Wednesday, October 11, 2017

How To Get Rid Of Solicitors

Ah, solicitors. They always seem to ring the doorbell right as you're about to sit down to eat. Right when you're about to start a TV show. After you've put the kid down for a nap.

I fully respect that it's their job. But they can come across as irritating and when they still knock on the door even if you have a no soliciting sign? It's downright aggravating and borderline rude. So here are ways you can get rid of them.

1. Get a sign. I have this one. You can purchase these on Etsy. Some people even have what look like plaques screwed in right beside their front door that have NO SOLICITING across them.

2. Pretend you speak another language. One lady wouldn't stop talking about how she wanted to clean my mattress. "Did you know Beth down the street with a newborn? She let me clean her mattress." This is a tactic they use to try and seem personable. There's no Beth down the street. I just started randomly making noises, and she got the hint and backed away like I was the crazy one even though SHE'S the one who lied. Beth down the street with a newborn? *Snorts*

3. Remind them to respect the no soliciting sign if they ignore it. I've had to do this multiple times. I'm polite about it. "Hey, I have a no soliciting sign," and I'll point it out. Most get the hint and leave. One man tried to argue with me. "But ma'am, we have this fantastic lawn service." I was like, "Sir, I have this fantastic lawn service too. My husband."

4. Start doing weird things. Like this:

5. If they tell their lies about "Beth down the street with a newborn" be like, "No, I don't know Beth, but did you know Burt who lives UP the street who has five cats? Maybe go clean his mattress." I mean. A lie for a lie. It's only fair.

How do you get rid of solicitors? Or do you like them? Some people do! Me, I'll continue doing one of the above suggestions in hopes that I become the house with the crazy lady to avoid.


  1. i let my dogs bark like wild banshees behind the door and i completely ignore them. let them waste their time on my step thinking i'm going to answer. i've also placed a "baby sleeping, protective dogs, do not knock or ring" sign directly over the doorbell and that seems to work too!

  2. HAHAHA luckily living in an apartment, I don't have to deal with solicitors! And even if they tried, I don't answer the door unless I'm expecting someone.

  3. Hahahah that must be an American thing! I was like what? Solicitors coming to your door? But the gifs had me on the floor, so funny :D

  4. My mom HATES them. She gets mad at all of them...even the religious ones. She will yell through the speaker box thing "I have my own church God etc" lol. I tell her to be nice.
    I like that sign. I might get her one for Christmas lol.

  5. Haha "me no no english!" And the sign is very cute but totally give the message!😂

  6. This post cracked me up! I REALLY hate it when people ignore the No Soliciting sign on my door. I just might try number 4 the next time someone shows up!

  7. Love this. I just don't answer my door. Like at all. Drop ins are NEVER welcome at my house, so I pretend I am not home.

  8. I have a "no soliciting unless you're selling girl scout cookies" sign. I don't have many solicitors dropping by. They usually do it via the phone and I wish there was a way to really hide my phone number forever.

  9. HA! Love this! We don't have too many people stop by to sell stuff but we often have unexpected visitors... maybe I need to post a sign like this!

  10. The thought of solicitors makes my stomach turn. Luckily we now live in a highly secured neighbor hid, that aside form girl scout cookies we will not receive many solicitors. Love the lie for a lie, sounds like something I would do.

  11. My old house would get so many people knocking on the door. One time a guy tried to walk into my house. I would keep the screen door locked and then if they didn't get the hint I would be forced to shut the storm door on them.

  12. Thank goodness we don't have that problem living here in the country. Your either know us or your lost. Put a sign out and tell them to go away.

  13. We welcome kids that are selling something edible but that's about it (my boyfriend is a sucker for them). Thankfully most other people - especially ones not from our neighborhood, get intimidated quickly by my dog.

  14. We don't get a lot because of the woods but we get people of other religions. I always say to send Des to the door to talk about his latest poop.
    The sign is brilliant, though.

  15. Won't lie, I usually just don't answer the door. If you haven't texted me to tell me that you are coming, I'm not running for the door bell.

    1. I have to admit if I'm home alone I do the same unless I know who it is.

  16. Ahhh I love Housewives of NJ! Solicitors seem to come in spurts here. If I don't ignore them I bring my dog to the door.

  17. Haahhaaa I LOVE that sign. I totally ignore solicitors. Them and those pesky telemarketers. Thanks for sharing!

  18. We don't get many people thankfully - just those who ignore the sign saying not to knock, normally I send the other half to answer who quickly gets rid of them.

  19. We have a sign on our door but they come knocking anyway. Thankfully we have two dogs that bark pretty loud, some they tend to leave the porch pretty quick.

  20. Oh man I wish I had dogs. I'm rarely ever home so I rarely have to deal with them. Sometimes I tell them I don't have the time to listen to them nor am I interested, but thanks anyways!

  21. Great tips! Actually it happens a lot in my country and I have to tell them honestly that I don't have anything to give to them.

  22. Thank God we do not have this problem in my area. I had a good laugh reading the post though. Sign and weird things will be in my mind in case such thing happens. :D

  23. This is hilarious!! Thanks so much for such awesome tips!! I hate I don't have anything to add but I have never been successful at getting rid of solicitors, LOL.

  24. I just don't answer the phone anymore if I see a number I don't know.

  25. I never had to talk to a solicitor but in case I do, I will know how to handle it so thanks for sharing!

  26. Luckily in my neighborhood we rarely have door-to-door solicitors. The frustrating issue I'm dealing with is a whole line of telemarketers ringing my phone on the daily!

  27. These totally made me laugh! It's been awhile since I've had to deal with them because we moved to a much more secluded area of town!

  28. We actually don't get a lot of solicitors in our neighborhood. Just the occasional Girl Scout with cookies.

  29. I absolutely love your post and such a great ideas. I enjoyed reading it and especially liked your sign :)

  30. The sign keeping the solicitors away is hilarious! I bet the actual solicitors would ignore it and ring the doorbell anyway!

  31. you are hilarious and i love it! i live in a condo so i do not have any problems but i wont mind doing tip 4 , just looks fun!

  32. That sign is fantastic! I just don't answer the door.

  33. Solicitors are really pain many a times, loved your sign board Idea, too cool and weird things like in GIF, lol, had a good laugh over that!

  34. My large dogs tend to scare everyone off. Works in my favor big time!

  35. We don't actually encounter this very often and I think it's because we're on the edge of town. It's probably not worth it to drive all the way out here!

  36. Hahahaha I act like a crazy person!!! Works like a charm every time.

  37. Ugh, they drive me nuts. I had some guy walk up to me while I was trying to get into my apartment. I don't know why he thought that was a good idea...

  38. I can't stand solicitors and I always say that I'm going to get a sign and never have. I sleep during the say since I work night shift at the hospital and those poor people always get an earful if they wake me up! HA!

  39. I live in an apartment building and we don't get many solicitors here. I really love the idea of doing a crazy dance or pretend to speak another language, that sounds like a lot of fun.

  40. We have a big sign at the entrance to our community. If a solicitor does come to the door I just let my dogs bark and they always go away.

  41. how much do i love your sign! haha great idea!

  42. This is hilarious I would love to see the persons face when you start to do that weird dance.

  43. I love the Etsy no soliciting sign! Mine can say unless you giving ME some money in cold hard cash! LOL

  44. We tend to be the House they avoide. We get more talking then them. My husband is a sales man and he is great at selling. We get a customer 7 out of 10 solictors

  45. Until there are people who tolerates them they will cobtinue to grow. Soliciting is same as begging, but worst because they have the capacity to work. Is there a law in your place that soliciting is illegal? Here in the Philippines, it is.

  46. We live in an area of town where we are a bit removed from most traffic. Luckily, we don't get many solicitors.

  47. I really liked the idea, whenever such thing i pretend noone is at home and i try to avoid such things and not to react.

  48. I love this so much! We have a no soliciting sign in our neighborhood but sadly it doesn't stop people.

  49. It's amazing how some things translate differently. Over on this side of the pond solicitors are lawyers, however soliciting is generally what prostitutes do to get "business". We call unwanted sellers at the door or on the phone 'cold callers'

  50. Number four idea is very funny. I think if I do it in front of solicitors, they will definitely leave without a word. Lol!

  51. I definitely needed this! Solicitors drive me crazy!

  52. This totally made me laugh. I hate when people come door to door for things. It's almost like you have to hide any signs of life when you see them coming.

  53. Hhahha...I enjoyed reading your post! Luckily I stay in a community where solicitors are not allowed. But I might be start communicating in a foreign language or start acting weird if ever come across that circumstance!

  54. At one time I had the sign that said No Solicitors unless you're selling GS cookies. It finally died from the sun exposure and I took it down. Thankfully, I don't really get many solicitors because I live five miles outside of town.

  55. LOL OMG that sign is amazing! Luckily I don't have that issue in my neighborhood, but if I did, I'd definitely pick up that sign for my yard!

  56. LOVE that sign. I just want one that says go away I don't like you lol

  57. Cute sign! We live in a gated community with a no soliciting sign at the front entrance, so any solicitors that come inside risk being trespassed off the property. We also have security cameras outside our home, so I can instantly see if a knock is worth addressing or not.

  58. This is so funny! I have several signs at my front door telling people to go away! There is a big problem in the neighborhood with solicitors and I'm totally fed up! Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts are the only ones I trust!

  59. We actually don't get many solicitors around our house. I am very thankful for that fact.

  60. I don't love solicitors either! Thanks for sharing these helpful tips!

  61. They are absolutely the worst. We typically don't even answer the doorbell anymore. Our neighbors know to give us a ring or a text if they want to come over.

  62. These are some absolutely amazing ideas, we have a sign on our door for people not to knock but they still do.. Perhaps I need to go for something like yours instead.

  63. I swear someone is at my door everyday, I need one of these signs lol.

  64. Ha! This is too funny! Sometimes it's all about whatever it takes.

  65. I love your sign! I usually just don't answer the door. If I do, I just tell them, no thanks. My husband will engage them in long conversations making them waste a lot of time.

  66. I love that sign, I usually not open the door. tell them from inside that I am busy comeback later.

  67. WE try to ignore them just by ignoring their knocks. Some will eventually go after a few minutes. But for some, I had to clearly say no for them to stop.

  68. Solicitors can be annoying. In my hometown, they come regularly. We just ignore them like we're not home. :)


  69. Annemarie LeBlancMay 19, 2019 at 8:58 AM

    We don't have much here but if we get some, boy are they persistent! I need to put up a sign like yours!

  70. They can totally be the worst. But your humor is great at taking charge of the situation!

  71. Kristine Nicole AlessandraMay 19, 2019 at 6:34 PM

    I hate it when I am busy with something and my doorbell rings. I leave what I am doing to answer the door only to find out it is someone trying to sell me something. Same with telemarketers. I mean, if I need something, I will be the one calling!

  72. We don't have a lot of solicitors-usually just kids trying to sell me something from the local school fundraiser. Usually if someone knocks on the door that I don't know, I just don't go to the door.

    1. It doesn't happen all that often here either. It's just not a convenient area to go door to door in.

  73. Our dog Diesel is a great deterrent for solicitors! When I can see that it's a stranger or solicitor outside, I'll crack the door open slightly...just enough for them to see that our dog is rearing to get out and I'm struggling to keep him inside. They will usually step back, say a few words and are on their way in no time flat!

  74. As arule i do not open my door if I am not expecting someone. Answering the phone to telemarketers or people selling something is such a waste of time.

  75. I have seen some very clever signs for soliciting. That is a really funny one!

  76. That sign is great! I don't answer the door if I don't know who it is, but your tactics are great.

  77. Cute sign! My barking dog usually does the trick!

  78. This is awesome! we don't get solicitors here, thank goodness. I did once, when I owned a home on a main stretch of road. That was a pain, I don't like people just showing up.

  79. I've never encountered any solicitors since I got here. Now I know what to do if I encounter one. Thanks for the ideas. ;)


  80. This is a cute sign! We don't have them very often, but I love this idea!!

  81. We have a gate and a long driveway, so they never bother with us. We love it when they call though. Whoever picks up the phone does their best to string them along for as long as possible. My Dad holds the record in our family.

  82. I am going to knock on some wood because since I moved last June, I haven't had any solicitors. Now that I admitted that, Ill probably have someone knock on my door now. lol

  83. Haha! I tell them I'll take their info and my husband will deal with it. I can play the role of the wife who doesn't make decisions :)

  84. Haha! Thank you for all these tips! We still get solicitors even with a sign at the door. ha! And we really need to be firm to keep them away.

  85. Hahaha this has me cracking up! So funny, but also good tips!!

  86. The solicitors drive me crazy around here! I've been meaning to get a sign. Most of the time I don't open the door and laugh as they see my kids in the windows.

  87. Kristine Nicole AlessandraJanuary 26, 2020 at 6:41 PM

    I know they are trying to make a living too, but these solicitors should respect the signs people put on their doors/yard. I live in a gated compound so we don't have to deal with those people so much. Unless of course, someone left the gate open!


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