Wednesday, October 21, 2020

How To Deal With Teenager Mood Swings


Oh my gosh guys, I am so talented that I even annoyed my daughter's SHADOW!

For the most part, I get along with my teenagers. I have two of them: a thirteen and an eighteen year old. The eighteen-year-old is a boy, so he's much calmer, unless his video game lags or he loses or is killed off in said video game.

The thirteen-year-old can have frightening mood swings. One minute I'm joking with her, the next she's thundering up the stairs in a huff. I find that you have to treat teenage girls like a skittish wild animal: don't do too much, because you could scare them off.

I have tips on how to deal with the crazy mood swings! 

1. Give them space. I know in Full House all the adults would go up to the child's room when they'd stomp off, but no, trust me, that isn't Real Life. You must give them time to calm down, otherwise you'll be met with either A) screaming or B) dead uncomfortable silence. Teens won't immediately spill their problems with sad music in the background. They just won't. And if you force them to, they'll make something up so you'll leave.

2. Be available to talk when they calm down. Sometimes when my daughter is stomping up the stairs I shout to her retreating back "I'm here if you need me." 

3. Send encouraging texts. I sent one that said "when you stop acting like a feral cat, I'll be here." 

4. Lure them out with food. Seriously, teens love to eat. This always worked for my son. My daughter enjoys McDonalds fries, so all I have to say is, "I have McDonalds!" and she suddenly is in an amazing mood. I know experts might be like, "Food should never be used an award" but quite frankly, they can kiss my pale ass, because yes it certainly can.

5. Let them know you love them even if they are acting like Linda Blair in The Exorcist and you're wondering if they're about to curse at you in Latin. Sometimes they just need to hear this. Being a teen isn't easy, especially these days. There's social media, there's cameras around ALL THE TIME, and there's Algebra. I promise, they'll come to you. Eventually.

Having teenagers keeps me young. And makes me eat lots of chocolate. But it's also an adventure. 

One I wouldn't give up for anything. 


  1. I understand the teen girl mood swings. My son was calm and my daughter definitely had the feral cat mood swings.

  2. I think I was worse at mood swings that my daughter. My son is going through it now though. But the other night my kids were annoying him by sending messages to his google home and then they said "we're having ice cream," which was true, and he wasn't mad anymore!

  3. Being around boys and girl teens, it seems to me that girls have more moody swings. I love your advice. Sometimes they just need a hug and someone to talk to.

  4. I was a nightmare as a teen, not sure how my parents made it through. These sound like some great tips to help people through that stage.

  5. OMG I love the text you sent her LOL. I have an 11 year old girl and the emotions are in full effect. These are some great tips for me to keep in mind.

  6. I love these tips! My oldest is my only girl and while she was actually pretty easy most of her life, it seems once she hit 17 is when I started having these confusing times with her. Like, "I thought we were getting along, things were going well" and then bam she is huffing upstairs saying "I'm done with you right now." I've found I have used some of your tips, but alas now she's 18 and pays rent to live here, and so it's different. It's a good different, but different.

  7. Great advice! I also have a 14 yo and can totally relate. I also have a 19 yo and 12 yo son and they are definitely easier with the moods, but harder on the grocery bilL!

  8. Teen girls are the worst! My daughter was viper at 15! Patience and counting to 10 helps.

  9. I'm dreading these years SO much but thankfully with boys I've heard it is slightly easier.

  10. It's definitely an adventure! I have a 22 year old and 18 year old so almost home

  11. I really needed to read this. I have a teen at home and sometimes I feel like giving her a hug while other times I feel like pushing her into her room. I hope it will keep me young like you say.

  12. I admire how patient you are with your kids. I think most people has pass through that moody stage.

  13. hahahaha omg lure them out with McDonalds ahahah that would definitely work on me too

  14. Thanks for the advice you shared here. And you're such a cool mom.

  15. I will have two teenage girls in 10 years (and our 3rd girl will be about 10 then). Thanks for all the tips. Do looking forward to it! LOL

  16. I think teenage is a beautiful age, not easy, but beautiful when you just need to remind very often that you are there for him/her.

  17. I'm both excited and scared for the teenage years. My daughter is already so sassy that I'm nervous about how she'll be as a teen. I love your advice and think that so much of it can be applied to anyone that is having a rough day!

  18. "when you stop acting like a feral cat, I'll be here." Bahahahahaha! Totally can relate! I love these tips bTW.

  19. I don't have a teenager yet but I am so excited to have one someday and wish to handle her mood swings in a nice way. LOL!

  20. Parenting teenagers is no easy task, but it has some great moments! This is great advice for living with one.

  21. Thanks for the great tips. I can totally relate to the mood swings that teens exhibit. I totally remember being a teen and it wasn't easy and it it twice as hard now. Keep up the good work. You are doing a good job.

  22. Parenting teenagers can be interesting. I was a tough kid in my teens for sure.

  23. I have a 15 year old and some days I am the one that wants to slam the door on his face to shut him up. Great tips

  24. Teen girls can be very difficult as they grow up and their moods can change suddenly, as you say. I know I was difficult when I was a teen haha

  25. I am not looking forward to those days! This is a great guide and she has a great mother.

  26. I have 2 teen boys and they do have the crazy mood swings. Blame it on the hormones

  27. This is the story of my life, thanks for sharing these tips.

  28. When you stop acting like a feral cat I'll be here...HILARIOUS. I will remember this encouraging text for my tween. She's getting a head start on the mood swings.

  29. I do agree with you that teenage girls can have incredible mood swings but thank you also for these tips.

  30. I sometimes have to walk away from mine. They have a way to push my buttons. But, they are my WHOLE heart!

  31. Hahaha I enjoyed reading this post so much. Teenage kids mood is such a cool topic.

  32. Thanks for sharing this. I don't have a teenager yet but this will help me while dealing with my nieces and nephew

  33. This is hilarious and hits close to home! Thankfully my teenagers have all grown into awesome young adults, but I remember those days.

  34. Food is a great peacemaker isn't it? We can all connect over good eats.

  35. I truly can't imagine being a teenager in today's world so I feel for your daughter, for sure! Even I feel like I still have some mood swings like this and I swear, McDonald's french fries can totally do the trick. ;)

  36. Great tips I imagine teens today have so much on their plates with the state of the world added to normal teenage drama.

  37. These are perfect for those dealing with teenagers!!!

  38. LOL! I'm so here. I saw a meme once how teens are like feral cats; they really only come out for food. I can 100% relate to your situation. I think one of our stairs has a crack in it from my daughter stomping up and down the stairs all the time.

  39. Hahaha I love this post! I can so relate with this, and these are great ideas how to deal with teenage children


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