Wednesday, June 21, 2023

It Was My Birthday--And The A/C Broke!

So I wake up on my birthday and I was like, holy crap, I'm sweating everywhere, are the hot flashes already starting? I mean, happy birthday to me, right? Welcome to your 40s, enjoy all the sweat.

I walked downstairs and my husband was like, "Happy Birthday! Also, the A/C is broken."

I thought he was joking. And I was partially relieved because it meant the hot flashes HADN'T started yet. I wasn't glistening because of messed up hormones but because of a messed up appliance. 

He said he called a company but they weren't able to come out for 2 days because everyone's A/C is having issues since it's been so incredibly hot.  Then he called another company and they could come out that afternoon. Until then, we would just have to rely on fans.

We live in Texas and it was already nearly 100 out so I will always remember this birthday as the one where I sweated profusely and dropped more f-bombs than I can recall.

Still, I made the best of it. I went to lunch at HuHot and shoveled carbs in my face. I also appreciated their A/C. The waiter was like, "How is your day going?" and I was like, "Hot, I love your A/C because our house doesn't have any," and he gave me an odd look. I probably should have explained the story more but I was too busy eating.

I got some fun gifts:

The A/C people finally came out around 5 and apparently our compressor completely died. It took one look at the coming 100 degree temps and was like, in the words of Tom Sandoval, "I'm going to dip out."  We needed a new one. We were under warranty so we only paid like $380 which still made me cry a bit. I mean, wtf. If I was going to drop $380 at least I should get a pretty purse out of it. Apparently the warranty didn't cover the part but it did cover labor fees. So I guess it's something. But still. 

It took forever to cool the house after being without A/C all day. The house had gotten up to 86. Yikes. Our cats were beyond PISSED at us, especially the one we rescued. He was like, um excuse me, I picked you guys on the promise that I'd have a better life than out on the streets. This doesn't feel like it, peasants.

Still, we had some delicious cake:

And honestly, it wasn't so bad. I will always remember this birthday and have a fun story to go along with it. If I get stuck making conversation with someone I can be like, "Hi, I had a birthday once and the A/C died ON THAT VERY DAY when it was 100 DEGREES OUT! Yes, sweat was EVERYWHERE!"


  1. Happy birthday. That happened to us a few years ago. But not on my birthday!

  2. First, Happy Birthday! There is nothing worse than the A/C being broke and then you wonder how long it will be before it can be fixed.

  3. Happy Birthday!! What a terrible day for the AC to go, but I'm glad they got there to fix it quicker that expected. And, it'll make for a funny/not funny story to share for years to come!

  4. Yikes on no ac! That is not a good thing to have happen. We had our heater break on a cold day.

  5. Happy birthday to you. To bad your ac had to go out, but glad you have it back. I would have a hard time without the ac. It has been in the 90's lately and it's just so hot and humid.

  6. Happy birthday! That really stinks about the ac. I would die in that heat! Also I need to see what they put for every letter on that Gilmore Girls alphabet bag. I love that! "Oy with the poodles already!"

  7. Happy birthday to you. I’m glad they were able to get out and fix your a/c. I’ve heard people having issues with theirs being able to keep up too.

  8. Richelle Escat MilarJune 22, 2023 at 10:44 PM

    What a birthday you have, and I can see you've enjoy your day even if there's no aircon. Happy Birthday!

  9. I just read your birthday story, and wow, what a memorable day you had! It must have been tough dealing with the broken A/C in Texas heat, but you managed to make the best of it. Thanks for sharing your entertaining and relatable experience! Also Happy Birthday.

  10. Happy Birthday to you! Great way to celebrate your special day! I am so glad you shared your experience there

  11. looks like you had a cool birthday with some great gifts. Shame about the ac though

  12. What a misadventure for your birthday! Yes, it will be a birthday that you will always remember! Happy birthday!

  13. That's a bummer about the AC. Our AC has been on the decline and I figure that we have an expensive bill coming up. However, it sounds like your birthday wasn't too bad regardless!

  14. This brings back memories of when our air conditioning went out on the 4th of July. 100 degrees and we had a houseful of company! Sounds like you made the best of your experience!

  15. 100 degrees? Oh Gosh! You really got some cool birthday gifts and I also loved that cake, so pretty!

    Everything Enchanting ❤️

  16. Happy Bday! Loved your humor amidst the heat, thanks for sharing!

  17. We live in Arizona so AC issues is no joke here either. Happy belated birthday... dropping almost four hundred on your special day for repairs sucks... Dawn the Bohemian

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  19. Nothing ruins a birthday faster than the A/C breaking down, especially in the middle of summer! I’ve had a similar experience, and it was a nightmare trying to keep everyone cool. One thing that’s helped me since then is using smart AC controllers. They give you control over the system even when you’re not home, so if something starts going wrong, you can catch it early or adjust settings remotely. It’s a small investment that can save you a lot of stress in the future, especially on special days when you really don’t want anything to go wrong!


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