and she told me she knew everything anyway and started throwing statistics at me, so hey ho! All is well. :)

  73. I had the most wonderful time going through this and then again with my kid. We're past this stage as she is already grown but we enjoyed this. Keep writing!

  74. I was one of the first to get my periods at school, in fact I had stopped growing by 10 and went from towering over my class mates to being average size of the years that came after. We had our first lessons on it when I was 8 or 9 I think, though it was a long time ago now.

  75. I don't remember this at all but this is such an funny post. LOL...

  76. Getting your period is such a surprise no matter what, but this post if funny haha

  77. My daughter is the same age as yours and I felt the same way! Her class also has a movie to see next week and I am not prepared for this at all!

  78. Your post had me laughing at your pics of expressions. Your daughter had the right answer! I think it was good that the school sent home a letter for your review.

  79. I believe boys should also be educated on this. My son is four and has asked questions, what kid does NOT walk in on their Mother in the bathroom at that age...and we explain to an extent about why women get this monthly and pregnancy as he is dying to be a big brother.

  80. Well I don't remember watching videos about it butI had this conversation with my mom and I was really freaked out!

  81. I admit the post had me in a bit of a panic. I was worried the school had done the talk and I had never heard anything about it. Evidently her school doesn't do the talk. Glad to hear your daughter's school at least notified you.

  82. Oh my word, I think we have all been there. I cannot believe how fast she is growing up though.

  83. Oh yes, more and more kids are starting their periods before their teens years. I believe that is one of the the reasons the HPV shot went down to age 9. Great post

  84. Wow, I wonder if we ever watched something like this back in our teenage years. I guess not. Good thing this is already being discussed in school and of course still seeking guidance among parents.

  85. I definitely remember a video like this in school. I think it's pretty cool that they're still showing it, I just hope they update it so as to catch a child's attention more. Lol.

  86. This reminds me of when my daughters brought me home something like this! I had to give them a brief inquiry into whats to come, they were "intrigued" that's for sure.

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