High school. I can hardly believe my last kid is in high school. Natalie finished her freshman year and learned many lessons. Here are a few of them:
People still don't fully grasp the importance of deodorant. She thought it was bad in Middle School but it's still pretty smelly in High School. She recommends having a deodorant in your backpack and re-apply when needed.
Don't take things personally. There are some teens who will say some cruel things. For example, Natalie has been called fat before by fellow students. Clearly she is not fan but in high school, some think it's their duty to bring others down. Learn to let things slide. Sure the words might sting, but remember the folks uttering the mean things are probably miserable and want everyone else to be the same.
Pay attention to teachers. They give instructions. Listen. Don't be like "I didn't hear that." That's because you were talking or on your phone. Teachers are unpaid and tired. Don't make them repeat themselves. Oh, and tell them thank you for all they do. It's not easy.
Don't forget the other activities. It's not all about football. In Texas sometimes it feels like it is all about football. But you know, don't forget theatre. Go see a school play. It takes a lot of work to put on a production. Support your local thespians.
Hurry to the lunch line because it gets long quickly. There are hundreds of students in Natalie's school. As soon as that lunch bell rings, don't get distracted: get in line or most of your lunch break will be spent in it.
Don't jump to conclusions. Natalie had a friend being accused of being racist. She had posted some racist things on her page and Natalie kept insisting it wasn't her. It turns out she was correct: someone had hacked into that person's account and posted the racist things hoping to get people to turn against her. It's easy to join an attack group but think and know for sure what is going on before you accuse. Teens can be ruthless these days. So be a nice one.
Be yourself. Always. I love Natalie's imagination. I love her fashion sense. I love how she'll go to school in a costume or a fabulous outfit knowing that another student might insult her. Most kids at her school toss on jeans or a hoodie. Jeans and a t-shirt. Pajamas. Natalie puts thought in what she wears. Most of time. Sometimes she does show up in pajamas. But she still has the matching eyeshadow.
The year went fast. Too fast. Before I know it she'll be finished with high school. But before she graduates I hope she'll always remember these lessons: and learn some new ones.
Wow what a great post! Seems like life is just passing right on by and the kids are growing so fast! I love all the lessons she pointed out, so funny how kids today can jump on the bandwagon of mistreating someone without checking the true facts. I see so many adults doing the same thing!
ReplyDeleteHigh school can be tough. I am glad that my son did not have these issues or he just did not tell me about them.
ReplyDeleteIt really is good not to take things personally but it's also important for us to listen to our children, which judging by your relationship with your child I know you do!
ReplyDeleteGreat post and so many great suggestions. I always say the more involved you can be your freshman year the better and work hard on that GPA.
ReplyDeleteNatalie is so confident for being her true self! I wasn’t like that in HS but I wish k was
ReplyDeleteOh man, my kid is going into middle school and reading this makes me want to consider homeschooling! At least we got the deodorant part down!!! ;)
ReplyDeleteThat is upsetting about the hacked page! Glad it wasn't Natalie's friend who said those things!
ReplyDeleteI don't remember being this insightful after my first year in high school! I think Don't take things personally is the most important lesson.
ReplyDeleteIt can be al little overwhelming for any student on the first day of high school. I do agree not taking things so personally which is a great lesson to learn.
ReplyDeleteI love your post. It reminds me of my own experience during high school. Yes, deodorant is important. I also like the idea of being respectful to teachers at all times.
ReplyDeleteThese are all really great lessons to learn specially High School students. I will let my daughter see this post!
ReplyDeleteLOL you crack me up about the deodorant we have that happen in GA a lot too. In fact I was working with a wedding coordinator a month ago and thought "Girl, what is up you are dealing with the bride and family? Come on now!" Even my husband come smell her coming it was really bad I felt sorry for her since it was only April not even the hot month yet.
ReplyDeleteIt's great to hear Natalie stood by here friend especially as her account had been hacked. Ha, I know what you mean about the deodorant!!!!
ReplyDeleteI can see why you are so proud of Natalie! She sure seems well-grounded, which isn't always easy to be at her age!
ReplyDeleteSuch important lessons! Sounds like you have done a great job at raising her right. :-)
ReplyDeleteThese are awesome tips that will help a lot my daughter!
ReplyDeleteLove these lessons! my younger daughter still needs to learn them! Especially she need to learn not to take things personally!
DeleteI can relate to all of this. High School is an interesting experience for sure.
ReplyDeleteBeing mean is learned at home. So not taking things personally is a good advice. She is going to be a strong woman. -LYNNDEE
ReplyDeleteAs a high school teacher, I could usefully pass on some of these observations to my students !
ReplyDeleteThose are some great lessons learned. Teens can be cruel. It can be hard to be you when someone give you flack over it.
ReplyDeleteThese can be tough years, and this is great advice! It can be tough to let things slide, but it really is important to push through those moments.
ReplyDeleteIt's great to hear about Natalie's experiences and the lessons she's learned during her freshman year of high school. I completely agree with her about the importance of deodorant - it's surprising how many people don't seem to understand its significance
ReplyDeleteMaking sure that you are being yourself is important and also find other things that you need to do thanks for sharing this with us
ReplyDeleteI can't believe someone hacked into her friend's account and did that! Why are people so horrible? Middle school has been rough enough on my daughter. I'm terrified for high school.
ReplyDeleteThese are all great lessons. Teach kids to pick strong passwords, don’t leave their phone unattended or unlocked.
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