Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Pigging Out On Beignets At Mardi Gras Sea World

How many beignets can one person eat?

It's 8 for me.

I'm kidding. 

I only had 2. Did I want more? Yes. But I also remember that I am a woman of a certain age and that I have to watch it if I want to fit into my pants. 

Anyhow, we always go to Mardi Gras at Sea World. You'll come across some colorful characters who will give you beads:

The food is on point. We all got po boys. I got the fried green tomato one and holy crap, I love it. Everything is made fresh so you will wait about 10 minutes for your food, but it is worth it. 

And yes, as mentioned, there are beignets. 

Here's the menu. Of course there's booze as well but honestly, I get more excited about the beignets. 

There's live music going on where you can dance and more characters walking around. Granted, it's awkward when one comes over to you and you're covered in beignet powdered sugar, but you know, I'm sure they expect it. 

I highly recommend stopping by. I plan on returning to get do some dancing. It goes on until February 26th so you have time!

And to get more beignets. 


  1. Sounds fun! We had beignets in the New Orleans airport!

  2. OMG! I do adore beignets and just a bit of coffee. But its been so long since I've been to NO to have any. So good! Fun colors in all the costumes.

  3. That looks like so much fun. I love beignets too. They are so delicious! I would love to try one of these sometime too.

  4. This brought back SO many memories from when my parents surprised me with a trip to New Orlands when I was a senior in high school! Thanks for sharing this! It sounds like you had a lot of fun!

    -Whitney Stewart

  5. Wow! That sounds really wonderful and so much fun! I would really love to try beignets! Sounds delicious

  6. First time to hear about beignets and they look amazing! I wonder where I can find something like that..

  7. It was actually my favourite holiday when I was a kid because my mom allowed me to wear makeup 😂

  8. The food and decorations look so on point at Sea World, love that crispy Po Boy sammy!

  9. 10 minutes to wait for fresh food is reasonable. Beignets are something I'd love to try since seeing the Princess and the Frog!!!

  10. This looks like it was great fun, but you had me at the photos of all that amazing food. It looks so good!

  11. Yum, the food looks amazing. I'll have to try their food if I ever make it back to Sea World.

  12. It sounds so much fun and I love holidays! Mardi Gras is one of my favorite!

  13. I would love to go there. I definitely would be trying the yummy foods!

  14. That food looks bland and nasty as fuck


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