Monday, June 11, 2018

Hey, It's Okay

I got this idea from Glamour magazine. You can link up any day of the week. All you have to do is make a list of what you're okay about. Simple! Please do not link up a post that has nothing to do with Hey, It's Okay. It's rude and I'll delete the link.

Hey, It's Okay.... have cringed when I saw the total cost for the groceries this week. The kids are home for the summer, and they eat a lot. have enjoyed Solo. We saw it over the weekend. I do love Chewbacca! be gathering everything my daughter needs for Sea World camp. She goes next week and is excited about it. It'll be her first sleep away camp. remind my daughter that I am not her personal chauffeur over the summer. I don't mind taking her to places now and again, but it's okay to stay at home as well. think these Squeezamals that my daughter was sent are cute. They're scented too. If your kid loves squishies, they'll love these. (Natalie's top favorite so far? The hedgehog!)


  1. Hey, it's okay if I don't want to get up early to work out tomorrow. The extra hour of sleep will be amazing :-) Love this idea, thanks for sharing!

  2. Sleepaway camp at Sea World sounds awesome!

  3. Yeah, my kids are eating a ton lately, too! It's the age I suppose, but my grocery bill has doubled over the last year.

  4. Bah ha ha! OH JEEZE! Anddddd your title of PERSONAL DRIVER has snuck up on you! Ughhh!

  5. I have two grown males living with me. Groceries are crazy high. I am out of the personal chauffeur business, so that is good!

  6. If we lived closer to sea world I would totally sign my son up for that. I know it is something he would love and it's fun to do. You're right it is OK to like the Solo movie! I liked it too.

  7. Chauffeur is the task kids take for granted. I am constantly taking the kids places and even have to wait there for a few hours at a time to take them home so boring.

  8. I wish I lived closer to Sea World. Sea World camp sounds like a lot of fun and the fact that they stay overnight sounds perfect.

  9. Good reminder to everyone that the kids don't have to be and doing something every single day. Stay at home do some chores and entertain themselves. Try it without the tv and electronic devices.

  10. OK those Squeezamals are adorable love they are scented as well. I hope a good time is had at Sea World camp!

  11. I can not believe the price of groceries I was excited when a case of eggs fell below 6 bucks!

  12. It's okay to be 33 and want one of those unicorns, right? Right???

  13. haha I always love these posts of yours. I totally agree about Solo . . . my hubby and I really liked it and were surprised to hear that it got bad reviews!

  14. Oh lord, my daughter would die if she seen those squeezamals! She loves stuff like that!

  15. I bet she will have an amazing time at Sea World camp!

  16. The bills are usually higher when the kids are home more often. I haven't seen Solo! I've been meaning to but it's just really been busy these past weeks. Those squeezamals are so adorable!

  17. It's okay that the house gets dirty at time especially when my nephews and niece are around. I love to see them enjoying themselves, hearing their wonderful stories, and cuddling up to me when I ask them to hug me.

  18. The grocery bill when kids are out of school is so much higher than when school is in session. They're like locusts.

  19. My 10 year old niece needs to know her mother and me arent her personal chaufuer and event planner this summer to because she gets so bored easily. Wow I had no idea there was a Sea World Camp that is very interesting!

  20. It’s okay that the house is a mess, that mommy does her best and yet she still can’t manage to whip up a meal, that some days all she can do is carry the little one, breastfeed and change diapers.

    I definitely need to create a post like this ❤️

  21. Is it weird that I can't wait to hear about your daughter's trip to Sea World Camp?? I think that would e such a cool experience!!

  22. Indeed it's okay to have some me time and solo moment. Also, Natalie is growing already and yes, it's okay for her to experience being away and have her first sleep-over/overnight experience.

  23. I'm always shocked to see the total of our grocery as well. My son watched the movie with his friend and he said it was very good.

  24. I cringe at my grocery bill all the time! These kiddos eat at a lot - even if they're toddlers!

  25. I have 8 kids, 7 of which eat so much I don't know where they put it. I am cringing at the thought of summer starting for us on the 28th my bill will be HUGE. - Jeanine

  26. I hope she has fun at camp! It's so exciting because it's her first time. I'm sure she'll do amazing!

  27. That sounds like such a fun camp!

  28. Hey it’s’s okay if the house is dirty and got a lot of’s summer time! let’s go and have fun at the lake...hahaha! It’s summer here in Arizona and we always go on road trips and jet skiing at the lake. No enough time to clean the house. Hey! It’s okay....everything will be alright.

  29. Ohhhh the hedgehog is my favorite too so cute! I have 4 boys and cringe everytime I go the grocery store!

  30. Those Squeezamals are adorable! Love that they're scented as well.

  31. opps, my comment sent too quickly. The animals are SO cute! My kids would love them!

  32. What a wonderful post! Sea World camp sounds so nice. Thanks for sharing! :)

  33. Hey it's okay to not have cooked dinner. Picking up pizza is never a bad idea.
    This is a fun post. I miss Sea World.

  34. I just love this post! I would so love to do this for myself once a week as a it's ok I didn't cook dinner four nights a week this week!

  35. That's a lovely post.. It's OK to be messy sometimes.. It's OK to be you

  36. I love these posts of yours! My daughter is eating me out of house and home at the moment, it gets even worse when the holidays happen! x

  37. Sea World camp sounds like a dream!
    The kids eat a lot but they buy school lunch during the week. Now I have to pack two camp lunches a day! Argh!

  38. Those are adorable stuffed toys. I'm sure my daughter would love to have one of those too. For me it's okay to spend some ME time eating chips while watching a fantasy movie.

  39. Sleep away camp?!?! FUN! I want to go tooooo hahaha


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